Prosecuting The War On Statues!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Good job, Democrats and Liberals!

Let's remove every iteration of racist traitors memorialized in sculpture!


But.....some suggestions to advance the 'war.'

1. "As we rewrite history and remove Confederate monuments deemed "offensive" when viewed through the prism of contemporary standards of morality, reasonable people ask: Where does one draw the line? The left, for example, reveres the Kennedy brothers, John, Robert and Edward. But if evaluated by today's standards of social justice, would these left-wing icons hold up?

2. In Sen. Ted Kennedy's case, how does the monument-removing left feel about the kiss Kennedy blew Gov. George Wallace a mere 10 years after Wallace delivered what became perhaps that era's most infamous defense of segregation? At Wallace's request, Kennedy spoke in Alabama at a 1973 Fourth of July "Spirit of America" rally honoring Wallace in 1973.

3. Just 10 years earlier, Wallace defended "Jim Crow," or legal segregation, by shouting, "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever," and attempted to prevent blacks from attending the University of Alabama by blocking a campus doorway. Yet at this July 1973 rally, where Wallace received a "Patriotism Award," guest speaker Kennedy praised Wallace as a believer in the "true spirit of America," who supported the right of everyone to "speak his mind and be heard." Kennedy also talked about the things the two men had in common, including that they "don't corrupt," "don't malign" and "don't abuse" the people's trust."
Why Stop at Reassessing Confederate Monuments? What About the Kennedy Brothers?


This was the traitor who made plans with the Kremlin to topple a United States President.....
"The Liberal Lion of the Senate," Ted 'the murderer' Kennedy.
".....Robert Kennedy.

FBI head J. Edgar Hoover sought and received permission to wiretap Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The person granting him permission? Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy."
"I asked the FBI to make an intensive investigation of Martin Luther King," Robert Kennedy later told journalist Anthony Lewis. "
Why Stop at Reassessing Confederate Monuments? What About the Kennedy Brothers?

Now, for sure, Social Justice Warriors......this statue has to go!


"The Landmark for Peace Memorial, pictured above, shows statues of Robert and Dr. King reaching out for each other above a pathway. It was installed in 1995 in the Martin Luther King, Jr.Park, which is near the location Robert gave his speech. It stands today to remind us of the importance of each person saying and doing the right thing, even when it is scary."
Robert F. Kennedy on the Death of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Go for it, Liberals!!!!!!

I double dog dare ya'!!!!!
Memo to the Social Justice, Warriors....those who decide who deserves and who doesn't deserve to be memorialized....

"John F. Kennedy won a razor-thin race in 1960. The black vote was crucial. Just four years earlier, nearly 40 percent of blacks voted Republican. Kennedy got 68 percent of the black vote, thanks in part to the tireless efforts of entertainer Sammy Davis Jr.

But after Kennedy got elected, and Davis then got married, the President-elect disinvited him from performing at Kennedy's inaugural gala."
Why Stop at Reassessing Confederate Monuments? What About the Kennedy Brothers?

How about it????

Get out the jack-hammers to go with your jack-boots.

Just lookin' for a little consistency here.
Those who understand the political landscape recognize the real reason why Democrats/Liberals need to pander to black folks, and keep reminding of grievances that no longer exist....
...without the black vote, Democrats would never again win a national election.

'But here's the irony of the War on Statues....

"Is removing Confederate statues a priority issue among blacks, the group presumably most offended by the monuments? Not really. A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll shows that more blacks want the monuments to stay than want them removed -- 44 percent to 40 percent, respectively. Add in the 16 percent who are "unsure" and a majority of blacks either want the statues to stay or don't seem to care much one way or the other. Also, if Confederate statues inflict such misery on the psyche of blacks, why do tests repeatedly show that blacks have higher self-esteem than whites?

Charles Barkley, the ex-basketball star turned television analyst, said he's "always ignored" Confederate statues. He said: "I'm 54 years old. I've never thought about those statues a day in my life.

What we as black people need to do ... we need to worry about getting our education. We need to stop killing each other. We need to try to find a way to have more economic opportunity. Those things are important and significant."
Why Stop at Reassessing Confederate Monuments? What About the Kennedy Brothers?


