Query For Some Expert on 'Democrat' Protocol


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Having difficulty following the paths trod by Democrats, this story seems a puzzlement:

"Male Democrat accused of using Colorado Senate's women's restroom 'multiple times'
State police in Colorado have reportedly posted signage and changed the access code to a previously unmarked women’s restroom inside the state Capitol building in Denver, based on complaints that a male Democratic state senator had frequently been using the room, according to media reports.

....she personally encountered Kagan in the restroom and asked “What are you doing in here?,” and claims other women who work in the Capitol have had “similar experiences.”

....sexual harassment issues."
Male Democrat accused of using Colorado Senate's women's restroom 'multiple times'

I mean.....why would this be a problem for the party that assures us that folks can shape-shift their gender....meaning sex......faster than her fairy godmother can turn Cinderella's pumpkin into a stage coach?

Can't he just hold up a card saying "Today I Am A Woman!!!"

You know, the Jenner thing...."I've looked at clouds from both sides now."

What th' dilio????

When did using a terlit designated for females by a male considered sexual harassment? Was he trying to get the terlit to like "do it"?
Conservative snowflakes are constantly bringing up bathrooms? That tells you something. My wife has used the men's room with me and I've often taken granddaughters in the men's room. Conservatives must think weird thoughts when they are in a bathroom stall, it may be a mental deficiency in line with the usual conspiratorial nonsense they believe. Don't worry PC the world won't end if you should one day need to use the men's room, we'll understand. Happy pooping to you.

"All conservatives are such from personal defects. They have been effeminated by position or nature, born halt and blind, through luxury of their parents, and can only, like invalids, act on the defensive." Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Conduct of Life
Maybe he just wants to take a shit on a toilet that doesn't have piss all over the seat?

Is that not good enough? Maybe he needs to wear a dress?


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