Proud to support Antifa

I think that this "antifa" thing has been wildly exaggerated to give right-wing thugs an "enemy" to drum up support from the rabble. If there actually is an organization called "antifa," it mostly likely has a very small membership; maybe a few hundred at best, and is about as organized as a pickup basketball game.

ANTIFA and the Negros burned down buildings, neighborhoods, businesses and government buildings. They killed people, terrorized citizens and government officials and looted. They are the assholes of America and deserve to be outed as terrorists and insurrectionists.

However, outing the bastards is nothing compared to the way the filthy ass Left bitched about the Patriots spending an afternoon protesting the Democrats blatantly stealing an election from the American people.

Yes, but many government bureaucrats and their paid henchmen DESERVE being attacked, and have been attacking, murdering, and incarcerating millions of innocent people for centuries.

I would agree looting is bad, but I doubt Antifa is actually responsible for that.
For example, in Portland it was determined that the person breaking windows under the cover of an umbrella to hide themselves from cameras, was a cop. In fact, store owners have been known to start looting so they can collect on insurance for more items than were actually lost.
Do you see Antifa in blacks, putting down their signs and carrying off merchandize?
I doubt it.
Who is doing the looting here?




I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

I'll tell you what big shot, I'm an old man, a combat veteran. Point out one of these assholes - these "ANTIFA" assholes that are nothing more than Brown Shirts, and I will KICK his punk ass.

The SA brownshirts in Germany were a minority trying to intimidate the majority.
Antifa is the opposite, trying to get rights for the majority, which have been stolen by a minority.
Don't believe me?
Then why did we invade Iraq on WMD lies, why are there millions incarcertated on the illegal War on Drugs, why are tens of millions prevented from voting by 3 strikes laws, the War on Drugs, why no public health care, why wages constantly not keeping up with inflation, etc.
Any vet should know by now there is something wrong with the Pentagon and the whole Military Industrial Complex.
And it is not just liberals complaining. It was Eisenhower who first warned us about the Military Industrial Complex taking over and reducing our rights and wages.
The brownshirts worked for the corporations.
The corporations are the source of the problem.
Antifa works for the people.
So antifa is not like the brownshirts and is not the main problem, yet.
I think that this "antifa" thing has been wildly exaggerated to give right-wing thugs an "enemy" to drum up support from the rabble. If there actually is an organization called "antifa," it mostly likely has a very small membership; maybe a few hundred at best, and is about as organized as a pickup basketball game.

ANTIFA and the Negros burned down buildings, neighborhoods, businesses and government buildings. They killed people, terrorized citizens and government officials and looted. They are the assholes of America and deserve to be outed as terrorists and insurrectionists.

However, outing the bastards is nothing compared to the way the filthy ass Left bitched about the Patriots spending an afternoon protesting the Democrats blatantly stealing an election from the American people.

Yes, but many government bureaucrats and their paid henchmen DESERVE being attacked, and have been attacking, murdering, and incarcerating millions of innocent people for centuries.

I would agree looting is bad, but I doubt Antifa is actually responsible for that.
For example, in Portland it was determined that the person breaking windows under the cover of an umbrella to hide themselves from cameras, was a cop. In fact, store owners have been known to start looting so they can collect on insurance for more items than were actually lost.
Do you see Antifa in blacks, putting down their signs and carrying off merchandize?
I doubt it.
Who is doing the looting here?




I do not know who is looting there, but it does not look like Antifa to me.

This is what Antif looks like:

however, Antifa is as fascist as the nazi brownshirts were
Antifa's whole mission is to make sure that you never see Nazi brown shirts again.
Right. They changed the brown shirts to black shirts. That's the only difference.

The brownshirts actually were mostly WWI vets, paid by the corporations to scare the majority.
Antifa are anti war, and work for nothing in order to regain rights to the majority.
however, Antifa is as fascist as the nazi brownshirts were
Antifa's whole mission is to make sure that you never see Nazi brown shirts again.
Right. They changed the brown shirts to black shirts. That's the only difference.

The brownshirts actually were mostly WWI vets, paid by the corporations to scare the majority.
Antifa are anti war, and work for nothing in order to regain rights to the majority.
Only fools believe the narrative that Antifa promotes.

Hitler was a WW I vet, BTW. I fail to see what relevance that has to this discussion.,
however, Antifa is as fascist as the nazi brownshirts were
Antifa's whole mission is to make sure that you never see Nazi brown shirts again.
Right. They changed the brown shirts to black shirts. That's the only difference.