"Do not use the $1 - $2 - $50 or the $100 bills. They have pictures of former slave owners on them! Send them all to me and I will dispose of them properly! Do not just throw them away. They need to be disposed of properly and I am certified to do so. We must get these out of circulation immediately."

H/T Ace of Spades HQ
Modern Democrats went straight to ISIS with no in between steps, they need their own country. Their values are incomparable with civil American society
If we're going to take down statues of historical figures, we should remove them all (which is what the commies want, but they are naive to think that will be effective in ushering their communist revolution).

Statues depicting men/women only works to deify them a la Lenin, Mao, Stalin. That's also why I hate the president's picture hanging in government offices and courts around the nation. It appears so.....commie? Totalitarian? Engaging in Idolatry?

What's the word/phrase I am looking for?
Modern Democrats went straight to ISIS with no in between steps, they need their own country. Their values are incomparable with civil American society

They have their own Country.

It's called Zimbabwe. Or Venezuela. Or North Korea. Or Cuba. Or Myanmar.

dimocraps are scum. Period. Everything they touch turns to shit. Everything.

Entire Cities, whole States, Countries...... Everything.

It's not so much that their ideas are horrible, it's that they THEMSELVES are shit.

It is entirely possible that socialism could, conceivably, work.

The problem is -- socialists, as people, are such scum that we may never know.

Just look at BLM, Antifa, the Occupy (bowel) movement.

It isn't so much that their ideas truly suck..... It is that they, as human beings truly suck
If we're going to take down statues of historical figures, we should remove them all (which is what the commies want, but they are naive to think that will be effective in ushering their communist revolution).

Statues depicting men/women only works to deify them a la Lenin, Mao, Stalin. That's also why I hate the president's picture hanging in government offices and courts around the nation. It appears so.....commie? Totalitarian? Engaging in Idolatry?

What's the word/phrase I am looking for?

Even the Lenin in Seattle?????


Maybe they'll bring it back....
Modern Democrats went straight to ISIS with no in between steps, they need their own country. Their values are incomparable with civil American society

They have their own Country.

It's called Zimbabwe. Or Venezuela. Or North Korea. Or Cuba. Or Myanmar.

dimocraps are scum. Period. Everything they touch turns to shit. Everything.

Entire Cities, whole States, Countries...... Everything.

It's not so much that their ideas are horrible, it's that they THEMSELVES are shit.

It is entirely possible that socialism could, conceivably, work.

The problem is -- socialists, as people, are such scum that we may never know.

Just look at BLM, Antifa, the Occupy (bowel) movement.

It isn't so much that their ideas truly suck..... It is that they, as human beings truly suck

"It's called Zimbabwe"

I bet you've seen this:
Robert Mugabe says that the killers of Zimbabwe's white farmers will not be prosecuted

An extension of the Democrat/Liberal assault on white males.
One thing about tearing down statues that never gets mentioned is how much it drives those who were sitting on the fences towards both extremes.

It's just like gun grabbing results in more gun purchases.

The same fucking misguided protesters who are tearing these statues and flags down are the same ones who are driving more and more people to consider and even to adopt the racist attitudes that they claim to be protesting against.
dimocraps are scum

They have no business EVER playing the 'morality card'

Good job, Democrats and Liberals!

Let's remove every iteration of racist traitors memorialized in sculpture!


But.....some suggestions to advance the 'war.'

1. "As we rewrite history and remove Confederate monuments deemed "offensive" when viewed through the prism of contemporary standards of morality, reasonable people ask: Where does one draw the line? The left, for example, reveres the Kennedy brothers, John, Robert and Edward. But if evaluated by today's standards of social justice, would these left-wing icons hold up?

2. In Sen. Ted Kennedy's case, how does the monument-removing left feel about the kiss Kennedy blew Gov. George Wallace a mere 10 years after Wallace delivered what became perhaps that era's most infamous defense of segregation? At Wallace's request, Kennedy spoke in Alabama at a 1973 Fourth of July "Spirit of America" rally honoring Wallace in 1973.

