Psaki: We Will Not Tell Public How Many People On White House Campus Test Positive For COVID


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Just more of the transparency he promised. Heh.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Thursday that the administration will not release numbers about how many people working for the administration on the White House campus have tested positive for COVID-19.

“It’s been a couple of days since we talked about the breakthrough case on the campus here and that you acknowledge there were additional breakthrough cases,” a reporter said during the press briefing. “Can you give us now the number of breakthrough cases that have occurred during the Biden presidency?”

“Well, I would say first that our medical experts, our health experts, have been conveying from the beginning, as have we, that there would be cases of individuals who are vaccinated who tested positive for COVID,” Psaki responded. “There are 2,000 people who work on the campus. And of course, that means that just statistically speaking, there will be people who are vaccinated individuals who get COVID on the campus.”

“What I announced yesterday or conveyed yesterday was what our policy would be moving forward,” she added. “But no, I don’t think you can expect that we’re going to be providing numbers of breakthrough cases now.”

Large Marge refused to say if she was vaccinated yesterday, citing a violation of her HIPAA rights (yes, she's a moron) but revealing staffers' positive Covid status is definitely a violation.
Large Marge refused to say if she was vaccinated yesterday, citing a violation of her HIPAA rights (yes, she's a moron) but revealing staffers' positive Covid status is definitely a violation.

All they need to release is the numbers, no one asked for names.

And no one seemed to have a problem when people in the Trump White House were named.
Just more of the transparency he promised. Heh.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Thursday that the administration will not release numbers about how many people working for the administration on the White House campus have tested positive for COVID-19.
“It’s been a couple of days since we talked about the breakthrough case on the campus here and that you acknowledge there were additional breakthrough cases,” a reporter said during the press briefing. “Can you give us now the number of breakthrough cases that have occurred during the Biden presidency?”
“Well, I would say first that our medical experts, our health experts, have been conveying from the beginning, as have we, that there would be cases of individuals who are vaccinated who tested positive for COVID,” Psaki responded. “There are 2,000 people who work on the campus. And of course, that means that just statistically speaking, there will be people who are vaccinated individuals who get COVID on the campus.”
“What I announced yesterday or conveyed yesterday was what our policy would be moving forward,” she added. “But no, I don’t think you can expect that we’re going to be providing numbers of breakthrough cases now.”

Ya, the White House was such an open book when Trump was in it..(rolls eyes)

So they're a bunch of super spreaders who invite people from places like Texas to help them spread their disease across the nation.


Can you picture their response had Trump done exactly the same thing? Firkin' HYPOCRITES one and all.
OMG, I think you just proved that politicians and the media are hypocrites!!!! What a breakthrough!!!
All they need to release is the numbers, no one asked for names.

And no one seemed to have a problem when people in the Trump White House were named.
Bravo. Jen P-sucki is a hypocrite and the left slurping media is one hundred times that.

Look at children in cages as just one example of thousands of the double standard in play.

Talk about polls that so heartily approve of addlepated Joe Biden, how many respondents get all
they know about the news straight from the devious conspiring legacy media?

A great deal of them.
Funny how many fools that had problems with the last administration having any COVID cases are suddenly very much in favor of the White House not only having COVID cases but not reporting numbers.
You think people are in favor of the White House having Covid cases?! What the hell are you talking about?
Xiden is in a high risk catagory due to his age…the american people have a right to know who around him might be sick and what security is being taken
I’m happy to hear you’re concerned. His name is spelt with a B by the way not and X.
Large Marge refused to say if she was vaccinated yesterday, citing a violation of her HIPAA rights (yes, she's a moron) but revealing staffers' positive Covid status is definitely a violation.
Let’s dumb it down for you. Saying how many people have tested positive in a department (with no names released) is not the same as asking an individual about their medical history. Swing and a miss.
Just more of the transparency he promised. Heh.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Thursday that the administration will not release numbers about how many people working for the administration on the White House campus have tested positive for COVID-19.
“It’s been a couple of days since we talked about the breakthrough case on the campus here and that you acknowledge there were additional breakthrough cases,” a reporter said during the press briefing. “Can you give us now the number of breakthrough cases that have occurred during the Biden presidency?”
“Well, I would say first that our medical experts, our health experts, have been conveying from the beginning, as have we, that there would be cases of individuals who are vaccinated who tested positive for COVID,” Psaki responded. “There are 2,000 people who work on the campus. And of course, that means that just statistically speaking, there will be people who are vaccinated individuals who get COVID on the campus.”
“What I announced yesterday or conveyed yesterday was what our policy would be moving forward,” she added. “But no, I don’t think you can expect that we’re going to be providing numbers of breakthrough cases now.”

Biden & his administration: Demented, opaque, hypocritical, fascist.

21st century Nazis.

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