Questions for those "outraged" by Siran's release

The autopsy is a matter of record. Pictures and all...the coroner who performed the autopsy was widely considered to be the best in the business, Thomas Naguchi.

This is what you are basing your allegation on:

After listening to the recording, some acoustic experts say Van Praag misidentified some sound impulses as gun shots and that only seven or eight shots could be heard on the low-fidelity tape. Forensic acoustics engineer Philip Harrison said, “I can’t find any more than the seven shots that are there.” In 2013, comments by Harrison and others helped convince U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew J. Wistrich that the tape was no smoking gun. “Van Praag’s opinion is far from ‘conclusive’ evidence of a second gunman,” Wistrich wrote, “because other experts analyzing the Pruszynski recording have reached contrary conclusions.”
But Van Praag hadn’t stopped with simply counting the gunshot sounds. Then Van Praag revealed two additional findings: That two pairs of shots occurred so closely together that they couldn’t have been fired from the same gun, and then the finding that two guns were involved firing in opposite directions — one facing Pruszynski, presumably Sirhan, and one facing away from Pruszynski

Here's the thing...if 7 more shots were fired, in that small enclosed area, where did the bullets go? 8 rounds were recovered. I don't know if you actually have the discipline to read the whole article, but if you do--you come away with the clear idea that while the number of shots is in dispute, with most of the extra shots not passing the sniff test--the idea of a 2nd hidden shooter delivering the killing shot--is bolstered just a bit..not definitively though.
Why would there need to be a “second shooter”? SS got within point blank range of him and fired multiple shots.
Uh huh. Naguchi was a Japanese-American who was widely reported to have anti-Semite and anti-black prejudices--in fact, it contributed to his firing.

USMB definition

Anti Semite - noticing that all three LBJ sponsored assassinations - JFK, RFK, MLK - were the same Zionist frauds with Mossad marksmen doing the killing and Zionist traitors at hoover's FBI framing a stooge.... And Zionists in the media lying...
Why would there need to be a “second shooter”? SS got within point blank range of him and fired multiple shots.

You were there.

You saw it.

Except you did not, you are just a birdbrained parrot who knows fucking nothing except that all the Jews trump appointed did WHAT during The Steal....

Trump wanted to declassify JFK. There were "insiders" who refused.... Duh....
None of gthos eautopsies were performed by Jews and no one ever claimed JFks body was hit multiple times by one bullet.

No witness reported thirteen holes in RFK you sre a proven liar

Nice spelling, low end Mossad.

Jews did every autopsy listed. The Jew coroner of Minneapolis ruled first that Chauvin, another Jew, did not kill Floyd, and had ruled Chauvin was not "cause of death" in previous deaths, which is why Chauvin was so arrogantly smirking as he murdererd Floyd - he knew treasonous Jews in coroner and DA offices would never touch him, which is why he stayed on the force....

RFK jr knows that you are a treasonous lying sack of Mossad bullshit
Nice spelling, low end Mossad.

Jews did every autopsy listed. The Jew coroner of Minneapolis ruled first that Chauvin, another Jew, did not kill Floyd, and had ruled Chauvin was not "cause of death" in previous deaths, which is why Chauvin was so arrogantly smirking as he murdererd Floyd - he knew treasonous Jews in coroner and DA offices would never touch him, which is why he stayed on the force....

RFK jr knows that you are a treasonous lying sack of Mossad bullshit
So..Naguchi is Jewish? Too funny!
You're full of shit. Put the onus on the RED SCARE, which was promulgated by Domino Theory:

What is the domino theory and how did it impact US foreign policy?

What was the Domino Theory AND how did it affect American foreign policy? The domino theory, which governed much of U.S. foreign policy beginning in the early 1950s, held that a communist victory in one nation would quickly lead to a chain reaction of communist takeovers in neighboring states.
LBJ expanded the war. He was a Democrat. there was an anti war movement. Most of the protestors were Democrats. In the 1960's, after the JFK assassination, LBJ who is a Democrat massively expanded the War in Viet Nam. The protestors against the War were what will now call Progs. Humphrey becomes the standard bearer against Nixon. Nixon promotes peace with honor. Took five years more. Watergate interfered in a lot of things. The 1968 Senate and House kept it in Prog hands with great majorities but less then 1966. This war was your baby. They could have promoted legislation to end it. Americans are not like the people of England in wars overseas. They do not want to see their children killed like England, whose population saw it as a responsibility to try keep the world more civil. Like us that also comes with benefits.
Nice spelling, low end Mossad.

Jews did every autopsy listed. The Jew coroner of Minneapolis ruled first that Chauvin, another Jew, did not kill Floyd, and had ruled Chauvin was not "cause of death" in previous deaths, which is why Chauvin was so arrogantly smirking as he murdererd Floyd - he knew treasonous Jews in coroner and DA offices would never touch him, which is why he stayed on the force....

RFK jr knows that you are a treasonous lying sack of Mossad bullshit
No they did not liar
Nice spelling, low end Mossad.

Jews did every autopsy listed. The Jew coroner of Minneapolis ruled first that Chauvin, another Jew, did not kill Floyd, and had ruled Chauvin was not "cause of death" in previous deaths, which is why Chauvin was so arrogantly smirking as he murdererd Floyd - he knew treasonous Jews in coroner and DA offices would never touch him, which is why he stayed on the force....

