Proud boys Show Us How It's Done in Portland

Antifa may be dangerous thugs but they are hardly representative of the left, most of whom disavow their violence. Are the PBs typical conservatives?

PBs are just a recent addition to the violent Right-wing cabals that began with the KKK.

1. Antifa is supported by mainstream dems, in many ways, from actively working with, to lying for, to minimizing their actions, like you are doing.

2. You playing the Race Card, like a retarded asshole, doesn't negate my point. Antifa was attacking people in teh streets, well before the Proud Boys, were there to "provoke" them.

Antifa are the violent thugs, and the Bad Guys. People who defend themselves against violent bad guys, are not made into BAD GUYS by the act of defending themselves.
1. Antifa is supported by mainstream dems, in many ways, from actively working with, to lying for, to minimizing their actions, like you are doing.
That's not true, as I recall, I've never minimized Antifa's actions. It is you who minimize the actions of the PBs.
People who defend themselves against violent bad guys, are not made into BAD GUYS by the act of defending themselves.
I agree, I just think people who defend themselves against violent bad guys, are not made into GOOD GUYS by the act of defending themselves. Take the Mafia for another example.

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