Question for republicans


Sep 15, 2008
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Would you nominate Mitt Romney even though he is a mormon? If he should win the nomination, would you vote for him or stay home?
anybody but a moron democrat,, anybody,, ricky the ratcatcher will do!
What's the problem with mormons?

I come from Oregon, and we had a mormon senator for years. He probably would have run for president, except his son committed suicide, and he became less focused on his constituents, more inwardly focused, and subsequently lost his seat. He didn't try terribly hard to keep it, I think he was ready to spend some more time at home.

I've no problem with mormons. Nobody who has lived around them does.
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Would you nominate Mitt Romney even though he is a mormon? If he should win the nomination, would you vote for him or stay home?

mmmm.....having 3 wives might be interesting....

DUMB ASS, the Mormon Church does not approve of Polygamy and has banned it since 1890. ANYONE that practices it is Excommunicated from the Church.
No, he came from Mass.

I can't think of any politician from Mass that I would support for anything. If the people from Mass, would continue to re-elect Ted Kennedy and John Kerry year after year after year, we can't trust them to provide us with a decent President either. ;)

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But that wasn't the question. The question was would you support a Mormon politician?
But that wasn't the question. The question was would you support a Mormon politician?

No it wasn't.

Here is the question: "Would you nominate Mitt Romney even though he is a mormon? If he should win the nomination, would you vote for him or stay home?"

Would you nominate Mitt Romney even though he is a Mormon? Would you vote for him?

My answer is No. I would not because he is from Massachusetts. Whether or not I vote for him, has nothing to do with his faith.

But that wasn't the question. The question was would you support a Mormon politician?

No it wasn't.

Here is the question: "Would you nominate Mitt Romney even though he is a mormon? If he should win the nomination, would you vote for him or stay home?"

Would you nominate Mitt Romney even though he is a Mormon? Would you vote for him?

My answer is No. I would not because he is from Massachusetts. Whether or not I vote for him, has nothing to do with his faith.


so if romney turns out to be the republican nominee, will you stay home, vote for the ossiah, or vote third party?
If he is a true conservative republican I would vote for him. I am sick of the RNC running politicians like John Mc Cain and calling him a republicans. GIVE ME A CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN OR I WILL NOT VOTE AT ALL!!!
so if romney turns out to be the republican nominee, will you stay home, vote for the ossiah, or vote third party?

Well, since I voted third party in the last election and I think that both parties are destroying America, no matter who is nominated from either party, I will probably vote third party again. I would not stay home.

Religion is low on the totem pole of reasons for choosing a candidate for my vote...

Gonna be an interesting few years while we sweat out the mistake known as 0bama...
Would you nominate Mitt Romney even though he is a mormon? If he should win the nomination, would you vote for him or stay home?

i dont like romney regardless of his religion, cant pull the lever for him
Would you nominate Mitt Romney even though he is a mormon? If he should win the nomination, would you vote for him or stay home?

i dont like romney regardless of his religion, cant pull the lever for him

what if he is nominated? would you vote third party, stay home, or vote for the ossiah?
Would you nominate Mitt Romney even though he is a mormon? If he should win the nomination, would you vote for him or stay home?

i dont like romney regardless of his religion, cant pull the lever for him

what if he is nominated? would you vote third party, stay home, or vote for the ossiah?

i would put a gun to my head before i would vote for barry. i guess i would vote third party.
I couldn't possibly care less about religion. And I care only slightly more than that about their party affiliation. Just give me someone who is honest and can actually do the job. That would be refreshing.

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