Question about Noah.

[QUOTE="PostmodernProph, post: 10013198, member: 47091"[/QUOTE]

you realize, of course, that since I'm not a young earther, you haven't actually raised a defense to anything I have posted since approximately the first week in June........
You should realize that your arguments are in lock step (goose step), with the YEC'ist crowd.
you know.....actually, its your arguments that hinge on a belief in a young earth, not mine......[/QUOTE]
Actually, no. I've provided the data that refutes your YEC'ist claims to the Ark tale and those implications relative to the age of the planet and the biological evolution.

Make a case for us about dinosaurs on the Ark. Or, just enter another thread and vent like a petulant child because those heathen non-believers won't accept your nonsensical claims.
PMP, you can't have it both ways on evolution, the bible doesn't agree with you anyways, neither do most Christian scholars. Anyways, if the flood happened like, 6000 years ago (?) or so, that's not enough time for evolution to make pigmies, Chinks, Eskimos... Even YOU know that.
fuck 6000 years.....that's Hollie's fantasy, not mine.....I don't have it "both ways" on evolution....I have it the only way it're the one who wants to pretend there's a second avenue to evolution that tells us humans and stinging nettle have a common ancestor.......
So how many years ago? Like 5000? Less? Because that's not enough time for, what was it, 8 people to evolve into all the different kinds of humans that there are today. And for all the animals that they had on the Ark to evolve into the millions of species there are today. Do you agree?
you asked me that question before and I answered it.....apparently you didn't bother to read my answer then......go back and do so now....if you have difficulty finding it, look for comments about Mitochondrial Eve......

and no, I do not believe it would take millions of years for the species we have today to evolve.......millions of years are only necessary if you believe evolution is the result of random shit happening randomly.......intelligent design does not need millions of years.......
As if I'm going to go searching through this shit pile, lol. Either answer the question or admit that you have no clue.

So you think that 5000 years is enough time to evolve 8 people into everyone? Because 5000 years ago puts us in the pyramid era and there were already millions of people by then. (Creation has been calculated to about 4004BC).
I am a YEC, young earth creationist, and there is nothing anyone can say to convince me to be otherwise. In other words, a friendly challenge for anyone who is up for it.

I think its unlikely that anyone with even the least intelligence would want to get into a debate with someone who begins the challenge by saying, " I'm a moron and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise."
And how old do suggest the earth is?
Actually there is a big case against evolution. DNA. It isn't the fact that it exists. It isn't even the fact that it passes along information needed for a cell to function properly.

Google a video of the making of a cell, and what it entails. It isn't just the complexity of the strands of the amino acids. It is the specified complexity. Those, complex in their own right, strands have to line up specifically, in a coded order on that single cell's DNA before that cell can function correctly. They are pre-wired to know where they belong on the DNA strand, and how to attach properly.

How do you impart information to your computer? You enter a code. Not a random set of 0's and 1's. It has to be specific to work properly.
Bill Gates likened DNA to a computer, with a code more complex than anything we've ever been able to come up with.

So look at what it takes to make the single cell come to life and tell me who entered the code that created those strands of amino acids and the code they followed to make that cell function.
Ironic, DNA is the argument both for and against God. Sounds like God to me.
Sounds like you failed chemistry.

Sounds like you've never heard of it. According to you, mud came up with the specific codes then implemented them in a 3-D sequence to create life. Why has mud stopped doing that? :disbelief:

Here Ho,
Probability and Order Versus Evolution
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Actually there is a big case against evolution. DNA. It isn't the fact that it exists. It isn't even the fact that it passes along information needed for a cell to function properly.

Google a video of the making of a cell, and what it entails. It isn't just the complexity of the strands of the amino acids. It is the specified complexity. Those, complex in their own right, strands have to line up specifically, in a coded order on that single cell's DNA before that cell can function correctly. They are pre-wired to know where they belong on the DNA strand, and how to attach properly.

How do you impart information to your computer? You enter a code. Not a random set of 0's and 1's. It has to be specific to work properly.
Bill Gates likened DNA to a computer, with a code more complex than anything we've ever been able to come up with.

So look at what it takes to make the single cell come to life and tell me who entered the code that created those strands of amino acids and the code they followed to make that cell function.
Ironic, DNA is the argument both for and against God. Sounds like God to me.
Sounds like you failed chemistry.

