Protests, riots, looting..... where are the masks?

Prior to the tragic George Floyd murder, the Left was crawling all over the Internet wagging fingers and shaming / holding people accountable to wearing masks. Are they going to hold the protestors, rioters, and looters accountable? I see masks but maybe just north of 50 percent.

If you are going to protest, wear masks!
/——-/ Blue state Governors have overplayed their hands with the lock down. This is how they plan on walking back the social distancing and masks.
The coolest thing about the Baltimore "riot" is when that one mom grabbed her son who was going to riot and beat the crap out of him for being so stupid. The only real witness said the cops were innocent.

Probably because she didn't want him to get shot.

Now, what would be really cool. If the next time a bunch of teabaggers show up whining about having to wear masks by carrying guns around, the cops treated them like they treat the brothers.

There was no evidence that Mike Brown had his hands up. There was evidence that he attacked Darren Wilson.

16 witnesses said he had his hands up.

Those riots will make more people & businesses move out of the cities, making more slums. Enjoy.

Um, no, they really won't. Of course, not to worry, by the time Trump is done fucking up the economy, some shop owners will be grateful for riots cleaning out their inventory and getting the insurance.

I gave you a credible link that proved that Mike Brown did not have his hands up, and you post nonsense that (16) "witnesses" said he had his hands up. I call that a blatant LIE. Which is all you do. Prove your point or just stop lying.

Um, yes they are leaving NYC in "droves". Stop lying all the time.

I gave you a credible link that proved that Mike Brown did not have his hands up, and you post nonsense that (16) "witnesses" said he had his hands up. I call that a blatant LIE. Which is all you do. Prove your point or just stop lying.

Uh, no, guy. 16 witnesses said he had his hands up. The DA ignored them, riots ensued and then he got voted out of office. The End.

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