Q: Can a new Republican Congress reverse the inflation-increasing act?

There is no evidence that deficit spending causes inflation.


Inflation has been tame until the pandemic.
That's when Congress started spending Money like there's no tomorrow.

That' swWe do need to un undertake wealth distribution.
ROFL! Not. We need that like we need a hole in the head.

The top 1% own 32% of the nation's wealth while the bottom 50% own only 2%. The Fed's measurements show something similar. In that respect, this country is headed towards a banana republic economic status.
Democrats in Congress are the only reason we are headed towards a banana republic economic status.

For example, some companies are laying off workers. These companies are nowhere near going broke. It is all about pleasing rich, stockholders. Oil company executives have admitted that shareholders are the reason they are not drilling. A recent merger in the chicken industry means that the share of the market the top 4 companies will hold will increase from 50% to 60%. This is expected to increase prices. It will not harm investment because the rich and powerful have so much of the nation's wealth.
I don't know where to begin with debunking all your leftwing idiocies.

I think the House is still up for grabs. Republicans have issues in several states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona with crazy right wing candidates. You are aware of the fact that the filibuster is not in the Constitution. It was never meant to establish a 60 vote majority on every issue.

Businesses are causing inflation due to the fact they are raising prices because they want to not because they have to. CEOs have admitted this, That is why companies are making more money than they have in decades. Financial statements do not lie.

In this country, we help people who need help. We do not let them starve or force them to live on the streets. Maybe you want to but I do not. The rich and powerful need to be reigned in.

Businessesd don't cause inflation. Government does.
there's a part of the equation all of you forgot to mention: YOU THE PEOPLE have the power and freedom to do whatever you want in government, including electing folks who will abolish this crappy bill
there's a part of the equation all of you forgot to mention: YOU THE PEOPLE have the power and freedom to do whatever you want in government, including electing folks who will abolish this crappy bill.

The problem is that we have an ignorant and gullible electorate, and that, combined with massive ballot harvesting and a complicit media, gave us Biden and the Democrats.
Not sure how this works….

Clearly, new spending amidst a high inflation environment is not going to help, and increasing taxes is bad timing as well. Can a newly elected Republican majority reverse this come January 2023?
Yes, they could.
Not sure how this works….

Clearly, new spending amidst a high inflation environment is not going to help, and increasing taxes is bad timing as well. Can a newly elected Republican majority reverse this come January 2023?
If the Pubs win big enough they might... but I don't think they'll pick up a Veto-Proof Majority in either the House NOR the Senate... could be wrong... we'll know soon enough.

If, by some chance, they DO pick up Veto-Proof Majorities in BOTH chambers, you can kiss-goodbye a lot of social welfare and reengineering programs...

And a big shift of dollars to Defense and Strategic On-Shore Manufacturing...

Given the looming Chinese threat, that might not be such a bad idea, so long as their Orange Baboon-God isn't running the show...
Insider trading for everyone like Pelosi gets.
Democrats are so laser-focused on billionaires not being able to keep even a little more of their own money that they are willing to have the middle class struggle through record inflation and lose a third of their life savings in a year.

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