Proof Ryan, Washington Establishment GOP Betraying Voters / Base, Siding with Democrats


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I posted in a thread last night the opinion that the reason Republicans ' Lose' and Democrats 'Win' when the GOP controls the House and Senate is because there is no difference between the Washington Establishment GOP and liberal Democrats - they want the same thing. The evidence to support this, that they are betraying the voters who just elected Trump to go to Washington to do so many things is everywhere.

An Anti-Establishment / Career politician movement helped sweep 'traditional' Status-Quo, Washington Establishment GOP candidates aside and send Trump to Washington. His opponents hated him, tried to destroy him...and ever now are working to undermine and sabotage his promises and agendas.

Proof that Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and the core Washington Establishment GOP want the same things as Democrats and are just playing Conservatives for fools?

Republicans swore up and down years ago to their constituents who wanted the ACA gone they would repeal and replace, defund, and get rid of the ACA. In 'SHOW VOTES', where the votes never really mattered, they voted approx. 100 times to defund Obamacare. Every time the vote mattered, however - when they could actually defund it, THEY FULLY FUNDED IT.

Trump was sent to Washington on the promise to repeal and replace the ACA. Ryan and the GOP who hated and tried to destroy Trump during the campaign, F*ED him. There was already a bill that had been agreed upon by the majority of the GOP, but Ryan did not choose to use that bill and instead led the effort to write another and ram it through - even taking a page from Nancy Pelosi by telling his colleagues to vote for the bill without having read the last-minute additions. The Freedom Caucus appropriately rejected it, telling Ryan, 'That's not how WE do business'. Many will take this as incompetence on Trump's part, but he is not running Congress .This was not incompetence on Ryan's part, either, or the Freedom Caucus' fault. Ryan and the GOP had YEARS to have a plan in hand waiting for the day when they had the House, Senate, and WH to get a bill passed. They did not. they failed...and not by accident.

Trump was never a 'real' Republican, never accepted as one. he threatened the Status Quo, threatened how it has 'always been done', threatened big controlling govt, and everything Democrats openly ... and GOP quietly ... support. They have sabotaged everything the voters elected Trump to do / get done.

Repeal / Replace the ACA - Ryan oversaw that goal's destruction.

Tax reform - 'Not this year'. Ryan has sabotaged that promise / goal.

Secure the borders and build a wall - Ryan has overseen the delay and inevitable destruction of that promise / goal.

Defund Planned Parenthood - trump has done his part through EO, but Ryan and the Washington Establishment, anti-Voter/Trump GOP are busy killing that promise / goal, too:

Will GOP Fund Planned Parenthood But Not Border Wall?

"The House passed Pence's 2011 amendment, including it in the first funding bill approved by the then-new House Republican majority. But then-House Speaker John Boehner subsequently cut a spending deal with the Democrats in the Senate and the White House that did not include Pence's amendment to defund Planned Parenthood."

in 2011, when the GOP controlled the House, Now-VP Pence pushed a bill to defund Planned parenthood Abortions, as the people demanded...and Washington Establishment RINO Boehner betrayed Conservatives and funded Planned parenthood, stripping Pence's amendment from the bill. WHY? Because Washington Establishment GOP want the same thing Democrats do.

It is 2017, and Trump was just elected President on a platform that included a majority-supported promise to cut funding for abortions / Planned parenthood...and Ryan - Boehner's 'Sith Apprentice' - is on the verge of committing the same betrayal his 'master' committed in 2011!

'Now, Congress faces an April 28 deadline to pass a new government funding bill. There is currently no talk that it will include language to prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood.'

With a deadline of 28 April, Ryan and the Washington Establishment GOP have the opportunity to F* Over - betray - both Conservatives who elected trump and President trump, who was elected partly based on his promises to listen to the American people and keep these promises. Ryan does not just have the opportunity to kill ONE Trump Promise which the majority of Americans sent him to Washington to keep - he has the chance to kill TWO: The Border Wall and Planned Parenthood.

