Nuthin' but the truth
Truckers who have blockaded downtown Ottawa for nearly three weeks have ignored repeated warnings that they could face steep fines and possible arrest as protesters defied a growing police presence in the Canadian capital.
Officers had warned of an impending crackdown Thursday, as busloads of police reinforcements arrived in the city, and work crews took the rare step of erecting metal fences outside the senate and parliament.
But despite heavy rain, supporters flocked to Parliament Hill, and the mood of imminent confrontation receded.
“I ain’t going anywhere,” said Pat King, one of protest organizers. “I haven’t overstayed my welcome. My taxes paid for me to be here.”
Amid growing criticism of police tactics, the city’s deputy police chief had declared his intention to break up the protest and take back Ottawa’s downtown “in the coming days”.
And in parliament, the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, told MPs that it was “high time that these illegal and dangerous activities stop”. Protesters defy police presence in Ottawa after officers warn of crackdown
As I look to our friendly neighbors to the north, I am in amazement of the fascist measures Trudeau is taking when this whole thing could be settled with a meeting with the Truckers...
Trudeau is acting like a fascist dictator....Today they announced that if their truck is impounded any pets in the truck will be taken and the owner may never see it again....What's next from these pigs?