Proof SCOTUS is corrupt.

If a court aka a judge is corrupt is one issue - and has nothing to do with the undemocratic composition of the USSC.
One doesn't necessarily need to be a "financially corrupt" USSCJ member, in order to push/favor one's own political party conviction over the majority of a population, and therefore engage in dismantling/manipulating the Constitution.
That was a long winded way of proving my point thank you. If this court was 6 liberal justices 3 conservative justices everyone hear would switch their views on the court the right would be trashing it and the left defending it.
Naturalization has nothing to do with enforcing Federal Border laws - the latter are enforced by the US Border and Customs Protection, which is FEDERAL and not State controlled.
And "naturalization" is a part of the Constitution - which isn't subjected to a State ruling, but to Congress and Senate, therefore becoming a FEDERAL LAW.
If a State finds a Federal Law to be unconstitutional they are free to reject/object it, and eventually the USSC will decide. And the present USSC composition is not representing a democratic process - thus the circle of this discussion comes to a full circle.

Poor little commie, I simply pointed out the two areas where the Constitution addresses naturalization/immigration, why did you completely ignore the second point. And feel free to show me where the Constitution says States can't enforce federal laws. Still waiting to see if you can type something that's actually smart. So far you've been really disappointing.

That was a long winded way of proving my point thank you. If this court was 6 liberal justices 3 conservative justices everyone hear would switch their views on the court the right would be trashing it and the left defending it.

Yet the commies are refusing to support the libs on the court in the CO ruling. Go figure.

the vote in Colorado was 9-0. So, Democrat members of the Supreme Court are also corrupt. We know that already.
Now, here's a question for you corrupt Democrats who can't even tell what a woman is, why is it illegal for any law officers in any state to arrest someone who is in the U.S. illegally? You do know that the immigration laws on the boarder are still in affect and prohibit illegal crossing into our boarders, right? The laws aren't broken. They are solidly in place still. What is broken are the Biden Democrats who refuse to enforce those laws and send the people back to their original countries. So, what law is Texas breaking? None.
Every member of the so called supreme court is corrupt.

All of them.
Rules Colorado can't take trump off the ballot because thats federal'

But let's Texas set its own immigration policy, which is supposed to be federal.
Why corrupt, not simply politically bias and partisan?
You’re not wrong. Immigration is a federal issue, but then states have a right to secure their borders, don’t they? Also, what do you do when the federal government refuses to enforce immigration laws?

Also, you do bring up a good point. Immigration is a federal issue, which means sanctuary cities are not lawful, since they are skirting federal immigration law.

8 USC 1324 says that it’s illegal to harbor illegal aliens:
THis is not commentary on either ruling, it is commentary on the contradictory reasoning used in each.
THis is not commentary on either ruling, it is commentary on the contradictory reasoning used in each.

And the US procedure towards "appointing" USSCJ members is totally undemocratic.

Should the people vote on Supreme Court justices?
Could well be - but IMO it is the House of Representatives that should vote/decide - since they "supposedly" represent the overall population - and the latter want's and is supposed or subjected to lead their lives according to the Constitution of the USA.
BTW - the electoral vote system is undemocratic as well - since it guarantees a minority to overrule a majority of the US population.

Try that again, in English?
It is already written in English - if you ain't familiar that the electoral vote system aka the Senate - is not representing an overall population, but represents a minority population towards the overall population of the USA - then you fail in understanding democracy - not necessarily English.

The Senate, in which each state, regardless of its population size, is represented by two senators.
Now spare me the bull about it being 'democratic", since it simply allows low population states and their elected party, to equalize their interests towards higher populated states.
Aka 193,000 people in Wyoming, have the same political leverage in Washington DC (in that case Republicans/2 Senators) as e.g. 11 million people in e.g. California, who voted for the Democrats/2 senators.
Yes, up to the point of deporting people and jailing or profiling "suspected" fence jumpers. This was sorted out long ago. Until this very special SCOTUS came along.

Ok, so, Texas can’t secure their borders, Biden refuses to secure the border, so, what are they supposed to do? Just allow illegals to enter as they wish?

I’m agreeing with you that immigration is a federal issue, but that would assume that the federal government is actually going to enforce the laws.

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