Zone1 Question for Evangelicals

Evangelicals make me puke
Simple; do not ingest that which makes you puke. You act as if someone is force feeding you something against your will. That's the grand thing about the US CONSTITUTION and bill of are free not to believe in anything you wish. But do not invade the protected rights of others to believe what they will......and then declare that its your privacy being invaded. Your personal rights cease to exist at the threshold where my personal rights begin......Christians have rights of privacy that shall not be infringed or legislated against. Bill of Rights.
Everything in the Bible is true. It would be up to you to prove that the bible is not true via the use of objective facts such as Applied Science (actual science..not theory).....

- if that were so, provide the tablets claimed by the liar moses etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments ... that never existed. as proof of your - truth.
Simple; do not ingest that which makes you puke. You act as if someone is force feeding you something against your will. That's the grand thing about the US CONSTITUTION and bill of are free not to believe in anything you wish. But do not invade the protected rights of others believe what that will......and then declare that its your privacy being invaded.
I prefer to diss filthy Evangelicals
Which part of the fable about George Washington's honesty was true?
I'm not sure what Washington could possibly have to do with an omnipotent god that demands praise to prevent eternal damnation. Washington was important, but no where near that important.
Everything in the Bible is true. It would be up to you to prove that the bible is not true via the use of objective facts such as Applied Science (actual science..not theory).......or History Actual with testable, reproducible facts in evidence. Fact: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Its not "I"........nor anyone's duty to prove to you the faith within themselves........its up to you to prove why this faith is not in YOU. Its your bed.......sleep in it.

Go ahead........prosecute your case. Do not declare that the Bible needs to prove your do most secular types who have the mule attempting to push the plow, its the prosecutor that must prove the defendant guilty, not the inverse.

However....I will enlighten you as to why I believe the scriptures are the true revelations from the God of Creation. 1. Over the last thousands of years of human history........the Bible has influenced all the civilized nations on earth in one way or another. Laws, Customs, and entire cultures are constructed around the content of the Holy Bible. History has proven that historical nations on earth have fallen based upon the prophecies found in the Bible.

2. The Holy Bible.......since translated into 3500 different languages around the world (Gutenberg).....550 years ago..........the Bible is the best selling piece of literature in world history. If the God of Creation where to reveal His will to mankind through inspired writing.........would He not make the writings........the best in world history?

3. Over the years.......some people's faith in the Bible has been so great that they have faced death and or prison for upholding the content of the Bible as truth..........this practice is still going on in some communist nations around the world (China....etc.) People are being jailed or worse because they refuse to denounce Christianity. Its beginning here in the States.......faithful Christians are being threatened with prison because they refuse to denounce their faith while working in their own PRIVATE business. Which is more than hypocritical from the left. Club owners can refuse service to anyone they please under the pretense that a membership is required.....etc.

Christians are defenders of the FAITH. One simple passage can address just how a Christian can defend his/her faith.

The Apostles declared to the members of the infant Christian Church, ".........but we speak God's wisdom in a mystery (to those who don't believe, implied), a hidden wisdom, which God predetermined before the ages to our glory; THE WISDOM WHICH NONE OF THE RULERS OF THIS AGE HAVE UNDERSTOOD; for if they had understood, they would not have crucified the LORD OF GLORY; but, just as it is written (O.T. prophesies), "Things which eye has not seen, or ear has not heard, and which have entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him". For to us (the apostles) God has revealed them through the Holy Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of man except the spirit of man (the mind), which is in him? EVEN SO THE THOUGHTS OF GOD NO ONE KNOWS EXCEPT THE SPIRIT OF GOD (who inspired and revealed all the holy scriptures, that are to be used for Doctrine, Correction, Teaching making the man complete in comprehending the will/mind of God-- 2 Tim. 3:16-17), follows

Now we (the apostles) received, not the spirit of the world (secularism), but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words." -- 1 Cor 2:7-13

Well, no. Obligation to provide proof is your problem. I am the one and only person tasked with what I believe. As always, you are free to believe what ever you want, You, however shouldn't expect to foist your beliefs on others.
It certainly alludes to there being a supernatural "force" (at the very least). Supernatural means something that is beyond our understanding - something existing beyond the visible observable universe"
What I find extremely arrogant, if not outright stupid, is that the same people who know that humans can account for only 5% of the observable universe, also knowing that they do not know what or even where the rest of the of the universe is, :dunno: are so certain that the 'supernatural' is just an ignorant Stone Age delusional fantasy based on an irrational fear of the unknown... lol.
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Well, no. Obligation to provide proof is your problem. I am the one and only person tasked with what I believe. As always, you are free to believe what ever you want, You, however shouldn't expect to foist your beliefs on others. :abgg2q.jpg:

Nope........I did not see that are projecting that I must prove your negative. LMAO the defendant is guilty until they prove their innocence? That's mighty FASCIST of you comrade. What? You just believe the scriptures are false........but can't prove it? Look up the word FAITH.

I have nothing to prove or disprove...........YOU on the other hand are making a charge. It's simple........prosecute your accusations. Disprove prove one passage from the Holy Scriptures through the Scientific Method of APPLYING SCIENCE (ending in facts based upon, Observation, Reproducible, and Consistent outcome of experimentation) philosophy dressed up like science that is based upon ideas that can't be factually proven via the application of the scientific method.