If Ryan and the GOP, who own the majority in the House and Senate pass funding for Planned parenthood while not funding the wall it will be evidence that the Washington Establishment GOP, who has never accepted Trump as 'one of them' but sees him as a threat, is no different than the Liberal Democrats and are intentionally sabotaging Trump's Presidency.

As pointed out - ACA Repeal and Replace, Tax Reform, Defunding Planned Parenthood, Building the Wall - Trump hit the ground running, and the GOP - Ryan, McConnell, etc... - have put the brakes on, are not on board, and are doing what they can, it seems, to ensure Trump's agenda is not successful.

There is no difference between the 2 parties, and to be honest, the GOP would rather be in the MINORITY, IMO, because it allows them to let the Democrats what they all / both want to do while claiming they are powerless to stop it. They continue to keep their jobs, keep enriching themselves. Holding the majority makes it difficult to keep facilitating the liberal agenda because claiming the minority is stopping you makes them look their recent effort to 'repeal and replace' the ACA. Based on their actions the last several years and this latest pathetic ACA replacement 'theater', though, I would bet my house that the GOP never intended to repeal and replace it and have been lying to their members and Americans this whole time.
You made an excellent point. First of which, they're both worthless. Second, Rs voted to repeal repeatedly when D's were in charge because they knew it was never make it to Os desk. They thought by doing this that their base would think they cared, lol. They couldn't give two shits. Now, when they're in power and have the house, senate, and exec, they cave like rats in a wet paper bag.
Ryan is a backstabber. He proved that right after the 2014 mid term elections.
Ryan is a backstabber. He proved that right after the 2014 mid term elections.
Ryan didn't want the job in the first place, (no one did), and he's been going out of his way to prove it.
Here we go.....gotta blame someone, eh?

Where the OP falls down is because the members of the HOUSE also were elected to do a job, and that job was TO KEEP TRUMP IN CHECK.

They were elected SPECIFICALLY to ensure that Trump complied with the Constitution and that the checks and balances held FAST when he overstepped his authority.

The job of the House and Senate is not to rubber stamp the President's agenda. The House and Senate are elected to RUN THE COUNTRY on behalf of their Constituents.

Voters all over the country want to KEEP the ACA 68% of them, so regardless of what the Trumpbot want or what Trump promised, their job is now to keep the ACA.
Here we go.....gotta blame someone, eh?

Where the OP falls down is because the members of the HOUSE also were elected to do a job, and that job was TO KEEP TRUMP IN CHECK.

They were elected SPECIFICALLY to ensure that Trump complied with the Constitution and that the checks and balances held FAST when he overstepped his authority.

The job of the House and Senate is not to rubber stamp the President's agenda. The House and Senate are elected to RUN THE COUNTRY on behalf of their Constituents.

Voters all over the country want to KEEP the ACA 68% of them, so regardless of what the Trumpbot want or what Trump promised, their job is now to keep the ACA.
Where the OP falls down is because the members of the HOUSE also were elected to do a job, and that job was TO KEEP TRUMP IN CHECK
Were they also elected to keep Obama in check?

Did you whine when the Republicans held his feet to the fire?
Here we go.....gotta blame someone, eh?

Where the OP falls down is because the members of the HOUSE also were elected to do a job, and that job was TO KEEP TRUMP IN CHECK.

They were elected SPECIFICALLY to ensure that Trump complied with the Constitution and that the checks and balances held FAST when he overstepped his authority.

The job of the House and Senate is not to rubber stamp the President's agenda. The House and Senate are elected to RUN THE COUNTRY on behalf of their Constituents.

Voters all over the country want to KEEP the ACA 68% of them, so regardless of what the Trumpbot want or what Trump promised, their job is now to keep the ACA.
Where the OP falls down is because the members of the HOUSE also were elected to do a job, and that job was TO KEEP TRUMP IN CHECK
Were they also elected to keep Obama in check?

