Quick Qst. on the Illegal Immigration Issue

If you secure the border that helps control both.
it does, but if there's enough money in crossing the border you won't really be able to secure it. someone will always have the motivation to build the better mouse.
cutting off the monetary motivation would curb illegal immigration faster than building a wall.
You will never be able to totally stop either but right now neither party seems willing to even try.
i don't disagree. republicans are too in bed with businesses that hire illegal immigrants and democrats are too concerned with the well being of the immigrant

still, i have news for you... illegal immigration isn't a real problem.
What an idiotically stupidical opinion. If you think illegal immigrants are not a problem either you are an illegal itself or you don't live here in U.S.
One, most of the illegals are home.

Two, many of have citizen children.

Three, we are not going to round millions and ship them them off.

Time secure the border, tougher crimes for illegal hiring, immigration reform.
I see, so going to that the issue is skin color is it going over my head. What a bunch of race sluts you people are.

You ask what you say is a serious question, then you abet race whoring showing you're just a lair. Your questions are not genuine anything.

And you say my view is a "pity?" That I don't just see the issue is skin color? You're just a Democrat party bitch

No Kaz...What is a PITY is that you don't comprehend the English language as written, and YET you come on these forums and expect anyone to take your raves and rants seriously.....

Go back, re-read what was posted....ask someone for help.....and THEN bitch and moan.

Because drugs aren't as scary as more 'brown people' coming to America, speaking Spanish, and 'changing' the country.

Gotcha, now that I re-read it, there's no race baiting there at all, I see your point. And I called you race sluts, wow, I missed that one. Not. Damn, you are both a couple of stupid fucks
If you secure the border that helps control both.
it does, but if there's enough money in crossing the border you won't really be able to secure it. someone will always have the motivation to build the better mouse.
cutting off the monetary motivation would curb illegal immigration faster than building a wall.
You will never be able to totally stop either but right now neither party seems willing to even try.
i don't disagree. republicans are too in bed with businesses that hire illegal immigrants and democrats are too concerned with the well being of the immigrant

still, i have news for you... illegal immigration isn't a real problem.
What an idiotically stupidical opinion. If you think illegal immigrants are not a problem either you are an illegal itself or you don't live here in U.S.
they are an easily identified issue, but they aren't a real problem.
When the doggies are invading your country, whatcha gonna do?

Watcha gonna do??? Tell those greedy business owners that a hefty fine per hire would be much more than paying a decent wage to an American worker.....
"Illegals" aren't coming here because they like being harassed by conservatives.

I agree, fining employers would make it much easier to get the illegals out of the country.
If they wanted real change then they might broach the topic but there wouldn't be any opposition therefore no rhetoric (and they would have to actually draft legislation).

In fairness, legislation is exactly what Obama has been calling for ever since he issue his EO......As someone else stated, politicians are too beholden to the very same businesses that hire illegals....therefore, we get the rhetoric without substance.
"Calling for?"

There has been little to no attempt to actually deal with the problem. LOTS of 'suggestions' that do nothing but very little that will generate actual results.
I sincerely do not have an answer to the question nor do I have a "hidden agenda" for asking it.....But I'm curious:

Amid all the barrage of rhetoric regarding the halting of illegal immigration from the Mexican border, why hasn't any of the conservative candidates linked the curbing of these immigrants with ALSO the possible curbing of the tons of drugs that come across the same border?

Hmmm ... Well, its the US who is buying their drugs and it was the US that created the drug trade by wiping out Mexico's agriculture and manufacturing.

Its also the US who hires them and, in some cases, advertises for more illegal employees and even transports them here.

And its the Repubs who have consistently been in favor of amnesty and who have refused to address illegal immigration.

Meanwhile, President Obama has deported more than 2 million - more than any other president. And, he has increased Border Patrol on our 2000 mile southern border to more than 18,500 - in spite of obstruction from the Repubs.
Yes, evil US. That is certainly the source of Mexico's problems and loss of agriculture/industry :eusa_doh:

If it were not for the US the whole planet would be a burgeoning utopia.
If you secure the border that helps control both.
it does, but if there's enough money in crossing the border you won't really be able to secure it. someone will always have the motivation to build the better mouse.
cutting off the monetary motivation would curb illegal immigration faster than building a wall.
I disagree. However, why does that preclude our doing both?
it doesn't. but then i can spend a lot of time and effort building a positive pressure home and only going out in a protective bubble to avoid getting sick, or i could just wash my hands often.

we need to be conscious about the return on investment of our efforts.
A wall pays for itself inside of 1 year.....an investment well worth the cost.
If you secure the border that helps control both.
it does, but if there's enough money in crossing the border you won't really be able to secure it. someone will always have the motivation to build the better mouse.
cutting off the monetary motivation would curb illegal immigration faster than building a wall.
I disagree. However, why does that preclude our doing both?
it doesn't. but then i can spend a lot of time and effort building a positive pressure home and only going out in a protective bubble to avoid getting sick, or i could just wash my hands often.

we need to be conscious about the return on investment of our efforts.
A wall pays for itself inside of 1 year.....an investment well worth the cost.
A silly assertion without facts and evidence.
If the money drug cartel motives are cut off, illegal immigration should be easy to handle.

I disagree with you. But let's bring home all our troops and let them patrol the border. That would be a good use of our hard earned tax dollars.

As it is now ...

2000 mile southern border
divided by more than 18,500 Border Patrol Agents
One agent every tenth of a mile.

They could almost hold hands.

Where would you put more agents?

My point is that people still think that (a) more agents and/or a wall would keep them out, (b) that its possible to "seal" our southern border and (c) barring that, we should just "round them up and ship them home".

None of that is true. Not even close. Anyone who wants to know why I say that can read any of my gazillion posts in the Illegal Immigration forum.

Nice numbers game you played there because you know that not 18,500 are on the border at any given time, actually less than a third are. But you already knew that, didn't you?
I don't want to round up undesirables, I want illegal aliens to go home.

Call it what you will, but the concept of "rounding up" people as if they were stray doggies......well, its a rather repulsive one.

Why don't you think about it in real terms instead of your fantasies, like rounding up criminals who break our law every day they remain here? And while you at it, round up the people who are breaking our laws by aiding them.
If you secure the border that helps control both.
it does, but if there's enough money in crossing the border you won't really be able to secure it. someone will always have the motivation to build the better mouse.
cutting off the monetary motivation would curb illegal immigration faster than building a wall.
I disagree. However, why does that preclude our doing both?
it doesn't. but then i can spend a lot of time and effort building a positive pressure home and only going out in a protective bubble to avoid getting sick, or i could just wash my hands often.

we need to be conscious about the return on investment of our efforts.
A wall pays for itself inside of 1 year.....an investment well worth the cost.
No it will not.

Physical barriers are VERY poor at keeping those willing to break the law out of anywhere. You need to man it. Sensors would be FAR superior to a wall and would work without it (and the MASSIVE maintenance costs associated with a structure like that). Walls provide a basic barrier that is easy to circumvent whereas sensors and other such equipment operate as a multiplicative force to your labor pool.
Eliminate the incentives to come here and to stay here Illegally and you solve the problem with Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies.
This is the number one way to deal with immigration. It does not, unfortunately, deal with some of the other border problems but it does deal with immigration.
Eliminate the incentives to come here and to stay here Illegally and you solve the problem with Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies.
This is the number one way to deal with immigration. It does not, unfortunately, deal with some of the other border problems but it does deal with immigration.

One digestible piece at a time...
The wall? No. Sensors, roving air surveillance, and mobile patrols.

And the importation of alligators to the upper Colorado.

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