3. Just 10 years earlier, Wallace defended "Jim Crow," or legal segregation, by shouting, "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever," and attempted to prevent blacks from attending the University of Alabama by blocking a campus doorway. Yet at this July 1973 rally, where Wallace received a "Patriotism Award," guest speaker Kennedy praised Wallace as a believer in the "true spirit of America," who supported the right of everyone to "speak his mind and be heard." Kennedy also talked about the things the two men had in common, including that they "don't corrupt," "don't malign" and "don't abuse" the people's trust."
Why Stop at Reassessing Confederate Monuments? What About the Kennedy Brothers?


This was the traitor who made plans with the Kremlin to topple a United States President.....
"The Liberal Lion of the Senate," Ted 'the murderer' Kennedy.
Losers and traitors only get statues when racists are running the local governments. Them coming down is only right since they never should have been created in the first place.
If we're going to take down statues of historical figures, we should remove them all (which is what the commies want, but they are naive to think that will be effective in ushering their communist revolution).

Statues depicting men/women only works to deify them a la Lenin, Mao, Stalin. That's also why I hate the president's picture hanging in government offices and courts around the nation. It appears so.....commie? Totalitarian? Engaging in Idolatry?

What's the word/phrase I am looking for?

Even the Lenin in Seattle?????


Maybe they'll bring it back....
Unlike the racist South, Lenin didn't wage war and lose.
Good job, Democrats and Liberals!

Let's remove every iteration of racist traitors memorialized in sculpture!


But.....some suggestions to advance the 'war.'

1. "As we rewrite history and remove Confederate monuments deemed "offensive" when viewed through the prism of contemporary standards of morality, reasonable people ask: Where does one draw the line? The left, for example, reveres the Kennedy brothers, John, Robert and Edward. But if evaluated by today's standards of social justice, would these left-wing icons hold up?

2. In Sen. Ted Kennedy's case, how does the monument-removing left feel about the kiss Kennedy blew Gov. George Wallace a mere 10 years after Wallace delivered what became perhaps that era's most infamous defense of segregation? At Wallace's request, Kennedy spoke in Alabama at a 1973 Fourth of July "Spirit of America" rally honoring Wallace in 1973.

3. Just 10 years earlier, Wallace defended "Jim Crow," or legal segregation, by shouting, "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever," and attempted to prevent blacks from attending the University of Alabama by blocking a campus doorway. Yet at this July 1973 rally, where Wallace received a "Patriotism Award," guest speaker Kennedy praised Wallace as a believer in the "true spirit of America," who supported the right of everyone to "speak his mind and be heard." Kennedy also talked about the things the two men had in common, including that they "don't corrupt," "don't malign" and "don't abuse" the people's trust."
Why Stop at Reassessing Confederate Monuments? What About the Kennedy Brothers?


This was the traitor who made plans with the Kremlin to topple a United States President.....
"The Liberal Lion of the Senate," Ted 'the murderer' Kennedy.
Losers and traitors only get statues when racists are running the local governments. Them coming down is only right since they never should have been created in the first place.

How should they come anarchists or by legislation?

Think before you respond, unless this is the first time you've tried to think could wind up with an aneurysm!
If we're going to take down statues of historical figures, we should remove them all (which is what the commies want, but they are naive to think that will be effective in ushering their communist revolution).

Statues depicting men/women only works to deify them a la Lenin, Mao, Stalin. That's also why I hate the president's picture hanging in government offices and courts around the nation. It appears so.....commie? Totalitarian? Engaging in Idolatry?

What's the word/phrase I am looking for?

Even the Lenin in Seattle?????


Maybe they'll bring it back....
Unlike the racist South, Lenin didn't wage war and lose.'re for the folks who starved millions of men, women and children to death?

You voted for the career criminal and congenital liar, huh?
Good job, Democrats and Liberals!

Let's remove every iteration of racist traitors memorialized in sculpture!


But.....some suggestions to advance the 'war.'

1. "As we rewrite history and remove Confederate monuments deemed "offensive" when viewed through the prism of contemporary standards of morality, reasonable people ask: Where does one draw the line? The left, for example, reveres the Kennedy brothers, John, Robert and Edward. But if evaluated by today's standards of social justice, would these left-wing icons hold up?