Did you whine when the Republicans held his feet to the fire?

The difference being that the voters didn't trust Trump, and with good reason. Obama wasn't a serial liar, con man and he's never gone bankrupt.

Much of what Trump promised was unconstitutional - like the Muslim ban. So no, Republicans weren't elected to keep Obama in check, but they sure as hell are expect to keep that orange-faced sack of shit you elected from starting WWIII
Here we go.....gotta blame someone, eh?

Where the OP falls down is because the members of the HOUSE also were elected to do a job, and that job was TO KEEP TRUMP IN CHECK.

They were elected SPECIFICALLY to ensure that Trump complied with the Constitution and that the checks and balances held FAST when he overstepped his authority.

The job of the House and Senate is not to rubber stamp the President's agenda. The House and Senate are elected to RUN THE COUNTRY on behalf of their Constituents.

Voters all over the country want to KEEP the ACA 68% of them, so regardless of what the Trumpbot want or what Trump promised, their job is now to keep the ACA.
Where the OP falls down is because the members of the HOUSE also were elected to do a job, and that job was TO KEEP TRUMP IN CHECK
Were they also elected to keep Obama in check?

Did you whine when the Republicans held his feet to the fire?

The difference being that the voters didn't trust Trump, and with good reason. Obama wasn't a serial liar, con man and he's never gone bankrupt.

Much of what Trump promised was unconstitutional - like the Muslim ban. So no, Republicans weren't elected to keep Obama in check, but they sure as hell are expect to keep that orange-faced sack of shit you elected from starting WWIII
The difference being that the voters didn't trust Trump, and with good reason

The voters in 30 of the 50 states trusted him more than Hillary.
That's how be won the office

Obama wasn't a serial liar, con man and he's never gone bankrupt.

Obama was the ultimate conman, and never had a job

like the Muslim ban

What Muslim ban?
I posted in a thread last night the opinion that the reason Republicans ' Lose' and Democrats 'Win' when the GOP controls the House and Senate is because there is no difference between the Washington Establishment GOP and liberal Democrats - they want the same thing. The evidence to support this, that they are betraying the voters who just elected Trump to go to Washington to do so many things is everywhere.

An Anti-Establishment / Career politician movement helped sweep 'traditional' Status-Quo, Washington Establishment GOP candidates aside and send Trump to Washington. His opponents hated him, tried to destroy him...and ever now are working to undermine and sabotage his promises and agendas.

Proof that Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and the core Washington Establishment GOP want the same things as Democrats and are just playing Conservatives for fools?

Republicans swore up and down years ago to their constituents who wanted the ACA gone they would repeal and replace, defund, and get rid of the ACA. In 'SHOW VOTES', where the votes never really mattered, they voted approx. 100 times to defund Obamacare. Every time the vote mattered, however - when they could actually defund it, THEY FULLY FUNDED IT.

Trump was sent to Washington on the promise to repeal and replace the ACA. Ryan and the GOP who hated and tried to destroy Trump during the campaign, F*ED him. There was already a bill that had been agreed upon by the majority of the GOP, but Ryan did not choose to use that bill and instead led the effort to write another and ram it through - even taking a page from Nancy Pelosi by telling his colleagues to vote for the bill without having read the last-minute additions. The Freedom Caucus appropriately rejected it, telling Ryan, 'That's not how WE do business'. Many will take this as incompetence on Trump's part, but he is not running Congress .This was not incompetence on Ryan's part, either, or the Freedom Caucus' fault. Ryan and the GOP had YEARS to have a plan in hand waiting for the day when they had the House, Senate, and WH to get a bill passed. They did not. they failed...and not by accident.

Trump was never a 'real' Republican, never accepted as one. he threatened the Status Quo, threatened how it has 'always been done', threatened big controlling govt, and everything Democrats openly ... and GOP quietly ... support. They have sabotaged everything the voters elected Trump to do / get done.