No theories, as theories are called theories for a reason.......they can't produce the scientific facts to prove they are physical laws of theory of radio carbon dating, no big bang theories that can produce the evidence that explains how the universe created itself from such theories do not comply with the laws of physics. No ideas about "mutli-verses".........which simply kicks the can down the road, and never proves how any of these supposed multiverses created themselves.....CIRCULAR LOGIC, i.e, a logical fallacy.

Or............proof through History Actually, i.e, recorded history that proves the Holy Bible has presented falsehoods. Anything past recorded history has no method of calibration........such as Radio Carbon dating....which assumes the rate of decay has been consistent throughout antiquity, when Science proves that simple water leeching can alter the false dates projected. FYI: Science proves that every inch of the earth has been under water at some point in history, as sea fossils are found atop the greatest mountain ranges on earth.

Radio Carbon dating is valid only through RECORDED HISTORY as a source of calibrating facts other than through some ASSUMED mathematical algorithm. Science proves that the entire universe is in a constant state of change, that would include the rate of radio active decay has varied greatly over the years.......there is no consistent source of calibration.

Its all circular logic. They date the content of the strata based upon the things found fossilized in the rock/dirt..........then they date the age of the fossil based upon the projected age of the strata. As I always state, "If someone digs up my grave a couple thousand years in the future..........I hope they don't conclude that I am as old as the dirt that contains my body."
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- if that were so, provide the tablets claimed by the liar moses etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments ... that never existed. as proof of your - truth.
If the commands to not steal, not bear false witness, not murder, etc., were not etched into your heart of stone by the finger of God then all I can say to you is that do you have my condolences.
I prefer to diss filthy Evangelicals
lol. They are unclean creatures that don't ruminate, eating their flesh, "just believe" without thinking about it at all is not kosher. That flesh defiles and contaminates the mind. Obviously..

Not to mention,

"No one whose balls have been crushed may become a member of the assembly of the Lord."


So all I can say to you is, Well done!
lol. They are unclean creatures that don't ruminate, eating their flesh, "just believe" without thinking about it at all is not kosher. That flesh defiles and contaminates the mind. Obviously..

Not to mention,

"No one whose balls have been crushed may become a member of the assembly of the Lord."


So all I can say to you is, Well done!
Indeed. Filthy, unclean creatures with their noses always in someone else's crotch. Sniffing out sin, making a nuisance of themselves. Most are fuzzy thinkers
He didn't. Who is saying he did?
I am. Do you have a problem with that? Did you forget that he was a replacement for Judas?

What does that tell you? What were the disciples trying to warn the readers about? Think!

Paul was a guilt ridden self loathing masochistic homophobic misogynist, a rabid anti christian, approving the stoning of Stephen, who contradicted Jesus on many key issues related to salvation. His 'conversion' on the road to Damascus was a lame attempt to infiltrate the group.

Seeing Paul fumbling around as if he was physically blinded in front of the disciples must have made it extremely hard for them not to burst out laughing at his acting skills, especially when he claimed to be healed, like Eddie Murphy in trading places, "Its a miracle!", "Thank you Jesus!" lol since the disciples already knew well that Jesus healed a blindness of perception, not sight.

Pauls mission was to derail early christianity to curse the gentiles while making sure that the Jewish people would dismiss Jesus out of hand, the law is obsolete, Jesus claimed to be God, etc., and to bury the teachings of Jesus under a mountain of blasphemy for the ruling elite who literally celebrate the death of Jesus because it saved them from Judgment, if only for a time..

His writings became the basis for Catholicism, a form of Mithraism, more important than what Jesus said (which many have failed to understand) after the church of Jerusalem was destroyed.
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Paul was a guilt ridden self loathing masochistic misogynist, a rabid anti christian, who contradicted Jesus on many key issues related to salvation. His so called conversion on the road to Damascus was a pathetic attempt to infiltrate the movement.

Seeing Paul fumbling around as if he was physically blinded in front of the disciples must have been extremely hard for them not to burst out laughing at his acting skills, especially when he claimed to be healed, since the disciples already knew that Jesus healed a blindness of perception, not sight.

Pauls mission was to infiltrate early christianity to curse the gentiles while making sure that the Jewish people would dismiss Jesus out of hand, the law is obsolete, Jesus claimed to be God, etc., and bury the teachings of Jesus under a mountain of blasphemy for the romans.
Actually, he never contradicted Jesus. I've seen the so-called contradictions and they're not. And you spewing a lot of conjecture with no facts.
Actually, he never contradicted Jesus. I've seen the so-called contradictions and they're not. And you spewing a lot of conjecture with no facts.

Paul claimed that Jesus made the law obsolete, a lie which contradicts what Jesus taught, and if believed and perpetuated, effectively disqualifies Jesus as the messiah to the Jewish people.

Paul claimed that Jesus said he was God which, if believed and perpetuated, effectively makes him certifiably insane to the even the least intelligent person of every nation or whatever religion.

Paul set out to discredit Jesus and you "believers" perpetuate this evil. Just stop this shit already

conjecture with no facts? Pft
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If the commands to not steal, not bear false witness, not murder, etc., were not etched into your heart of stone by the finger of God then all I can say to you is that do you have my condolences.

there in lies your deception, commands ... you left out lying, is there a reason for that - moses was a murderer as well - are you also ...

provide the heavenly tablets or remove the false 10 commandments from all 3 desert religions or ... most difficult for - hobelim - remove their heavenly personifications - as that is the lie of moses, the deceiver.

there are no commands from the heavens that is why there is religion everything is fluid. hobo's love for the murderer moses is their own example.

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