Public says Rumsfield should stay...


Senior Member
Apr 10, 2004
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Philadelphia, Amazing huh...

Iraqi Prisoner Abuse
Most Dismayed, But Few Call for Rumsfeld's Resignation

By Gary Langer

May 7, 2004— Most Americans express dismay about the abuse of Iraqi detainees by U.S. soldiers, and the nation divides on whether the Bush administration sought at first to investigate the scandal — or to cover it up.

Yet more than six in 10 also see these incidents as isolated, and say they should not cost Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld his job.

Three-quarters of the public are closely following the story, a level of attention reserved for some of the most gripping news events. Two-thirds favor criminal charges against the soldiers involved; fewer — but still a majority — 54 percent, say punishment should go up the chain of command to higher-level officers who allowed a breakdown of training and discipline.

Still, given current knowledge, most say the buck should stop before it gets to Rumsfeld. Twenty percent in this ABCNEWS/Washington Post poll say he should resign, while many more, 69 percent, say he should retain his position. Even most Democrats — hardly the administration's fondest fans — say Rumsfeld should stay.

Views may be changeable based on the facts that develop and the level of attention the issue commands.

Anger about the incidents is highest among people who are following the story most closely, and much lower among those who haven't paid it much attention.

Similarly, while relatively few in any group say Rumsfeld should go, calls for his departure are least prevalent among people who haven't tuned in to the controversy.

And people who think abuse has been widespread, rather than isolated, are three times more likely to say Rumsfeld should resign (37 percent of them say so, compared with 12 percent of those who think the incidents are isolated.)

Government Accuntability
Donald Rumsfeld Should: Resign His Job Keep His Job
All 20 percent 69 percent
Democrats 30 percent 58 percent
Independents 17 percent 73 percent
Republicans 11 percent 82 percent

continued in link above

Just furthering my point that its a few partisan leaders that are pushing this issue to get at Bush.
Well of course they are using this issue to get at Bush, thet don't really have anything else.

If Rummy goes, no matter WHAT the circumstances, the terrorists & liberals will have won a major victory.

Dear President Bush,

You need to remember that liberals don't really want apologies, compromise, or to be your friend.......they want to DESTROY you & America.
Liberals want to destroy President Bush and America?
I do not think that 99.9% of Liberals would want to kill Bush, but most would want to destroy him politicaly.. As to Liberals wanting to destroy America, typical conservitive jibberish.
Wanting Rumsfeld to quit is just jibberish. He is far too high up on the chain of command to anyway. He wasn't there,he is probably handling other things that are quite dificult as well. Not to mention,wasn't there an investigation allready going on before these pics got out? Why should he resign? Some of these polls claim to represent America as a whole,and they certainly don't. To me,this is an example of a few extreme politicians jumping on any ol thing they can to bring Bush down,whether it is good for the country or not.
I'm sorry, let me be a little more specific.

Do most liberals want to wipe America off the map? NO! However, they would love to gut our military, restrict our CIA to tracking UFOs & crop circles, strike "God" from ALL public forums, institute overly cumbersome regulations concerning the environment & workplace, allow activist judges to make law instead of interpreting it, and make sure that the U.N. would make ALL of our security decisions- I don't know about you guys, but that pretty much would make us a country WORTH wiping off the map.

I call this the "Woodstock Syndrome." Liberals took control of this country for a few moments back in the late 60s & early 70s, and they truly believe they can get it back. Fortunately, we will NEVER allow this to happen. If the Democratic Party consisted of Lieberman types, there would be very little acrimony, and we could compromise and get a lot done. However, the DEMs, over the last several decades, have allowed, have encouraged, even, the inmates to take over the asylum. So.........IT IS WAR!

Bottom Line: If liberals have their way, we will end up being an impotent, socialist, third-rate nation like France.
Don't worry. The radicals will eventually grow old and die. Hopefully then the hate will stop and we can coexist and get things done.