Repeal / Replace the ACA - Ryan oversaw that goal's destruction.

Tax reform - 'Not this year'. Ryan has sabotaged that promise / goal.

Secure the borders and build a wall - Ryan has overseen the delay and inevitable destruction of that promise / goal.

Defund Planned Parenthood - trump has done his part through EO, but Ryan and the Washington Establishment, anti-Voter/Trump GOP are busy killing that promise / goal, too:

Will GOP Fund Planned Parenthood But Not Border Wall?

"The House passed Pence's 2011 amendment, including it in the first funding bill approved by the then-new House Republican majority. But then-House Speaker John Boehner subsequently cut a spending deal with the Democrats in the Senate and the White House that did not include Pence's amendment to defund Planned Parenthood."

in 2011, when the GOP controlled the House, Now-VP Pence pushed a bill to defund Planned parenthood Abortions, as the people demanded...and Washington Establishment RINO Boehner betrayed Conservatives and funded Planned parenthood, stripping Pence's amendment from the bill. WHY? Because Washington Establishment GOP want the same thing Democrats do.

It is 2017, and Trump was just elected President on a platform that included a majority-supported promise to cut funding for abortions / Planned parenthood...and Ryan - Boehner's 'Sith Apprentice' - is on the verge of committing the same betrayal his 'master' committed in 2011!

'Now, Congress faces an April 28 deadline to pass a new government funding bill. There is currently no talk that it will include language to prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood.'

With a deadline of 28 April, Ryan and the Washington Establishment GOP have the opportunity to F* Over - betray - both Conservatives who elected trump and President trump, who was elected partly based on his promises to listen to the American people and keep these promises. Ryan does not just have the opportunity to kill ONE Trump Promise which the majority of Americans sent him to Washington to keep - he has the chance to kill TWO: The Border Wall and Planned Parenthood.

If Ryan and the GOP, who own the majority in the House and Senate pass funding for Planned parenthood while not funding the wall it will be evidence that the Washington Establishment GOP, who has never accepted Trump as 'one of them' but sees him as a threat, is no different than the Liberal Democrats and are intentionally sabotaging Trump's Presidency.

As pointed out - ACA Repeal and Replace, Tax Reform, Defunding Planned Parenthood, Building the Wall - Trump hit the ground running, and the GOP - Ryan, McConnell, etc... - have put the brakes on, are not on board, and are doing what they can, it seems, to ensure Trump's agenda is not successful.

There is no difference between the 2 parties, and to be honest, the GOP would rather be in the MINORITY, IMO, because it allows them to let the Democrats what they all / both want to do while claiming they are powerless to stop it. They continue to keep their jobs, keep enriching themselves. Holding the majority makes it difficult to keep facilitating the liberal agenda because claiming the minority is stopping you makes them look their recent effort to 'repeal and replace' the ACA. Based on their actions the last several years and this latest pathetic ACA replacement 'theater', though, I would bet my house that the GOP never intended to repeal and replace it and have been lying to their members and Americans this whole time.

That's about the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever read.

1. You cannot defund Obamacare leaving millions of Americans that were forced onto this program without insurance overnight. Yes they could have done that but the odds of a Republican winning a dog catchers position afterwards would have been ZERO to NONE. All the repeal bills sent up to Obama's desk, all the threats of shutting down the government, all the cries to defund Obamacare--was nothing but BULLSHIT to send a thrill through the crowd--that apparently you swallowed hook, line & sinker. They never intended to do anything but to use Obamacare to campaign on. To get your support and your vote--that's all it was about.

2. John Boehner stated several months ago that Republicans NEVER agree on health care, and that all the campaign rhetoric over the last 7 years to repeal and replace Obamacare was overly optimistic "happy talk."
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced
The GOP's Obamacare replacement bill: Dead on arrival? -

3. The only Republican that was campaigning on a WALL was Donald Trump. He also stated that he would make Mexico pay for it, even though Mexico told him to shove it up his ass 3 times. It is not the Republican congress's fault that Trump didn't accomplish that. Right now a poll is out that Trump supporters don't want to pay for a worthless wall either, and for good reason. They don't work.
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

At the end of this video it will tell you how much we have already wasted on useless walls and fences.

