Question to democrats

Since the total piece of SHIT Nadler and Schiff-For-Brains claim to have absolute proof of Trump Collusion with Russian shouldn't they both be arrested and charged with withholding it from the FBI??

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth

i believe what TRUMP has admitted doing, firing Comey after he refused to not ignore Flynn's bullshit, is obstruction, without any further evidence. what else could it be?

See? This is what I mean.

You have to be stupid beyond belief to believe that Trump committed obstruction by firing Comey. I'm talking mouth-breathing, can't-chew-gum-and-walk stupidity.

The President of The United Sates can fire ANY Executive appointee at ANY time for ANY reason.

He can fire the AG, he can fire the SecTresury, he can fire the AgSec, the EdSec, the SecDef, the head of FEMA, the head of the VA.......


And only the stupidest motherfuckers on Earth think it's obstruction

You qualify
wrong again, little bitch!! you sure do swallow all the bullshit right wing liars bend you over and fill you up with...try to "think," if you say the president can fire anyone he wants...and that is true!! give you a cookie!! but the firing of someone to stop a legal investigation and obstruct justice is AGAINST THE LAW, STUPID FUCK. good god. yeah, he can fire comey because comey would not allow Trump to forbid him from following his sworn duty to uphold the law and follow the evidence of crimes committed by Flynn, or anybody else...but that firing is evidence of obstruction of justice if that is the reason for the firing...FOR JUST CAUSE, ASS. WHICH COULD INCLUDE JUST BECAUSE HE DOESN'T LIKE HIM...but trump admitted it was because Comey would not back off the Flynn traitor crimes, asshole. you are so fucking stupid, and yet so proud to prove it by your silly ass stupid posts.
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?
You mean could Sessions pick Rosenstein to appoint their guy Mueller & than have Trump pretend to trash Mueller all along knowing it was fixed?

If Obama's DOJ picked a prosecuter to go after Hillary with her e-mails & that prosecutor found no proof, like you Trumpettes wouldn't be having a fit?

Please we all know you would.

I trust Mueller. I don't trust Barr. Show me the real report or STFU

Why, did the special counsel give someone immunity like your guys did with the Hilly team?

You can say "any day now" all you want, but your side is in deep poop.

You a father or mother? If a bunch of people tried to do to YOUR family what your side did to Trump and his family, what would you do once the handcuffs were off because the special counsel wrapped up while basically, proving your innocence?

This is going to be bloodbath politically, and if you don't think so, you really are a snowflake!
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?
You mean could Sessions pick Rosenstein to appoint their guy Mueller & than have Trump pretend to trash Mueller all along knowing it was fixed?

If Obama's DOJ picked a prosecuter to go after Hillary with her e-mails & that prosecutor found no proof, like you Trumpettes wouldn't be having a fit?

Please we all know you would.

I trust Mueller. I don't trust Barr. Show me the real report or STFU

Why, did the special counsel give someone immunity like your guys did with the Hilly team?

You can say "any day now" all you want, but your side is in deep poop.

You a father or mother? If a bunch of people tried to do to YOUR family what your side did to Trump and his family, what would you do once the handcuffs were off because the special counsel wrapped up while basically, proving your innocence?

This is going to be bloodbath politically, and if you don't think so, you really are a snowflake!
Who tried to do what to whose family?????
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?
How about Republicans apologizing to Robert Mueller?

And does this mean that Republicans are going to believe the FBI now over Russia?

In fact, Republicans should apologize to all the Intel agencies.
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?
You mean could Sessions pick Rosenstein to appoint their guy Mueller & than have Trump pretend to trash Mueller all along knowing it was fixed?

If Obama's DOJ picked a prosecuter to go after Hillary with her e-mails & that prosecutor found no proof, like you Trumpettes wouldn't be having a fit?

Please we all know you would.

I trust Mueller. I don't trust Barr. Show me the real report or STFU

Why, did the special counsel give someone immunity like your guys did with the Hilly team?

You can say "any day now" all you want, but your side is in deep poop.

You a father or mother? If a bunch of people tried to do to YOUR family what your side did to Trump and his family, what would you do once the handcuffs were off because the special counsel wrapped up while basically, proving your innocence?

This is going to be bloodbath politically, and if you don't think so, you really are a snowflake!
Who tried to do what to whose family?????

If you do not know what they have been doing for 20 something months, claiming that his whole family was in on this, then you aren't aware of much, are you!

This is gonna be a political bloodbath, watch and see. You don't have to believe me today, but within a few weeks, you will know what I stated is true, and it is only going to get worse from there.

CONSIDER----------> If all the people on your side can't see through a hoax after 2 long years, then politically, they look incompetent. I know it, you know it, and all the Trump administration has to do is indict a few lowly people that helped perpetrate it to destroy the careers of the politicians who kept singing this tune.
I trust Mueller. I don't trust Barr. Show me the real report or STFU

Mueller would have intimated evidence of obstruction with his statement at release of the report just as he intimated no evidence of collusion.
How do you know what Mueller intimsated?

I read his statement at release of the report.

He left it up to the DOJ. You don't know what was in the report.
wrong again, little bitch!! you sure do swallow all the bullshit right wing liars bend you over and fill you up with...try to "think," if you say the president can fire anyone he wants...and that is true!! give you a cookie!! but the firing of someone to stop a legal investigation and obstruct justice is AGAINST THE LAW, STUPID FUCK. good god. yeah, he can fire comey because comey would not allow Trump to forbid him from following his sworn duty to uphold the law and follow the evidence of crimes committed by Flynn, or anybody else...but that firing is evidence of obstruction of justice if that is the reason for the firing...FOR JUST CAUSE, ASS. WHICH COULD INCLUDE JUST BECAUSE HE DOESN'T LIKE HIM...but trump admitted it was because Comey would not back off the Flynn traitor crimes, asshole. you are so fucking stupid, and yet so proud to prove it by your silly ass stupid posts.

