Put a fork in him....

What do you base your opinion that he's a terrible person on?

Well, how about this. Anything he did in relation to AmPad.

Put hundreds of working guys with families out of jobs to make himself richer, then left unsuspecting investors with stock that was worth .35 a share when the company declared bankruptcy. Meanwhile, the company itself went from holding 11 million in debt to 100 miilion in debt.

And here's the part that makes him a truly evil prick.

There was no need for him to do this. He was already rich. He had enough money to tithe to his cult and still leave plenty to his kids.

Not to worry, Ravi, when he's the nominee, you'll be posting this stuff daily.
I'll have to research it. I find it pretty disturbing that you blame what he did or did not do on Mormonism. I don't plan on voting for him, but his religion has nothing to do with it.
What do you base your opinion that he's a terrible person on?

Well, how about this. Anything he did in relation to AmPad.

Put hundreds of working guys with families out of jobs to make himself richer, then left unsuspecting investors with stock that was worth .35 a share when the company declared bankruptcy. Meanwhile, the company itself went from holding 11 million in debt to 100 miilion in debt.

And here's the part that makes him a truly evil prick.

There was no need for him to do this. He was already rich. He had enough money to tithe to his cult and still leave plenty to his kids.

Not to worry, Ravi, when he's the nominee, you'll be posting this stuff daily.
I'll have to research it. I find it pretty disturbing that you blame what he did or did not do on Mormonism. I don't plan on voting for him, but his religion has nothing to do with it.

Quite the contrary. Given my own experiences with Latter Day Zombies, it's when they don't act like complete douchebags that I'm surprised.

I should point out that I am never surprised.

But feel free to use the AmPad example every day when he's the nominee, because we know you will.
you are the first person I have ever met that has a real jones about the LDS folks. I find that mildly freaky.

Romney, meh... He did obamacare in Mass. He won't get the nomination unless they find Herman and Newt in a menage a trois with a goat.
you are the first person I have ever met that has a real jones about the LDS folks. I find that mildly freaky.

Romney, meh... He did obamacare in Mass. He won't get the nomination unless they find Herman and Newt in a menage a trois with a goat.
I wouldn't rule out that possibility. Especially if the goat is wearing a bikini.
you are the first person I have ever met that has a real jones about the LDS folks. I find that mildly freaky.

Romney, meh... He did obamacare in Mass. He won't get the nomination unless they find Herman and Newt in a menage a trois with a goat.

romneycare/obamacare was a heritage foundation plan and an alternative to hillary's health care plan.

i guess it's only no good once you get it from a dem administration. *shrug*
you are the first person I have ever met that has a real jones about the LDS folks. I find that mildly freaky.

Romney, meh... He did obamacare in Mass. He won't get the nomination unless they find Herman and Newt in a menage a trois with a goat.

My first encounter with LDS was in 1983, and frankly, I've never met a bigger bunch of back stabbing SOB's in my life. Before or since.

That was before I actually started researching the stuff they believe. Absolute, batshit crazy stuff. And they are threatened with excommunication and loss of contact with their families if they don't adhere to it.

So when you point out to them that the whacky theories about Hebrews in pre-Columbian America have been debunked since they were popular in the 19th Century, you get some truly bizarre rationalizations.

Now, for the record, I'm an atheist. I don't believe in any religion. But Mormonism offends me just a bit more, because of the outright fraud of the whole thing. This was a two bit con man named Joseph Smith who wanted to cheat less smart people out of their money and their teenage daughters' virginity. He was the David Koresh of 1840.

And letting one of them win is an insult to my sense of justice in the world.
you are the first person I have ever met that has a real jones about the LDS folks. I find that mildly freaky.

Romney, meh... He did obamacare in Mass. He won't get the nomination unless they find Herman and Newt in a menage a trois with a goat.

romneycare/obamacare was a heritage foundation plan and an alternative to hillary's health care plan.

i guess it's only no good once you get it from a dem administration. *shrug*
Yeah, it's kind of funny when you think about it.
you are the first person I have ever met that has a real jones about the LDS folks. I find that mildly freaky.