So you can blame anyone you want too--but the catastrofic failures during the last 100 days belongs to one person and one person only. Donald Trump. You bought into all his bullshit fueled by right talk show hosts, and now the shit has hit the fan.

It's your fault. You nominated this Ass Clown when you had 16 other candidates, several of them much more qualified & competent. They're telling him to fuck off. He will get no respect from Congress or the Senate--he's made too many Republican enemies. Along with 3 ongoing Russian investigations that look to be headed toward impeachment. They're going to avoid Trump like the black plague and they're not going to come rushing in to save his ass. Republican House and Senate members will fien friendship & political agreement on camera--but when they turn away they're puking. Unfortunately for you, to get anything done in Washington D.C. you need friends, collegues and respect. Something Trump doesn't have.

Frankly you deserve everything coming your way.

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I posted in a thread last night the opinion that the reason Republicans ' Lose' and Democrats 'Win' when the GOP controls the House and Senate is because there is no difference between the Washington Establishment GOP and liberal Democrats - they want the same thing. The evidence to support this, that they are betraying the voters who just elected Trump to go to Washington to do so many things is everywhere.

An Anti-Establishment / Career politician movement helped sweep 'traditional' Status-Quo, Washington Establishment GOP candidates aside and send Trump to Washington. His opponents hated him, tried to destroy him...and ever now are working to undermine and sabotage his promises and agendas.

Proof that Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and the core Washington Establishment GOP want the same things as Democrats and are just playing Conservatives for fools?

Republicans swore up and down years ago to their constituents who wanted the ACA gone they would repeal and replace, defund, and get rid of the ACA. In 'SHOW VOTES', where the votes never really mattered, they voted approx. 100 times to defund Obamacare. Every time the vote mattered, however - when they could actually defund it, THEY FULLY FUNDED IT.

Trump was sent to Washington on the promise to repeal and replace the ACA. Ryan and the GOP who hated and tried to destroy Trump during the campaign, F*ED him. There was already a bill that had been agreed upon by the majority of the GOP, but Ryan did not choose to use that bill and instead led the effort to write another and ram it through - even taking a page from Nancy Pelosi by telling his colleagues to vote for the bill without having read the last-minute additions. The Freedom Caucus appropriately rejected it, telling Ryan, 'That's not how WE do business'. Many will take this as incompetence on Trump's part, but he is not running Congress .This was not incompetence on Ryan's part, either, or the Freedom Caucus' fault. Ryan and the GOP had YEARS to have a plan in hand waiting for the day when they had the House, Senate, and WH to get a bill passed. They did not. they failed...and not by accident.

Trump was never a 'real' Republican, never accepted as one. he threatened the Status Quo, threatened how it has 'always been done', threatened big controlling govt, and everything Democrats openly ... and GOP quietly ... support. They have sabotaged everything the voters elected Trump to do / get done.

Repeal / Replace the ACA - Ryan oversaw that goal's destruction.

Tax reform - 'Not this year'. Ryan has sabotaged that promise / goal.

Secure the borders and build a wall - Ryan has overseen the delay and inevitable destruction of that promise / goal.

Defund Planned Parenthood - trump has done his part through EO, but Ryan and the Washington Establishment, anti-Voter/Trump GOP are busy killing that promise / goal, too:

Will GOP Fund Planned Parenthood But Not Border Wall?