Sounds like you've never heard of it. According to you, mud came up with the specific codes then implemented them in sequence to create life. Why has mud stopped doing that? :disbelief:
I've never made that characterization. It's actually pointless and ignorant. Not surprisingly, it's a pointless and ignorant characterization made by another of the YEC'ists.

You extremists are wrong, consistently.

there is no scientific case against evolution. there are only radical religious right arguments that have zero to do with science

Evolution is a religion itself. There is no valid scientific proof of it. Show us just one half-bird-half-man even within your billions of years old fossil record. You can't because there never was such a creature. Why is the Sahara Desert only dated to some 4,000 years? The Mississippi Delta is growing every year. Why isn't it much larger than it is? The magnetic field is weakening. Were the earth billions of years old, the magnetic field would have killed everything on earth years ago. Why are there petrified trees standing upright without roots and standing in different sediment layers dated thousands of years apart? The same tree!! The mountains are eroding away every year. If the earth is billions of years old, why are the mountains still so high?

natural selection a/k/a evolution is not religion. it is science. but thank yo for illustrating the problem with people who get confused between religion and science.

the rest of your dissertation is meaningless because it is made up in your head.

A religion is something believed in.

Science is :
The word science comes from the Latin "scientia," meaning knowledge.
How do we define science? According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is "knowledge attained through study or practice," or "knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world."
What does that really mean? Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena.
The term science also refers to the organized body of knowledge people have gained using that system. Less formally, the word science often describes any systematic field of study or the knowledge gained from it.

Evolution is in reality only an unproven THEORY. That is why it is called the THEORY OF EVOLUTION. There has been no OBSERVATION of evolution.

Again, where is your half-bird - half man or fish or rock within that fossil record you so proudly point to?

there is no scientific case against evolution. there are only radical religious right arguments that have zero to do with science

Evolution is a religion itself. There is no valid scientific proof of it. Show us just one half-bird-half-man even within your billions of years old fossil record. You can't because there never was such a creature. Why is the Sahara Desert only dated to some 4,000 years? The Mississippi Delta is growing every year. Why isn't it much larger than it is? The magnetic field is weakening. Were the earth billions of years old, the magnetic field would have killed everything on earth years ago. Why are there petrified trees standing upright without roots and standing in different sediment layers dated thousands of years apart? The same tree!! The mountains are eroding away every year. If the earth is billions of years old, why are the mountains still so high?
It's difficult to believe people like you really exist.

Existed for a lot longer than you have, Dear.

and? ignorance has always existed. if it weren't for science, people like you would still be saying the earth is the center of the universe and killing people for proving otherwise.

you can believe whatever you want. so long as you keep it out of schools.


Evolution is only a theory. It is not proven science as you claim. It should be taken out of schools. Only proven science should be taught in schools.
Or mention it in passing as a disproved theory:

Mathematicians have said that any event with odds of 10 to the 50th power or greater is impossible even within the entire time frame of the supposed billions of years popularly assigned for the age of the universe.

The odds of an average protein molecule coming into existence by chance are 10 to the 65th power. That's just one protein molecule! Even the simplest cell is composed of millions of them. The odds of entire cell coming into existence by chance is 10 to the 40, 000th power! (calculated by famous British scientist Frederick Hoyle). How large is this number? Consider that the total number of atoms in the entire universe is 10 to the 82 power.

And then teach them that mud doesn't have the ability to create and program amino acids to be right handed and left handed.

And then teach them the truth. They are here by design, and created by the only one intelligent enough to design an amino acid.
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there is no scientific case against evolution. there are only radical religious right arguments that have zero to do with science

Evolution is a religion itself. There is no valid scientific proof of it. Show us just one half-bird-half-man even within your billions of years old fossil record. You can't because there never was such a creature. Why is the Sahara Desert only dated to some 4,000 years? The Mississippi Delta is growing every year. Why isn't it much larger than it is? The magnetic field is weakening. Were the earth billions of years old, the magnetic field would have killed everything on earth years ago. Why are there petrified trees standing upright without roots and standing in different sediment layers dated thousands of years apart? The same tree!! The mountains are eroding away every year. If the earth is billions of years old, why are the mountains still so high?
It's difficult to believe people like you really exist.

Existed for a lot longer than you have, Dear.

and? ignorance has always existed. if it weren't for science, people like you would still be saying the earth is the center of the universe and killing people for proving otherwise.

you can believe whatever you want. so long as you keep it out of schools.