Romney, meh... He did obamacare in Mass. He won't get the nomination unless they find Herman and Newt in a menage a trois with a goat.

romneycare/obamacare was a heritage foundation plan and an alternative to hillary's health care plan.

i guess it's only no good once you get it from a dem administration. *shrug*

My problem with both versions is that they don't address the ultimate problem- the Medical costs are increasing at four times the rate of regular inflation and wages. And this has been the case for some time.

They increase because the government is picking up a lot of the bills, and because the cost of malpractice prevention is creating a lot of unnecesarry tests and procedures.

Essentially, it's the law of supply and demand. WHen demand increases faster than supply, prices go up.

RomneyCare/ObamaCare did nothing to reduce demand or increase supply. They simply forced a mandate on people who didn't want or need insurance in order to subsidize the system providing it.

Eventually, what will get it under control is to do what all the "socialized" medicine countries are doing. Saying "no". "No, Granny, we are not going to authorize another $100,000 in treatment to extend your life for another month. You are going to die, regardless."

"No, Doctor Bob, we are not going to authorize sixteen tests that aren't needed because you don't want to get sued and you have an interest in the lab performing them."

"No, Mr. Patient, we aren't going to pay you because you weren't happy with your results."

We aren't there, and O/R Care didn't get us any closer.
It's not a game to me. It's very serious. But if you're certain about something - as you claim to be - then why wouldn't you do something to financially benefit your family? If I knew something that was certain, and I could improve the financial standing of my family - to fund my kid's college account, to ensure that my wife and I would never starve in retirement or worry about being bankrupted from healthcare costs - I'd beg, borrow and steal every penny I could get my hands on to profit from it. I'd be a fool not to.

So, if you are certain - about anything - walk the talk.

Well, I don't consider this trivial.

And to be honest, heck, the problem is, the Corporate Plutocrats who really run things might have a picture of Obama having sex with a farm animal they are waiting to spring in October 2012. So, no, I don' t discount anything completely.

Fair enough.
Well, how about this. Anything he did in relation to AmPad.

Put hundreds of working guys with families out of jobs to make himself richer, then left unsuspecting investors with stock that was worth .35 a share when the company declared bankruptcy. Meanwhile, the company itself went from holding 11 million in debt to 100 miilion in debt.

And here's the part that makes him a truly evil prick.

There was no need for him to do this. He was already rich. He had enough money to tithe to his cult and still leave plenty to his kids.

Not to worry, Ravi, when he's the nominee, you'll be posting this stuff daily.
I'll have to research it. I find it pretty disturbing that you blame what he did or did not do on Mormonism. I don't plan on voting for him, but his religion has nothing to do with it.

Quite the contrary. Given my own experiences with Latter Day Zombies, it's when they don't act like complete douchebags that I'm surprised.

I should point out that I am never surprised.

But feel free to use the AmPad example every day when he's the nominee, because we know you will.

You had a bad experience with Mormons. I imagine others have had bad experiences as well. Fundamentalism/evangelicalism rubs me the wrong way personally. That does not mean I won't vote for a Baptist or a Methodist or a Mormon or whatever if I come to the conclusion the candidate is the best available.

Your anti-Mormons seems pathological to me.
I'll have to research it. I find it pretty disturbing that you blame what he did or did not do on Mormonism. I don't plan on voting for him, but his religion has nothing to do with it.

Quite the contrary. Given my own experiences with Latter Day Zombies, it's when they don't act like complete douchebags that I'm surprised.

I should point out that I am never surprised.

But feel free to use the AmPad example every day when he's the nominee, because we know you will.

You had a bad experience with Mormons. I imagine others have had bad experiences as well. Fundamentalism/evangelicalism rubs me the wrong way personally. That does not mean I won't vote for a Baptist or a Methodist or a Mormon or whatever if I come to the conclusion the candidate is the best available.

Your anti-Mormons seems pathological to me.

As soon as I see a fundamentalist that isn't completely unhinged, I'll change my current stance. By virtue of being fundamentalists (of any religious stripe), they are not fit to be President.
I'll have to research it. I find it pretty disturbing that you blame what he did or did not do on Mormonism. I don't plan on voting for him, but his religion has nothing to do with it.

