PUTIN FLIPS THE BIRD TO obama and rest of the world!


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2013
PUTIN FLIPS THE BIRD TO obama and rest of the world! Who dares face him down,just as hitler took poland while the world watched!!! Here we go again! peace in our time.
To be accurate, the Polish people didn't consider themselves to be German, the majority Ukranians consider themselves to be Russian.
To be accurate, the Polish people didn't consider themselves to be German, the majority Ukranians consider themselves to be Russian.

so the Ukranians have no country??? just a russian state???? that must be news to 45 million people there!
Russia has given Ukrainian forces in Crimea a deadline of 3am on Tuesday to surrender or face military action after troops seized key strategic sites in the peninsula.

The ultimatum came from Alexander Vitko, commander of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, which has a base in Crimea where Russian forces are now in control.

According to Russia's Interfax agency, it reads: "If they do not surrender before 5am (3am UK time) tomorrow, a real assault will be started against units and divisions of the armed forces across Crimea."
What does obama say????
Putin hears obama say USA military will be cut back,obama backs down in syria and cuts and runs in Iraq and Syria and Putin laughs.
PUTIN FLIPS THE BIRD TO obama and rest of the world! Who dares face him down,just as hitler took poland while the world watched!!! Here we go again! peace in our time.

Wait! How can that be? Weren't you the one that declares the U.S. to be the super power of the world? Wasn't it "mission accomplished" when Shrub invaded Iraq?
YES! All the freedom Bush won for iraq and afgan people obama has given back and wasted our troops lives and our $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
To be accurate, the Polish people didn't consider themselves to be German, the majority Ukranians consider themselves to be Russian.

so the Ukranians have no country??? just a russian state???? that must be news to 45 million people there!

More like a Russian territory. When Chernobyl exploded did the Russian president not leave the US immediately and return to Russia to deal with the crisis? Isn't Chernobyl in Ukraine? Did the US run over there? Did the EU? No. It was a Russian problem because Ukraine is populated by people who consider themselves Russian, they speak Russian, they belong to the Russian Orthodox Church and that is their country. Is Puerto Rico an independent country?
To be accurate, the Polish people didn't consider themselves to be German, the majority Ukranians consider themselves to be Russian.

Only the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine. The rest do not. The point is that the new government did not take any action that would threaten Russian speaking Ukrainians, nor was any aggression shown toward Russia's military personnel at their base. This was strictly a power grab made by Putin which the US and the rest of the world needs to take seriously. We should start by convincing Poland to allow us to place military bases within their borders. It's time to start laying some of our aces on the table.
The Ukraine is mobilizing for war, after Putin declared he had the right to invade, creating the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the West since the cold war.

Barack Obama is a dazed and confused,clueless.
This is a civil war, it is between those Ukranians that consider themselves Russian and those Ukranians that want closer ties to the EU. Does the US figure in there someplace? Has a single Ukranian mentioned the US?
obama say usa now will punish russia by not sending goverment deligation to the paraolympics in russia!!!! Putin screams ,"OH NO!!! OH NO!!!
AGREED TO GIVE UP ITS NUKES, NATO was to help protect them=WHAT A JOKE!!!
To be accurate, the Polish people didn't consider themselves to be German, the majority Ukranians consider themselves to be Russian.

Only the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine. The rest do not. The point is that the new government did not take any action that would threaten Russian speaking Ukrainians, nor was any aggression shown toward Russia's military personnel at their base. This was strictly a power grab made by Putin which the US and the rest of the world needs to take seriously. We should start by convincing Poland to allow us to place military bases within their borders. It's time to start laying some of our aces on the table.

This was a naked power grab over a trade agreement. The duly elected president of Ukraine signed a trade agreement with Russia rather than the EU and secured loans of 15 million dollars. The EU sent their paid agiprops in to depose the duly elected president and put a neo Nazi IMF banker in office instead. He could be trusted to make the right trade agreements to satisfy his fellow EU bankers.
The Ukraine is mobilizing for war, after Putin declared he had the right to invade, creating the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the West since the cold war.

Barack Obama is a dazed and confused,clueless.

Has Russia fired a shot? Were they not invited into Crimea?

shots fired in IRAQ,AFGAN AND SYRIA will the world wait for bombs and bullets in the Ukraine?
Seeing some clips of Russian soldiers doing NBA/WWF poses as they go about their work...nice they have a sense of humor.
Will the world watch Putin CRUSH THE Ukraine people? or will Putin be happy to just take the best parts of the nation on the black sea= the deep water ports.

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