Evolution is only a theory. It is not proven science as you claim. It should be taken out of schools. Only proven science should be taught in schools.
You're wrong. Your profound ignorance is your own worst nightmare.
Evolution is a religion itself. There is no valid scientific proof of it. Show us just one half-bird-half-man even within your billions of years old fossil record. You can't because there never was such a creature. Why is the Sahara Desert only dated to some 4,000 years? The Mississippi Delta is growing every year. Why isn't it much larger than it is? The magnetic field is weakening. Were the earth billions of years old, the magnetic field would have killed everything on earth years ago. Why are there petrified trees standing upright without roots and standing in different sediment layers dated thousands of years apart? The same tree!! The mountains are eroding away every year. If the earth is billions of years old, why are the mountains still so high?
It's difficult to believe people like you really exist.

Existed for a lot longer than you have, Dear.

and? ignorance has always existed. if it weren't for science, people like you would still be saying the earth is the center of the universe and killing people for proving otherwise.

you can believe whatever you want. so long as you keep it out of schools.


Evolution is only a theory. It is not proven science as you claim. It should be taken out of schools. Only proven science should be taught in schools.
You're wrong. Your profound ignorance is your own worst nightmare.

Get someone with an education to look it up on the internet for you.
Or mention it in passing as a disproved theory:

Mathematicians have said that any event with odds of 10 to the 50th power or greater is impossible even within the entire time frame of the supposed billions of years popularly assigned for the age of the universe.

The odds of an average protein molecule coming into existence by chance are 10 to the 65th power. That's just one protein molecule! Even the simplest cell is composed of millions of them. The odds of entire cell coming into existence by chance is 10 to the 40, 000th power! (calculated by famous British scientist Frederick Hoyle). How large is this number? Consider that the total number of atoms in the entire universe is 10 to the 82 power.

And then teach them that mud doesn't have the ability to create and program amino acids to be right handed and left handed.
Well, sorry. But your cut and paste slogans are only taken seriously among you fundie zealots.

Did you realize the first sentence in your cut and paste slogan brings up two pages of links to fundie Christian websites?
It's difficult to believe people like you really exist.

Existed for a lot longer than you have, Dear.

and? ignorance has always existed. if it weren't for science, people like you would still be saying the earth is the center of the universe and killing people for proving otherwise.

you can believe whatever you want. so long as you keep it out of schools.


Evolution is only a theory. It is not proven science as you claim. It should be taken out of schools. Only proven science should be taught in schools.
You're wrong. Your profound ignorance is your own worst nightmare.

Get someone with an education to look it up on the internet for you.
You should look it up. You're the one in need of education outside of your madrassah.
Existed for a lot longer than you have, Dear.

and? ignorance has always existed. if it weren't for science, people like you would still be saying the earth is the center of the universe and killing people for proving otherwise.

you can believe whatever you want. so long as you keep it out of schools.


Evolution is only a theory. It is not proven science as you claim. It should be taken out of schools. Only proven science should be taught in schools.
You're wrong. Your profound ignorance is your own worst nightmare.

Get someone with an education to look it up on the internet for you.
You should look it up. You're the one in need of education outside of your madrassah.

I have. I found out that it is only a theory.
and? ignorance has always existed. if it weren't for science, people like you would still be saying the earth is the center of the universe and killing people for proving otherwise.

you can believe whatever you want. so long as you keep it out of schools.


Evolution is only a theory. It is not proven science as you claim. It should be taken out of schools. Only proven science should be taught in schools.
You're wrong. Your profound ignorance is your own worst nightmare.

Get someone with an education to look it up on the internet for you.
You should look it up. You're the one in need of education outside of your madrassah.

I have. I found out that it is only a theory.
Your ignorance is not my problem.

there is no scientific case against evolution. there are only radical religious right arguments that have zero to do with science

Evolution is a religion itself. There is no valid scientific proof of it. Show us just one half-bird-half-man even within your billions of years old fossil record. You can't because there never was such a creature. Why is the Sahara Desert only dated to some 4,000 years? The Mississippi Delta is growing every year. Why isn't it much larger than it is? The magnetic field is weakening. Were the earth billions of years old, the magnetic field would have killed everything on earth years ago. Why are there petrified trees standing upright without roots and standing in different sediment layers dated thousands of years apart? The same tree!! The mountains are eroding away every year. If the earth is billions of years old, why are the mountains still so high?

natural selection a/k/a evolution is not religion. it is science. but thank yo for illustrating the problem with people who get confused between religion and science.

the rest of your dissertation is meaningless because it is made up in your head.