Quite the contrary. Given my own experiences with Latter Day Zombies, it's when they don't act like complete douchebags that I'm surprised.

I should point out that I am never surprised.

But feel free to use the AmPad example every day when he's the nominee, because we know you will.

You had a bad experience with Mormons. I imagine others have had bad experiences as well. Fundamentalism/evangelicalism rubs me the wrong way personally. That does not mean I won't vote for a Baptist or a Methodist or a Mormon or whatever if I come to the conclusion the candidate is the best available.

Your anti-Mormons seems pathological to me.

No one is 100% bad or evil. Still if we call our own lives and judgement good and moral we must make distinctions. Even if half of the people that belong to an organization are trying to live good lives they are by their association giving cover to those that are hypocrites.
You had a bad experience with Mormons. I imagine others have had bad experiences as well. Fundamentalism/evangelicalism rubs me the wrong way personally. That does not mean I won't vote for a Baptist or a Methodist or a Mormon or whatever if I come to the conclusion the candidate is the best available.

Your anti-Mormons seems pathological to me.

So you solution to religious crazy is to support religious crazier because Romney doesn't talk about how crazy his religion is?


My problem with Mormons is based on reason and logic. Their religion is a lie. Period. You simply cannot study the history of Mormonism and come to any other logical conclusion. It's not like other religions where the line between metaphor and truth have become blurred. It's an outright lie.

And if they choose to believe in lies, then I should take that into account in their fitness for office.

He's got my vote. Theres a difference between being accused and being guilty. Sexual harassment is a very hard thing to prove innocent on, which is why the left used it as a tool to smear Cain with. Like I said, unless there is credible evidence other than people saying he did it, the man will continue to get my vote, and most other conservatives also. I just cant wait for these leftist to get exposed on it, it's going to be funny.

Not only does he have my vote.... I put my $$$ where my mouth is.

I donated to his campaign.


Lets help our guy with more than our fingers.... let them do the walking and lets get this man in office!!

Woo Hoo..... screw you liberals!!!! :clap2:

Oh Yeah....!

Good for you. I think you should double down exponentially.
You had a bad experience with Mormons. I imagine others have had bad experiences as well. Fundamentalism/evangelicalism rubs me the wrong way personally. That does not mean I won't vote for a Baptist or a Methodist or a Mormon or whatever if I come to the conclusion the candidate is the best available.

Your anti-Mormons seems pathological to me.

So you solution to religious crazy is to support religious crazier because Romney doesn't talk about how crazy his religion is? Seriously? My problem with Mormons is based on reason and logic. Their religion is a lie. Period. You simply cannot study the history of Mormonism and come to any other logical conclusion. It's not like other religions where the line between metaphor and truth have become blurred. It's an outright lie. And if they choose to believe in lies, then I should take that into account in their fitness for office.

Your opposition is based merely on personal hysteria and fear.
You had a bad experience with Mormons. I imagine others have had bad experiences as well. Fundamentalism/evangelicalism rubs me the wrong way personally. That does not mean I won't vote for a Baptist or a Methodist or a Mormon or whatever if I come to the conclusion the candidate is the best available.

Your anti-Mormons seems pathological to me.

So you solution to religious crazy is to support religious crazier because Romney doesn't talk about how crazy his religion is? Seriously? My problem with Mormons is based on reason and logic. Their religion is a lie. Period. You simply cannot study the history of Mormonism and come to any other logical conclusion. It's not like other religions where the line between metaphor and truth have become blurred. It's an outright lie. And if they choose to believe in lies, then I should take that into account in their fitness for office.

Your opposition is based merely on personal hysteria and fear.

Well, when a bunch of crazy people state it is their goal to establish a "Theocracy" in this country and they've already tried it a couple of times, yeah, I tend to worry.

I tend to worry when they empty out their kids bank accounts to influence a vote in a state where they don't live.

But I really worry that we are going to get stuck with Obama for four more years because the Mormons have this delusion that they can make their cult 'legit" if they get a major presidential nomination.
Unko is as hysterical and fearful as JoeB. Go ahead, Unkoweirdofearfulboy, I will let you have the last word. :lol:

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