Yeah, but if you look at most any college campus, Democratic event, or any hate rally, you'll find that they have spawned a whole new generation of brainwashed cockroaches.

Trust me, if Bush sacrifices Rummy, the blood will be in the water, and the pinkos will be coming for Bush, next. Remember, liberals don't really want apologies or to be friends, they want to destroy Bush & us. Therefore, we must destroy them, FIRST!
I agree and that is why i said that their motives have little to do with the IRaqi people being tortured or even with the military and more to do with attacking the president.

They blew their load early though. If they would have just allowed the investigation to proceed and shed some light on everything, then maybe they would have had a case against Rummy. But to call for his head based on a few allegations and pictures showed just how transparent they are.
Originally posted by SPIKESMYGOD

Yeah, but if you look at most any college campus, Democratic event, or any hate rally, you'll find that they have spawned a whole new generation of brainwashed cockroaches.

Trust me, if Bush sacrifices Rummy, the blood will be in the water, and the pinkos will be coming for Bush, next. Remember, liberals don't really want apologies or to be friends, they want to destroy Bush & us. Therefore, we must destroy them, FIRST!

Actually i have to disagree. Look at college campuses and you find that there are conservatives speaking out. I know at school i was in the majority of people and we werent afraid to speak out (but thats cause we were in the majority)

We have our friends fighting for our freedom. We are going to support them. We have seen the mistakes of the previous generation. We are going to correct them.

Yes its true there are a bunch of mindless liberal students in colleges. But there are alot of conservatives finding out for themselves how the world really is. its not going to last

Ever notice that until you get an education you are more then likely to be a liberal and once you find out how the world really is you are a Conservative?
Originally posted by SPIKESMYGOD
Do most liberals want to wipe America off the map? NO! However, they would love to gut our military, restrict our CIA to tracking UFOs & crop circles, strike "God" from ALL public forums, institute overly cumbersome regulations concerning the environment & workplace, allow activist judges to make law instead of interpreting it, and make sure that the U.N. would make ALL of our security decisions- I don't know about you guys, but that pretty much would make us a country WORTH wiping off the map.

Bottom Line: If liberals have their way, we will end up being an impotent, socialist, third-rate nation like France.

I would not like to gut our military, I would like to stop it's overbloated budget when so many other American issues that could use the money.

I would like to resrict our CIA FROM tracking UFOs and crop circles maybe they can do a better job then! :p:

I could care less about "God" or religious figures of any kind in public. I don't really care about the Pledge in school either.. I am perfectly fine with it, heck I'd be fine with people praying, as long as it is not REQUIRED, or restricted only to Christians.

Overly cumbersome regulations concerning to the enviroment? Sorry I don't want our plant to become a landfill.. I don't really want to see a mass exodus of the human species from earth! At least not until after I die :rolleyes:

Cumbersome workplace regulations such as?

You are right activist judges shouldn't do things like the gay marriages. Although I support gay marriages 100% it just isn't the way to get it, because it feels like we are cheating.

I would have no problem with the UN making our security decisions.. We probably wouldn't of invaded Iraq and humilated ourselves in front of the whole world.

On with the French bashing!
Originally posted by CrazyLiberal
Liberals want to destroy President Bush and America?
I do not think that 99.9% of Liberals would want to kill Bush, but most would want to destroy him politicaly.. As to Liberals wanting to destroy America, typical conservitive jibberish.

Yes you do. You think it's an evil empire.
Originally posted by CrazyLiberal
I would not like to gut our military, I would like to stop it's overbloated budget when so many other American issues that could use the money.

What the heck are you talking about? What the heck is more important, funding studies to find out if drunk ducks are psychich in France or keeping our family friends and most importantly children alive in the future? name one think we should be spending money on more important then defense.