RFK jr knows that you are a treasonous lying sack of Mossad bullshit
GO AWAY & Find a good psychiatrist, I'm sure you can find a nice Jewish one.
How many holes are in RFK's corpse?

How many rounds did "Siran's gun" hold?
I dont know the answer to those questions

if you do then tell us

along with a link to back up your claim
You were there.

You saw it.

Except you did not, you are just a birdbrained parrot who knows fucking nothing except that all the Jews trump appointed did WHAT during The Steal....

Trump wanted to declassify JFK. There were "insiders" who refused.... Duh....
I answered your questions, you can’t address them.

Are you still claiming his gun couldn’t hold eight bullets?

You also keep running to your Jewish/Zionist conspiracy theory, yet can’t explain why they would want to kill someone who supported Zionist Israel.

What exactly is your theory? Zionist Jews made a grand conspiracy to kill a Zionist supporting Democrat, and frame a nutball Pro-Palestinian idiot who had stated publicly he wanted to kill RFK? But they chose to do it in a venue where there were hundreds of people around?
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Do not forget MLK, the third one, offed to stir up racial tensions and take American minds off Vietnam.... and the USS Liberty....

"Three months ago, Dexter Scott King declared that he and his family believed that James Earl Ray was not guilty of the murder of his father, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Tonight, in a televised interview, Mr. King asserted that President Lyndon B. Johnson must have been part of a military and governmental conspiracy to kill Dr. King.
Sirhan Sirhan should have been executed within 2 years of the murder. Quick trial based on overwhelming evidence, a year of appeals that fail, then off to Terre Haute for 6 months before they fry him.
I answered your questions, you can’t address them.

Are you still claiming his gun couldn’t hold eight bullets?

You also keep running to your Jewish/Zionist conspiracy theory, yet can’t explain why they would want to kill someone who supported Zionist Israel.

What exactly is your theory? Zionist Jews made a grand conspiracy to kill a Zionist supporting Democrat, and frame a nutball Pro-Palestinian idiot who had stated publicly he wanted to kill RFK? But they chose to do it in a venue where there were hundreds of people around?
I answered your questions, you can’t address them.

Are you still claiming his gun couldn’t hold eight bullets?

You also keep running to your Jewish/Zionist conspiracy theory, yet can’t explain why they would want to kill someone who supported Zionist Israel.

What exactly is your theory? Zionist Jews made a grand conspiracy to kill a Zionist supporting Democrat, and frame a nutball Pro-Palestinian idiot who had stated publicly he wanted to kill RFK? But they chose to do it in a venue where there were hundreds of people around?

When you start with falsehoods, you never get anywhere.

JFK won in 1960 with major help from CBS and others. JFK won TV, Nixon won radio. After being sworn in, JFK was pressured to arm and help Israel (aka CBS+). JFK was briefed by the CIA that Israel was not being threatened, not being attacked, and that the overwhelming evidence was that Israel was the aggressor, not the victim. ..... .... Ever read Exodus? Maybe you should also read einstein's 1948 warning about Zionist fascism....

The motive to off RFK was the same motive for The Steal, to stop someone Zionism does not fully trust from having the ability to open "classified" files and start prosecutions which out way too much truth....

You are absolutely obsessed with parroting everything Zionism had to "report" on Siran. RFK jr went and observed all the real evidence. You know Precisely as much about Siran as you know about "Osama" and Baghdadi (Simon Elliot), meaning nothing except the lies from Zionism you cannot stop bawking. The terrorists. The terrorists. Putin's right, 95% of it is Mossad/CIA.

LBJ took over, started Vietnam, got the taxpayer to buy tons of weapons, shipped those off to Israel (ask any Vietnam army or marine vet, were they promised new weapons and did they get them....)

Israel now ready for 67 war....

Also in 1968, your heroes attacked and murdered the USS Liberty....

And LBJ covered up that too.....
This is the current level of idiocy surrounding Fox News and pro Israel Christians who could not pass 2nd grade math....

How many holes are in RFK's corpse?

How many rounds did "Siran's gun" hold?

Do you think the secret service allowed Siran to reload?

There is a pattern to the assassinations of the 1960s. Ace marksmen take out the target. A stooge is framed. LBJ and J Edgar Hoover try to sell bullshit to America...

What do the families say???

Who did Jackie-O blame? LBJ

Who does the MLK family blame, the klansman James earl Ray? NO. In 1998 still in NYT archives, they blamed LBJ and said Ray could not have done it.

And then there is Siran and his "faster than Clint Eastwood" ability to put 8 rounds in the target, reload as the secret service yawns, and put most of the second clip again right on target.

Siran was framed.

The assassins were never caught, because they were Zionist allies of LBJ and Hoover.

Nobody is safe in America when the Prez and the FBI Director are both Zionist traitors.

Nobody is safe today for the same reason.....
Damn you’re an idiot, son
Sirhan Sirhan should have been executed within 2 years of the murder. Quick trial based on overwhelming evidence, a year of appeals that fail, then off to Terre Haute for 6 months before they fry him.

Why not James earl Ray?

Are you pro KKK?


The three stooges

Incompetent moron Oswald
Sheet headed bigot Ray
Palestinian Siran

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