What part of "ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON'' has you confused you stupid little bitch.

Go hump somebody else's leg
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?
You mean could Sessions pick Rosenstein to appoint their guy Mueller & than have Trump pretend to trash Mueller all along knowing it was fixed?

If Obama's DOJ picked a prosecuter to go after Hillary with her e-mails & that prosecutor found no proof, like you Trumpettes wouldn't be having a fit?

Please we all know you would.

I trust Mueller. I don't trust Barr. Show me the real report or STFU

Why, did the special counsel give someone immunity like your guys did with the Hilly team?

You can say "any day now" all you want, but your side is in deep poop.

You a father or mother? If a bunch of people tried to do to YOUR family what your side did to Trump and his family, what would you do once the handcuffs were off because the special counsel wrapped up while basically, proving your innocence?

This is going to be bloodbath politically, and if you don't think so, you really are a snowflake!
Who tried to do what to whose family?????

If you do not know what they have been doing for 20 something months, claiming that his whole family was in on this, then you aren't aware of much, are you!

This is gonna be a political bloodbath, watch and see. You don't have to believe me today, but within a few weeks, you will know what I stated is true, and it is only going to get worse from there.

CONSIDER----------> If all the people on your side can't see through a hoax after 2 long years, then politically, they look incompetent. I know it, you know it, and all the Trump administration has to do is indict a few lowly people that helped perpetrate it to destroy the careers of the politicians who kept singing this tune.

Bring it on. The only person that brought this on was Trump himself through his lies about his campaign's contacts with the Russians & his lies about his business interests there.
He left it up to the DOJ. You don't know what was in the report.

Mueller said there was no collusion and would have said there was obstruction as it was within his mandated perview from Rosenstein.

Rosenstein also worked on the preparation of the Barr letter and it is reported to have intimated there was no evidence of obstruction
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?
You mean could Sessions pick Rosenstein to appoint their guy Mueller & than have Trump pretend to trash Mueller all along knowing it was fixed?

If Obama's DOJ picked a prosecuter to go after Hillary with her e-mails & that prosecutor found no proof, like you Trumpettes wouldn't be having a fit?

Please we all know you would.

I trust Mueller. I don't trust Barr. Show me the real report or STFU

Why, did the special counsel give someone immunity like your guys did with the Hilly team?

You can say "any day now" all you want, but your side is in deep poop.

You a father or mother? If a bunch of people tried to do to YOUR family what your side did to Trump and his family, what would you do once the handcuffs were off because the special counsel wrapped up while basically, proving your innocence?

This is going to be bloodbath politically, and if you don't think so, you really are a snowflake!
Who tried to do what to whose family?????

If you do not know what they have been doing for 20 something months, claiming that his whole family was in on this, then you aren't aware of much, are you!

This is gonna be a political bloodbath, watch and see. You don't have to believe me today, but within a few weeks, you will know what I stated is true, and it is only going to get worse from there.

CONSIDER----------> If all the people on your side can't see through a hoax after 2 long years, then politically, they look incompetent. I know it, you know it, and all the Trump administration has to do is indict a few lowly people that helped perpetrate it to destroy the careers of the politicians who kept singing this tune.

Bring it on. The only person that brought this on was Trump himself through his lies about his campaign's contacts with the Russians & his lies about his business interests there.


Do you actually know why this started? HONESTLY!

Because the Obama Whitehouse used foreign nationals to spy on the Trump campaign, which is AGAINST the 5 eyes agreement. (5 eyes agreement says that our partners can NOT violate our American, constitutional rights)

Everybody thought Hillary was going to win. When she didn't, they had to stop Trump from outing all of this. How to do it? SPECIAL COUNSEL to tie his hands.

There is little doubt in my mind that when Robert Mueller took the job, he to believed Trump was guilty. Do YOU realize, that Mueller could have kept this investigation going for at least another year, and by historical timelines, he would have been well within the norm?

WHY DIDN'T HE! Why did Andrew Wiseman QUIT!

Watch and learn something Dave, and I mean that sincerely. YOU did NOT do this, none of your friends did it either. It was done TO YOU! They convinced you it was all true, didn't they! And now, it is sooooooo hard to admit, that YOUR leaders lied to you, to protect themselves. They had you with pitchforks in hand, wanting to storm the Whitehouse to get rid of the traitor.

To many conservatives are laughing at people like you, I am not. I feel sorry for you, because we all got screwed together, just in different ways, and for different reasons. The only difference is--------->us being screwed is ending, and yours is just starting. And remember, it is NOT us that pulled this off on you, it was your own leaders.
He left it up to the DOJ. You don't know what was in the report.

Mueller said there was no collusion and would have said there was obstruction as it was within his mandated perview from Rosenstein.

Rosenstein also worked on the preparation of the Barr letter and it is reported to have intimated there was no evidence of obstruction

Collusion is a Criminal question.

The 'obstruction' part was a political question. A President's power to fire those appointed by him or his predecessor is not open to question.

If Congress deems it necessary, they can start impeachment proceedings but NO criminal investigation can question the Chief Executive's power to fire anybody that works for him.

fucking period
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?

Who's been charged by Mueller in the Russia probe so far?

I dunno. He caught these ppl. What evidence are you thinking about?
You have posted this is every thread you can find. It proves nothing, other than what you want it to prove. You have been shown this over and over. Go ahead, bring up Papadopoulos and we will once again bring up the fact he was charged for lying only. He was only given a 14 day sentence. He was not charged with espionage, treason, collusion, etc. only with lying, and was given a 14 day sentence only.

"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory.

Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.'

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