2. In Sen. Ted Kennedy's case, how does the monument-removing left feel about the kiss Kennedy blew Gov. George Wallace a mere 10 years after Wallace delivered what became perhaps that era's most infamous defense of segregation? At Wallace's request, Kennedy spoke in Alabama at a 1973 Fourth of July "Spirit of America" rally honoring Wallace in 1973.

3. Just 10 years earlier, Wallace defended "Jim Crow," or legal segregation, by shouting, "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever," and attempted to prevent blacks from attending the University of Alabama by blocking a campus doorway. Yet at this July 1973 rally, where Wallace received a "Patriotism Award," guest speaker Kennedy praised Wallace as a believer in the "true spirit of America," who supported the right of everyone to "speak his mind and be heard." Kennedy also talked about the things the two men had in common, including that they "don't corrupt," "don't malign" and "don't abuse" the people's trust."
Why Stop at Reassessing Confederate Monuments? What About the Kennedy Brothers?


This was the traitor who made plans with the Kremlin to topple a United States President.....
"The Liberal Lion of the Senate," Ted 'the murderer' Kennedy.
Losers and traitors only get statues when racists are running the local governments. Them coming down is only right since they never should have been created in the first place.

How should they come anarchists or by legislation?

Think before you respond, unless this is the first time you've tried to think could wind up with an aneurysm!
It really doesn't matter as long as the racist tributes to second place are out of site or melted down for manhole covers.
If we're going to take down statues of historical figures, we should remove them all (which is what the commies want, but they are naive to think that will be effective in ushering their communist revolution).

Statues depicting men/women only works to deify them a la Lenin, Mao, Stalin. That's also why I hate the president's picture hanging in government offices and courts around the nation. It appears so.....commie? Totalitarian? Engaging in Idolatry?

What's the word/phrase I am looking for?

Even the Lenin in Seattle?????


Maybe they'll bring it back....
Unlike the racist South, Lenin didn't wage war and lose.'re for the folks who starved millions of men, women and children to death?

You voted for the career criminal and congenital liar, huh?
Never use the L word where Trump is concerned. He never met a lie he couldn't tell.
Good job, Democrats and Liberals!

Let's remove every iteration of racist traitors memorialized in sculpture!


But.....some suggestions to advance the 'war.'

1. "As we rewrite history and remove Confederate monuments deemed "offensive" when viewed through the prism of contemporary standards of morality, reasonable people ask: Where does one draw the line? The left, for example, reveres the Kennedy brothers, John, Robert and Edward. But if evaluated by today's standards of social justice, would these left-wing icons hold up?

2. In Sen. Ted Kennedy's case, how does the monument-removing left feel about the kiss Kennedy blew Gov. George Wallace a mere 10 years after Wallace delivered what became perhaps that era's most infamous defense of segregation? At Wallace's request, Kennedy spoke in Alabama at a 1973 Fourth of July "Spirit of America" rally honoring Wallace in 1973.

3. Just 10 years earlier, Wallace defended "Jim Crow," or legal segregation, by shouting, "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever," and attempted to prevent blacks from attending the University of Alabama by blocking a campus doorway. Yet at this July 1973 rally, where Wallace received a "Patriotism Award," guest speaker Kennedy praised Wallace as a believer in the "true spirit of America," who supported the right of everyone to "speak his mind and be heard." Kennedy also talked about the things the two men had in common, including that they "don't corrupt," "don't malign" and "don't abuse" the people's trust."
Why Stop at Reassessing Confederate Monuments? What About the Kennedy Brothers?


This was the traitor who made plans with the Kremlin to topple a United States President.....
"The Liberal Lion of the Senate," Ted 'the murderer' Kennedy.
Losers and traitors only get statues when racists are running the local governments. Them coming down is only right since they never should have been created in the first place.

How should they come anarchists or by legislation?

Think before you respond, unless this is the first time you've tried to think could wind up with an aneurysm!
It really doesn't matter as long as the racist tributes to second place are out of site or melted down for manhole covers.

1. "It really doesn't matter as long as the racist tributes to second place are out of site or melted down for manhole covers."
Truly one of the most absurd of statements.....
So....a lynch mob is just as good as a trial by jury?
You're a government school grad, huh?

2. Certainly a bright individual such as you wouldn't use terms they didn't understand.....

....sooo....would you be so kind as to explain what you mean by 'racist'?

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