Puerto Rico... US citizens???

I may be a Dick, but at least I'm not racist. Man I see you over and over again express your bigotry towards anyone who is not white... You literally just said you'd like America kept white and Christian. That statement is the antithesis of everything that America stands for. Well I don't know you, and like you said ranting is pointless, you could be a KKK member for all I know. The kind of hatred and suppression that you calmly present as the nucleus of your ideals is status quo for a Righty. So I should not be shocked that you are a bigot and I shouldn't be shocked that you can somehow take a look at the liberal economic strategy vs the conservative antiquated trickle down economic stupor and somehow come out with a thought that the conservatives are interested more in preservation of the working class over their own pockets only. You are wildly misinformed, but thats ok because it can be very difficult to weed through media and journals/ newspapers to try to understand United States politics. To give you an update: We have a Black president (and he's really not Christian, he's agnostic/likely atheist). That must drive you crazy!!!! And he was the president of the Harvard Law Review, pisses on prior incumbents. He has made it possible for 16 million more Americans to receive preventative healthcare, ended the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, our unemployment rate is down over 2 points since he took office during one of the greatest recessions of America's history left to him by GWBush's wealthy tax cuts and unjust wars/military spending/endorsement of outsourcing. The Righty's economic policies are not in sync with today's global socioeconomic climate. You are dead wrong if you say we are declining. We have our eyes open for the first time and people like yourself are just afraid of what you see.. A land of true opportunity where everyone's vote counts, where big business doesn't hold so much weight, where ethnic and religious minorities and poor aren't held down by arian-like culturally lagged social stances of the Right. We are moving closer to a socialized balance to even out the unregulated capitalistic wildfire that was swallowing up the middle/lower classes. The President's approval rating is 47% last time I checked (1 percent higher than typical at this time in a president's second term) and the Right wing congress has an approval rating of about 16%..... That means that between 8-9 out of any 10 Americans are aware of why there are problems... It's very simple, cure congress of their conservative filibuster stonewalling bullshit by retaking the house majority and you will see growth like never before. The reclaiming of the great America that once was seems to require the fall of the modern Republican party as soon as possible.
That makes no sense. You even said yourself America was founded as a White Christian country, yet the very foundation of the country is against what it stands for? That is literal insanity. That is like saying keeping Italy Italian or Spain Spanish is against what those countries stand for. That is counter intuitive and national suicide.

I don't think you understand what market liberalism is. Both parties in the United States, the entire western world at that, has been in a period of Neo-Liberalism. This is a period of free trade, global economic integration, financial deregulation, mass immigration, essentially the elimination of economic controls and national economic barriers in favor of a global capitalist system. Since the 1970s, particularly in your country, due to mass immigration, free trade, outsourcing, and the policy of asset inflation through the cheap money policy of the Federal Reserve(at the benefit of finance capital), your nation has been in economic decline. Real wages have flat or down since the 70s. Median Household income has not yet to recover from your most recent recession(it is down 7% since the recession) and the only reason you are experiencing lower unemployment is because the labor force participation rate is down to around 63%. If you look at your U-6 unemployment rate which includes part time and discouraged labor, unemployment is at around 13%. Many of these jobs being created are part time service jobs. And at that, if you look since 2000, all net job growth has gone to immigrants, not American citizens. If you think Obama cares about the working man, you are a fool. Under his regime, around 98% of the gains from the so called recovery have been experienced by the 1% while the bottom 20% is getting even poorer. If you look at personal savings rates, they continue to decline. The average american is becoming poorer and more indebted as your country becomes an even more overt kleptocracy.

Conservative or Nationalist economics are quite literally for conservation of the society, both socially and economically. Thus we oppose any economic arrangements like free trade, mass immigration, or financial deregulation that harm that reduce our sovereignty and harm social order through economic disparity. The reality is, the US doesn't have anything bearing a conservative or right wing party. In Europe, we have the party in my country the Austrian Freedom Party or parties like Front National and Sweden Democrats. They oppose neo-liberalism. Meaning they oppose mass immigration, free trade, the EU, austerity, etc. What you have are two liberal anti-nationalist parties owned by big money interests. The GOP are more aggressive in their neo-liberalism on the economic front, and Democrats are more aggressive in their social liberalism. However both at the end of the day support the same agenda. Two sides of the same coin if you will.

Also last I checked, you have troops back in Iraq and are bombing the country as we speak. That doesn't even include your country's attacks on Libya, arming islamist rebels in Syria, and overthrow of Yanukovych in Ukraine and funding of Kiev in fighting separatists in the East. The idea that Obama is some kind of anti-war candidate is foolish. Obama is just as much for the US Global project as Bush was.

The fact he has high ratings just shows the decline of your nation, morally, spiritually, intellectually.

The good news is, liberal US hegemony is on the decline world wide and the world will be better off without us meddling and interference.
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arian-like culture
I wish. It looks like America is becoming some third world poz colony. Hope your happy faggot.

