Punk Politics


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
let's have a fun thread in the politics section for a change! PUNK ROCK POLITICS! From The Dead Kennedys to Rise Against!

let's have a fun thread in the politics section for a change! PUNK ROCK POLITICS! From The Dead Kennedys to Rise Against!

Most of them sold out to the DNC long ago. Green Day, Rage Against the Machine, etc. are just lefty propagandists telling you to get your vaccines, obey the corporations, and listen to the government. What could possibly be LESS punk?
Most of them sold out to the DNC long ago. Green Day, Rage Against the Machine, etc. are just lefty propagandists telling you to get your vaccines, obey the corporations, and listen to the government. What could possibly be LESS punk?
What happened to rebelling against the establishment?

Then again, the establishment is all about illicit drugs like Fentanyl flowing across the border and legalizing weed now.

Never mind.

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