"The House passed Pence's 2011 amendment, including it in the first funding bill approved by the then-new House Republican majority. But then-House Speaker John Boehner subsequently cut a spending deal with the Democrats in the Senate and the White House that did not include Pence's amendment to defund Planned Parenthood."

in 2011, when the GOP controlled the House, Now-VP Pence pushed a bill to defund Planned parenthood Abortions, as the people demanded...and Washington Establishment RINO Boehner betrayed Conservatives and funded Planned parenthood, stripping Pence's amendment from the bill. WHY? Because Washington Establishment GOP want the same thing Democrats do.

It is 2017, and Trump was just elected President on a platform that included a majority-supported promise to cut funding for abortions / Planned parenthood...and Ryan - Boehner's 'Sith Apprentice' - is on the verge of committing the same betrayal his 'master' committed in 2011!

'Now, Congress faces an April 28 deadline to pass a new government funding bill. There is currently no talk that it will include language to prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood.'

With a deadline of 28 April, Ryan and the Washington Establishment GOP have the opportunity to F* Over - betray - both Conservatives who elected trump and President trump, who was elected partly based on his promises to listen to the American people and keep these promises. Ryan does not just have the opportunity to kill ONE Trump Promise which the majority of Americans sent him to Washington to keep - he has the chance to kill TWO: The Border Wall and Planned Parenthood.

If Ryan and the GOP, who own the majority in the House and Senate pass funding for Planned parenthood while not funding the wall it will be evidence that the Washington Establishment GOP, who has never accepted Trump as 'one of them' but sees him as a threat, is no different than the Liberal Democrats and are intentionally sabotaging Trump's Presidency.

As pointed out - ACA Repeal and Replace, Tax Reform, Defunding Planned Parenthood, Building the Wall - Trump hit the ground running, and the GOP - Ryan, McConnell, etc... - have put the brakes on, are not on board, and are doing what they can, it seems, to ensure Trump's agenda is not successful.

There is no difference between the 2 parties, and to be honest, the GOP would rather be in the MINORITY, IMO, because it allows them to let the Democrats what they all / both want to do while claiming they are powerless to stop it. They continue to keep their jobs, keep enriching themselves. Holding the majority makes it difficult to keep facilitating the liberal agenda because claiming the minority is stopping you makes them look their recent effort to 'repeal and replace' the ACA. Based on their actions the last several years and this latest pathetic ACA replacement 'theater', though, I would bet my house that the GOP never intended to repeal and replace it and have been lying to their members and Americans this whole time.

You are nothing but a Trump propagandist.

Trump has been anything but anti-establishment. When he was a Democrat he supported establishment figures such as Schumer and Clinton. He donated to the Clinton Foundation. When he became a Republican he supported establishment figures such as McConnell and the RSCC and RCCC. The fact is that he won because he was not Clinton.

Trump does not threaten the status quo. The swamp is still there and it is filled with big business. Goldman Sachs could hold a board meeting at Trump's cabinet meetings. Several of his cabinet officials have ethics questions. Trump has consistently sided with big business against ordinary people.

Since Trump was sworn in support for Obamacare has increased. Voters want it fixed not repealed. That bill that you complain about was supported by Trump. Why? Because Trump is a egomaniac. The only thing he wanted was a bill that he could sign. He didn't care what was in it.

The fact is that the bill that was passed was flawed. It would have led to millions of people losing their health care coverage. just as this alternative does. Republicans need to accept the subsidies in Obamacare and work on giving people more choice and reducing bureaucracy.

Tax reform is imperiled because Trump had no proposal just as he had no proposal on health care. When Reagan ran in 1980, he ran on tax cuts and had 1 ready to go when he was elected.

As to the wall, a huge majority do not support a wall. The exit polls showed that only 41% of voters supported building a wall. A wall in a unnecessary expense.

The fact is that conservatives need to learn something. The Obamacare subsidies are not entitlements. They are assisting people who need help. We are seeing the lengths of people's lives becoming more dependent on their economic status. Higher incomes have longer lifespans while low income people are seeing their lifespans drop.

We need to be problem solvers. We need to come up with conservative ideas and leaving people to fend for themselves is not a answer.

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