PS. Spell Aryan right
I misspelled Aryan.. Probably bc I never have to use it. Looks like you hold that word close to your heart, bigot. I haven't heard faggot used like that since 5th grade. Behind the times once again. Calling me homosexual bc I give a shit about my entire country, not just white christian property owners. Well your selfishness and ignorance obviously drives your political views. Now I have a new reason to hope San Juan pushes out gen election votes... To know that wherever you are out there you are passing a kidney stone over it. I'm not gay, but if I was, i'd rather be that and live in a third world country (America is far from that) than to be so filled with hatred for anyone else that didn't look like me, talk like me, walk like me, and fall into the same tax bracket as me. Let go of your hatred and bigotry and open your eyes to the most rapidly changing times both technologically and socially or you will most certainly be left behind with the other ultra conservatives holding onto their culturally lagging tradition
You are right about one thing stein, your definition of conservative party does not fit the mold at least economically as who we here refer to as the right wing. Conservatives here are for market deregulation, which you seem to be against. But be clear I never said that America was founded with intent to be bigots or only be Christian. Read our Declaration of Independence : Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript
And read the second paragraph... I believe it says something in there about all men being created equal and focus on those inalienable rights from whoever your creator is (thomas jefferson and Benjamin Franklin--- our top notch forefathers were anti-religion and atheists. Thomas Jefferson wrote a book called the life and times of Jesus Christ... It was the new testament with all supernatural shit removed to allow for purely moral focus.) it doesn't matter because all shall be given the right to pursue happiness and liberty. Christianity didn't start coming into the picture as being an important polotical platform for over one hundred years after the forefathers proclaimed our independence.
America was founded on immigration and the American dream where (post slavery and social enlightenment) even a Black man from Hawaii growing up with his grandmother could become president. The land of opportunity, not the land of voter suppression
arian-like culture
I wish. It looks like America is becoming some third world poz colony. Hope your happy faggot.

PS. Spell Aryan right
I misspelled Aryan.. Probably bc I never have to use it. Looks like you hold that word close to your heart, bigot. I haven't heard faggot used like that since 5th grade. Behind the times once again. Calling me homosexual bc I give a shit about my entire country, not just white christian property owners. Well your selfishness and ignorance obviously drives your political views. Now I have a new reason to hope San Juan pushes out gen election votes... To know that wherever you are out there you are passing a kidney stone over it. I'm not gay, but if I was, i'd rather be that and live in a third world country (America is far from that) than to be so filled with hatred for anyone else that didn't look like me, talk like me, walk like me, and fall into the same tax bracket as me. Let go of your hatred and bigotry and open your eyes to the most rapidly changing times both technologically and socially or you will most certainly be left behind with the other ultra conservatives holding onto their culturally lagging tradition
Culturally lagging. Meaning unlike you, I don't have a amazon prime account where jeff bezos air drops you your aids medication with a drone. Congrats you aren't a bigot.
America was founded on immigration and the American dream where (post slavery and social enlightenment) even a Black man from Hawaii growing up with his grandmother could become president. The land of opportunity, not the land of voter suppression
White immigration. See the immigration act of 1790.
You are right about one thing stein, your definition of conservative party does not fit the mold at least economically as who we here refer to as the right wing. Conservatives here are for market deregulation, which you seem to be against. But be clear I never said that America was founded with intent to be bigots or only be Christian. Read our Declaration of Independence : Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript
And read the second paragraph... I believe it says something in there about all men being created equal and focus on those inalienable rights from whoever your creator is (thomas jefferson and Benjamin Franklin--- our top notch forefathers were anti-religion and atheists. Thomas Jefferson wrote a book called the life and times of Jesus Christ... It was the new testament with all supernatural shit removed to allow for purely moral focus.) it doesn't matter because all shall be given the right to pursue happiness and liberty. Christianity didn't start coming into the picture as being an important polotical platform for over one hundred years after the forefathers proclaimed our independence.
I don't think you would like Early America. It was about 90% white, 99% christian, and you would have been hung for sodomy.
You've actually found a way to sodomize yourself. Freedom of religion was a hallmark of American colonial times.. Early immigrants... Yes immigrants..., yea once again we were all immigrants... came from European countries where christianity dominated... But like I said Thomas Jefferson... Our 3rd President and drafter of the Declaration of Independence was atheist. You are so obtuse and hateful. Your transparent AIDS and sodomy references alluding to your suspect of my sexual orientation are comical and dimwitted. I am white, confirmed Catholic, upper middle class and married to a sexy ass woman which many can testify to. But my eyes are open to the beauty and diversity of the world and especially my country while yours are closed and blinded by bigotry which is just a product of ignorance and fear anyways. And if I was to get AIDS antiretroviral meds I'd like them to be delivered by Bono from U2. Back to religion, you have nailed yourself to the cross but unlike Jesus you will not rise on the third day. Any logical intellectual person reading your mindless and petty comments in this thread would laugh at your inability to come anywhere near a rational thought in your incoherent rambling. Good day sir and better luck with one of those Righty threads where everyone just agrees with one another and nothing gets accomplished.

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