Proof Republicans don't hate Education

If anyone believed that stupid line that Republican didn't like education

they might want to educate themselves in free thinking and not just swallow everything some idiot says from the Democrat party

Unfortunately, it is the GOP that continues to push for Creationism being taught in science classes. And it is the GOP that states that all the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies, and all the major Universities that state that AGW is real and a clear and present danger, are in on an international conspiracy to begger us all. It is the GOP that denigrates the scientists that publish in peer reviewed journals, and actually files frivolous charges against them.

Yes, it is the GOP that is anti-science.

And computers cost money. That's the end of that.
I don't think conservatives hate education, but I do believe conservatives hate education for the common everyday students. For their own children a good education is needed but not for all. If conservatives believed a good education was needed for all young people they would fight to have all school districts in the country spend the same amount, no more no less, on each student.
Your belief is incorrect. Your statement about conservatives not wanting a good education for all cannot be backed up by anything.

Name Me one person who has said they want school choice JUST FOR republican or conservative children?

IF they think that school choice is best for their children, they obviously believe it is best for ALL children.

This defense of public schools that are failing is the real tragedy.

School Choice implies that some schools might be better than others, but for many families school choice is not in the cards. Transportation alone rules out school-choice for many. School choice is good for affluent neighborhoods that has a superior school that might be good for my kids, but would the school be superior and a choice if it let in "those klds"?
Let's no kid ourselves.
huh? again in english.
Actually, for those who give a shit about reality, the strongest conservative push for charter schools is in the inner cities put it don't run into many Republican voters.

The biggest battles on charter schools are in New York City and Washington DC.
school choice does nothing but take money out of the public school system and hand it over to parochial schools.

no thanks.

nice tantrum, though.

School choice takes vital decisions about children's futures out of the hands of bureaucrats and puts them into the hands of parents where they belong.

Yes, please.

Nice tantrum, though.
School Choice implies that some schools might be better than others, but for many families school choice is not in the cards. Transportation alone rules out school-choice for many. School choice is good for affluent neighborhoods that has a superior school that might be good for my kids, but would the school be superior and a choice if it let in "those klds"?
Let's no kid ourselves.

Wow. :eek:

It seems you exercised the choice to drop out of school very early.
...but that's beside the point.

No rational, cogent American believes that Republicans are against education.

Republicans are outraged at what public education in the U.S. has become. It has been hijacked by jackbooted unions and professional bureaucrats who are more concerned with sucking infinite amounts of money from the taxpayers, supporting politicians who feel the same way, and conducting social experiments with the nation's children.

Collectively, they have coopted the curricula to incorporate "sex education" to the point where it is a major distraction, and various sorts of socialist/progressive propaganda. They thwart every attempt to segregate students who want to, and are able to, do good work from those who simply want to disrupt and socialize, thus ruining the experience of millions of American would-be scholars. This is especially true in inner cities, where strong unions dominate the entire institution, preventing any meaningful improvements.

Republicans favor charter schools, by which students with special needs or interests can VOLUNTARILY study in a different environment, while obtaining ALMOST AS MUCH FUNDING as the conventional schools. But of course Charter Schools are "kryptonite" to teacher's unions and democrat politicians because they threaten the vile monopoly that prevails.

It is the same story over an dover again. Republicans oppose ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, and Democrats wail that Republicans oppose immigration. Total bullshit. Republicans oppose Unions dominating the public education systems, and Democrats claim that they are anti-education.

And on and on. Democrat bullshit. We are drowning in it.
I wish I could like that post more than once (well, I reposted it anyway).

Half of my property taxes goes to education. Half. Multiplied out by all the homes and business and that's a LOT of goddamn money. And they'll fight tooth and nail to make sure none of it leaves their coffers. Big Public Ed is extremely top heavy with well paid bureaucrats and the unions are in cahoots with the democrat party big time. The whole system is corrupt and in dire need of COMPETITION.

So many other countries don't fund education nearly as well and they're kicking our ass in academics. If you look at the crap on school walls they seem to be promoting feelings, personal growth and political correctness over academics.
school choice does nothing but take money out of the public school system and hand it over to parochial schools.

You mean the failing public school system? Yeah, we wouldn't want anybody leaving there. They might actually learn something, grow up to support themselves, and not need politicians and bureaucrats to take care of them.

what failing education system is that?

Kwasi Enin, accepted to all 8 Ivy League schools chooses Yale |

The only reason Kwasi got into those colleges was affirmative action. Whites with perfect SAT scores and grades routinely get rejected from all the universities in the top 20 or so. And all the rejected Asians, who are super-discriminated against in college admissions, would so easily pound Kwasi's stats to the floor. Discrimination and racism by those elite universities is the only reason he did as well as he did. I'm not saying he's not intelligent, but his SAT score was not particularly high, and neither his accomplishments nor his essay were better than those of the vast majority of rejected students from those institutions. And Kwasi is one of the very few successful people in those inner city public schools.

This is like saying Africa's great by showing 1 person who makes $30,000 a year.
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Schools are just one more gambit to be used by people and politicians to further their political beliefs. States rights, teacher unions, school taxes, subject matter, and other subjects are all grist for the political mill, not education. Our schools may in truth be a reflection of some of our dissatisfaction with government.

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