I would like to resrict our CIA FROM tracking UFOs and crop circles maybe they can do a better job then! :p:

Typical liberal. you Want to continue restricting the CIA and intelligence communities. So you make up some stupid strawman to say they are tracking UFOS and stuff. Only problem with that is the CIA seeks international intelligence. it would be the FBI who would be checking out UFOs and if you really think the FBI is checking out UFOs when they have more important things with terrorism then youve been watching too much Xfiles. You see thats a TV show. This is reality. its not the same.

I could care less about "God" or religious figures of any kind in public. I don't really care about the Pledge in school either.. I am perfectly fine with it, heck I'd be fine with people praying, as long as it is not REQUIRED, or restricted only to Christians.

No one is requiring people to pray. But restricting people from praying in public just so it doesnt "offend" someone else is unconstitutional and wrong.

Overly cumbersome regulations concerning to the enviroment? Sorry I don't want our plant to become a landfill.. I don't really want to see a mass exodus of the human species from earth! At least not until after I die :rolleyes:

Sorry but this is got to be one of the dumbest paragraphs yet. Exactly what are we doing to the environment that will lead to mass exodus from the earth? The Ozone Layer? It repairs itself. Youd have to destroy the sun to destroy it. Global Warming? Its a myth. The climate on the planet is cyclical, Hence Ice Ages where it was super cold and the Middle ages where it was warmer than it is now. Its natural for the Temps to change every once and a while. To think humans are causing it when cows farting causes more CO2 emissions is nuts. So supporting laws are meant to protect against this bogus environmental problems. is ridiculous. And when you have regulations protecting the life of a fish more than the lives of human beings and a national Forest you an over regulated environment.

Cumbersome workplace regulations such as?

Minimum wage to begin with.

You are right activist judges shouldn't do things like the gay marriages. Although I support gay marriages 100% it just isn't the way to get it, because it feels like we are cheating.

You are cheating. The people decided and rejected you so you are trying to circumvent the Constitutional Process and force an abomination upon us. Thats tyranny. Which is why we are opposing you liberals so much you are tyrants.

I would have no problem with the UN making our security decisions.. We probably wouldn't of invaded Iraq and humilated ourselves in front of the whole world.

This tells us more about yourself than you might want. What kind of person would want to hand over our national security to an organization of despots and dictators?

On with the French bashing!

Nah. they are too easy.
I am not calling for Rumsfeld's resignation. He'll only be Secretary of Defense for a few more months anyway...just until John Kerry's appointee takes office :D

Originally posted by acludem
I am not calling for Rumsfeld's resignation. He'll only be Secretary of Defense for a few more months anyway...just until John Kerry's appointee takes office :D


ROFLMAO:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Thanks i needed that.
Originally posted by CrazyLiberal
I would not like to gut our military, I would like to stop it's overbloated budget when so many other American issues that could use the money.

Pull your head out of your ass. Unless we win the war that's been declared on us, we'll all be dead and social programs won't do us much good.

"A few more months?"


It's strange, some liberals are in the anger part of the grieving process, while some are still in the denial part.

Regardless, it is funny to think about a Kerry administration:

Secretary of State Howard Dean

Secretary of Defense Dennis Kucinich

National Security Advisor Ted Rall

Secretary of Treasury Gray Davis

Secretary of Homeland Security Ted Kennedy

Secretary of the Interior Patsy Ireland...if ya know what I mean?

Secrtary of HUD Charlie Wrangle

Director of the CIA Nancy Pelosi

Director of the FBI Carl Levin

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Ramsey Clark

Attorney General Jamie Gorelick

Ah, the list could go on & on.

Oh, what could have been!
Originally posted by acludem
I am not calling for Rumsfeld's resignation. He'll only be Secretary of Defense for a few more months anyway...just until John Kerry's appointee takes office :D


What makes you think Bush would let Kerry appoint a new Secretary of Defense?
Originally posted by Jimmyeatworld
What makes you think Bush would let Kerry appoint a new Secretary of Defense?

HAHA I love it.
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