PRRI/The Atlantic poll was finding the building support for Clinton/Kaine before the videotape audio release of October 7. Half the sample was interviewed before the release of the news event. The Clinton/Kaine lead over Trump/Pence reports out in double digits, 11% or more.
Hillary Clinton opens up a commanding 11-point lead over Donald Trump | PRRI/The Atlantic Survey - PRRI
Separately, getting up to 2/3 of respondents have no problem with the way things are going in their local areas. It is not likely that a "Change" candidate is speaking to much of anyone, going forward.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(RNC Screwing People Blind Since 1861! 750,000 White People sent to die in military camps! 4.0 Blacks cast out into Outer Darkness, with nothing to show for all the years, (Matt 25:14-30). No Marshall Plan for the South, like the Democrats provided for Europe after WWII, or the similar rebuilding of Japan. Martial Law declared, shuttering the opposition press, jailing the political opposition. And that was just the first Republican Administration!)
Hillary Clinton opens up a commanding 11-point lead over Donald Trump | PRRI/The Atlantic Survey - PRRI
Separately, getting up to 2/3 of respondents have no problem with the way things are going in their local areas. It is not likely that a "Change" candidate is speaking to much of anyone, going forward.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(RNC Screwing People Blind Since 1861! 750,000 White People sent to die in military camps! 4.0 Blacks cast out into Outer Darkness, with nothing to show for all the years, (Matt 25:14-30). No Marshall Plan for the South, like the Democrats provided for Europe after WWII, or the similar rebuilding of Japan. Martial Law declared, shuttering the opposition press, jailing the political opposition. And that was just the first Republican Administration!)