The brownshirts actually were mostly WWI vets, paid by the corporations to scare the majority.
Antifa are anti war, and work for nothing in order to regain rights to the majority.
Only fools believe the narrative that Antifa promotes.

Hitler was a WW I vet, BTW. I fail to see what relevance that has to this discussion.,

The German SA (Sturm Abtielung), was primarily a WWI veterans group, which was funded mostly by industrialists who wanted to get rid of unions, socialists, communists, etc.
They were the paid mercenaries of the wealthy elite.
They were privileged with permits to be armed under the guise of supporting marksmanship.
But they then were able to murder Communists who were prevented by gun control laws, from being armed.

But Antifa is mostly students who are out to help the poor majority instead.
Exact opposites in terms of type of goals.
The only similarity is their tactics.
however, Antifa is as fascist as the nazi brownshirts were
Antifa's whole mission is to make sure that you never see Nazi brown shirts again.
Right. They changed the brown shirts to black shirts. That's the only difference.

The brownshirts actually were mostly WWI vets, paid by the corporations to scare the majority.
Antifa are anti war, and work for nothing in order to regain rights to the majority.

You have a distorted opinion of the ANTIFA insurrectionists. They are fighting for a Communist revolution, which would be a disaster for everyone. They are using thug tactics to achieve the revolutionary goals and that is despicable.

They are like all Communist revolutionaries. Brutal assholes that only can deliver failure.
"ANTIFA insurrectionists." OK Flash, you get credit for coining this term, as I don't believe that I've ever read that one before.
however, Antifa is as fascist as the nazi brownshirts were
Antifa's whole mission is to make sure that you never see Nazi brown shirts again.
Right. They changed the brown shirts to black shirts. That's the only difference.

The brownshirts actually were mostly WWI vets, paid by the corporations to scare the majority.
Antifa are anti war, and work for nothing in order to regain rights to the majority.

You have a distorted opinion of the ANTIFA insurrectionists. They are fighting for a Communist revolution, which would be a disaster for everyone. They are using thug tactics to achieve the revolutionary goals and that is despicable.

They are like all Communist revolutionaries. Brutal assholes that only can deliver failure.

Communism is a complex economic concept most people do not understand and have no personal knowledge of.
Most Antifa don't know anything at all about communism, and don't care.
Nor are they revolutionaries.
They just think things like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, 3 Strikes, asset forfeiture, Vietnam, the invasion of Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya, etc. are all illegal and that we currently have fascist governments.
And I tend to agree.
Our current governments, federal, state, local, etc., are all pretty much corrupt and fascist.

I dont have a membership card and I have never given them money. Never been asked for any. It seems to me that they have worthy aims in opposing nazis and that is something that all freedom loving people should get behind and support.

We should not allow nazis to march through our towns and cities spreading a message of hate against our neighbours. That was is the path to a fascist state. The UK has a proud history of opposing fascists, thinking of the demonstrations against the National Front and Mosley.

Britains shame is that there were enough idiots prepared to back these scumbags.

I dont know much about the US history of fighting the Klan and their related bodies. There are certainly enough of these grubby organisations out there. History from the 20s and 30s show us that it is dangerous to give nazis an inch.
We cannot allow them to own our streets and spread their shit in public places.

Democracy and equality is always under assault and needs to be defended. Antifa are your local heroes.

I'll tell you what big shot, I'm an old man, a combat veteran. Point out one of these assholes - these "ANTIFA" assholes that are nothing more than Brown Shirts, and I will KICK his punk ass.

The SA brownshirts in Germany were a minority trying to intimidate the majority.
Antifa is the opposite, trying to get rights for the majority, which have been stolen by a minority.
Don't believe me?
Then why did we invade Iraq on WMD lies, why are there millions incarcertated on the illegal War on Drugs, why are tens of millions prevented from voting by 3 strikes laws, the War on Drugs, why no public health care, why wages constantly not keeping up with inflation, etc.
Any vet should know by now there is something wrong with the Pentagon and the whole Military Industrial Complex.
And it is not just liberals complaining. It was Eisenhower who first warned us about the Military Industrial Complex taking over and reducing our rights and wages.
The brownshirts worked for the corporations.
The corporations are the source of the problem.
Antifa works for the people.
So antifa is not like the brownshirts and is not the main problem, yet.

Antifa "works" for the people, huh? You are as looney as those who believe that Che' Gueverra was "working" for the Cuban people as he murdered them.......

You are one of the sheep and a useful idiot. Nothing more than that.

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