A religion is something believed in.

Science is :
The word science comes from the Latin "scientia," meaning knowledge.
How do we define science? According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is "knowledge attained through study or practice," or "knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world."
What does that really mean? Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena.
The term science also refers to the organized body of knowledge people have gained using that system. Less formally, the word science often describes any systematic field of study or the knowledge gained from it.

Evolution is in reality only an unproven THEORY. That is why it is called the THEORY OF EVOLUTION. There has been no OBSERVATION of evolution.

Again, where is your half-bird - half man or fish or rock within that fossil record you so proudly point to?
I'm afraid that getting your science from fundamentalist Christian ministries will always leave you ignorant and a target of ridicule.
PMP, you can't have it both ways on evolution, the bible doesn't agree with you anyways, neither do most Christian scholars. Anyways, if the flood happened like, 6000 years ago (?) or so, that's not enough time for evolution to make pigmies, Chinks, Eskimos... Even YOU know that.
fuck 6000 years.....that's Hollie's fantasy, not mine.....I don't have it "both ways" on evolution....I have it the only way it're the one who wants to pretend there's a second avenue to evolution that tells us humans and stinging nettle have a common ancestor.......
So how many years ago? Like 5000? Less? Because that's not enough time for, what was it, 8 people to evolve into all the different kinds of humans that there are today. And for all the animals that they had on the Ark to evolve into the millions of species there are today. Do you agree?
you asked me that question before and I answered it.....apparently you didn't bother to read my answer then......go back and do so now....if you have difficulty finding it, look for comments about Mitochondrial Eve......

and no, I do not believe it would take millions of years for the species we have today to evolve.......millions of years are only necessary if you believe evolution is the result of random shit happening randomly.......intelligent design does not need millions of years.......
As if I'm going to go searching through this shit pile, lol. Either answer the question or admit that you have no clue.

So you think that 5000 years is enough time to evolve 8 people into everyone? Because 5000 years ago puts us in the pyramid era and there were already millions of people by then. (Creation has been calculated to about 4004BC).

Statisticians think that is exactly enough time... It fact, we are spot on as far as population is concerned, if the flood happened. Look at how many people should be here if the flood didn't happen:
Human Population Evidence for a Young Earth

Where are all of your people?
Evolution is only a theory. It is not proven science as you claim. It should be taken out of schools. Only proven science should be taught in schools.
You're wrong. Your profound ignorance is your own worst nightmare.

Get someone with an education to look it up on the internet for you.
You should look it up. You're the one in need of education outside of your madrassah.

I have. I found out that it is only a theory.
Your ignorance is not my problem.

Stop making yours, mine. Study before you type, and saves us all a lot of time. Start with the story of Noah and the ark in the Qur'an... ;)

there is no scientific case against evolution. there are only radical religious right arguments that have zero to do with science

Evolution is a religion itself. There is no valid scientific proof of it. Show us just one half-bird-half-man even within your billions of years old fossil record. You can't because there never was such a creature. Why is the Sahara Desert only dated to some 4,000 years? The Mississippi Delta is growing every year. Why isn't it much larger than it is? The magnetic field is weakening. Were the earth billions of years old, the magnetic field would have killed everything on earth years ago. Why are there petrified trees standing upright without roots and standing in different sediment layers dated thousands of years apart? The same tree!! The mountains are eroding away every year. If the earth is billions of years old, why are the mountains still so high?

natural selection a/k/a evolution is not religion. it is science. but thank yo for illustrating the problem with people who get confused between religion and science.

the rest of your dissertation is meaningless because it is made up in your head.

A religion is something believed in.

Science is :
The word science comes from the Latin "scientia," meaning knowledge.
How do we define science? According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is "knowledge attained through study or practice," or "knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world."
What does that really mean? Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena.
The term science also refers to the organized body of knowledge people have gained using that system. Less formally, the word science often describes any systematic field of study or the knowledge gained from it.

Evolution is in reality only an unproven THEORY. That is why it is called the THEORY OF EVOLUTION. There has been no OBSERVATION of evolution.

Again, where is your half-bird - half man or fish or rock within that fossil record you so proudly point to?
I'm afraid that getting your science from fundamentalist Christian ministries will always leave you ignorant and a target of ridicule.

At least I have something to declare. All you have are insults and denial. You put up no facts nor do you dispute anything anyone else puts up. You simply dismiss wholesale without debate.

Is Evolution Science - Creation Studies Institute

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