Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

ZioNazism has come to an end. We're witnessing the end of the Jewish supremacist state of Israhell. It's now committing suicide before all of humanity, with its genocidal bombing campaign and besieging of Gaza. You dumb Zionist Jews are your own worst enemies.

Now the LORD said to Abram,
“Go forth from your country,
And from your relatives
And from your father’s house,
To the land which I will show you;
And I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great;
And so you shall be a blessing;
And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Genesis 12:1-3 (NASB)
One leads to another, and it starts with Hamas. I have already told you what you call Palestinians are arabs kicked out of other countries, the term Palestinian was made up by the PLO, and Yassir Arrafat. What Christian doesn't stand with Israel
That land has been called Palestine since the 2nd century. The Palestinian "Arabs" are the indigenous population of Palestine, even according to Israeli scientists from Hebrew University:

These Palestinian "Arabs" , are Arabs mostly culturally, as far as their language and they've adopted a religion that originated in the Arabian peninsula. They're not pure Arabs, they're of another genetic heritage that is unique to the Levant region of the Middle East. These people who you pretend aren't the natives of Palestine, are at the very least, just as likely, to descend from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, than any Jew from Poland. It's well established in the Ottoman archives, in British records, and in several UN census, that these people were driven out of their homes and lands by Jewish terrorists:

The Irgun, the Hagana, all of these Jewish militant types, were terrorizing the Palestinians as early as the 1920s. They committed massacres, leveling Palestinian villages to the ground. What the Israeli military did here is simply following their tradition, of dispossessing the Palestinians of their lands and history:



Even Israeli historians admit to the atrocities committed by the Zionist Jewish military:

This is the evil spirit of Zionism (Jewish Supremacist Ideology):

The Jewish Zionists were open about their intentions to ethnically cleanse the land of Palestinian Arabs going back to the early 1900s. You can read their literature and the transcripts of their speeches, in their meetings. There's no way to deny it because it's well-documented.
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Now the LORD said to Abram,
“Go forth from your country,
And from your relatives
And from your father’s house,
To the land which I will show you;
And I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great;
And so you shall be a blessing;
And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Genesis 12:1-3 (NASB)
The Palestinians are just as likely to descend from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as any Jew from Poland. These Palestinians are Muslims and Christians. So your whole silly religious scheme, where you cite bronze age writings to support your Jewish supremacist agenda fails miserably. Religious fundamentalists who think citing a religious text written by Jews 3000 years ago, "proves" or legitimizes the Jewish takeover of real estate today, are mentally ill. You're suffering from a mental illness.
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Politicians lose Wars. If it wasn't for their greed and corruption your side would be toast.
Bright Makes Might

The ruling class wants you blame other reasons instead of the fact that its way of getting ahead puts inferior people in superior positions. Flunkies always flunk the tests of leadership. No-talent bootlicking class-climbers get their brains further warped by the boot polish. Raw talent gets a raw deal, and the whole country suffers.
Especially interesting is the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire into bits ad pieces,

"The Jihad Is Dead. Long Live the Jihad!"

After the Balfour Declaration, the Allies soon went back to the historical fantasy that there'd be no more jihads and start appeasing those who were starting one up again soon after World War I ended the previous one. Dumbo Dubya, privileged to have the most prestigious "education," thought that terrorism was "a Jew problem," so he called off all operations against Al Qaida.
The answer is simple: because Democrats don’t want skilled white people.
College Is the Religion of Human Sacrifice

Neither do Republicans, or they'd replace the class-biased indentured-servitude of the college plantation with highly paid professional training. That would motivate the superior natural talent. Anyone who swallows his pride by submitting to this present childish, depressing, and insulting system will choke his talent.

Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

14 Oct 2923 ~~ By Jon Levine

Experts predict a million refugees might flee the Gaza Strip amid the war between Israel and Hamas, and socialists and far-left lawmakers said America should welcome them.
“Fifty percent of the population in Gaza are children. The international community as well as the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine while being very careful to vet and not allow members of Hamas,” said Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a New York member of the Socialist-Democratic “Squad” who remains under investigation for pulling a fire alarm in the House Cannon Office Building earlier this month.
But Republicans have already slammed the door shut on the issue.
Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) said they would oppose Palestinian resettlement efforts here.
“The U.S. is the most generous nation in the world, but we are in no position to accept additional refugees, especially from a region with as high a risk of terrorism, given our nation’s inability to secure our own border or vet those who are already here,” Rubio told The Post.
The United States took in 25,465 refugees from around the world in 2022, a 123% increase from 2021, according to State Department records.
Approximately 170,000 Palestinians live in the United States, according to census data.

This kind of insanity is what Democrat Socialists are all about. This is the essence of today’s Democrat Socialist of America Party.
Brought to us by the same Democrat DSA “Progressive” mentality demanding defunding of police throughout America, releasing felons and murderers without bail in Blue Plantation Cities would somehow improve public safety.
“Progressives” are intellectual troglodytes and an imminent threat to all Americans.
Surely Alex Soros and the Open Society Foundation have already distributed the funds to get this done. bribing the right officials to funding the right NGOs that will do it in secrecy.
The actions and stated positions of Jamaal Bowman are indistinguishable from someone who is actively working to destabilize and destroy the United States. Its time to call him and the rest of the "Squad" out for their perfidy and commit to defeat them all in the next election.
Progressives must first clean up the mess they made with the 7 million people they let in the country! Figure out how to ensure safety and civility of taxpayers. Deport accordingly. Now is not the best time to be asking for another handout of hard earned tax dollars, take in Palestinian terrorists.
We don't need to fill the rolls nor recruits for BLM and ANTIFA so they can turn all American cities into Gaza. Why do you think not one Arab nation will take in the Palestinian wolves?
wrong again----the interesting feature of the household of Abraham was LITERACY----his kids and
grandkids were literate---including Ishmael. In order
to link a people to Abraham's crowd---one would have
to decide that previously LITERATE people forgot that
literacy exists. WHOLE previously literate communities
suddenly became "illiterate" arabs
The Outline of Prehistory

More proof that the Hebrews were really an IQ percentile. They were the ones who invented all the things attributed to the other Sumerians.

Like Prometheus using his genius to get Zeus into power, and then being betrayed by him, these myths are based on historical occurrences. Today, if the truth could be told instead of sold, a common question would be, "If you're so smart, why haven't you made the rich richer?"
They defeated American troops in several battles, but that's irrelevant. They won the war and that's what matters. The Taliban are now back in power. America jumps into wars for the wrong reasons hence they lose. You fight wars you can't win. Wars to fill the coffers of the military-industrial complex. What was the end game for Afghanistan? There was none. You lost the war from the very beginning and now the Taliban are back in power.

I can beat you in a fight, by simply standing there and taking the hits. I don't strike you, I just absorb your strikes, until you get bored and leave. Another tactic is that I move around the ring, and I let you follow me and punch the air, missing me, until you get tired. In Vietnam the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army applied a strategy of gradually wearing down its more powerful enemy. Guerilla warfare involves wearing out (physically, psychologically, politically..etc), a better-equipped enemy until they collapse or quit. If you manage to accomplish that, you have won the war, it doesn't matter if you took in more casualties.

Soviet Russia in WW2 applied a "scorched earth" tactic, of destroying everything, to leave their enemy with nothing to operate from. No structures, no water, no electricity, just rubble. Then they were shelled to oblivion. After that, the red army would come in and fight the nazis who were left, in close urban combat. It was brutal. The Soviets won the war, despite their heavier casualties and destroying like 70% of their infrastructure.

America is going to fall apart soon, due to people like you. You right-wingers are destroying America, along with the liberals. You're ensuring the balkanization of the US sooner than later, due to both your foreign and domestic government policies. Americans are destroying their country, due to their lack of common sense and solidarity with the rest of humanity. This country has at the very most maybe 20 years, before it completely collapses economically, socially..etc. At best 20 years.
Every American Body Bag Should Have "RULES OF ENGAGEMENT" Stamped On It
The Palestinians weren't illiterate and anyway, your Jewish religious superstitions amount to a heap of worthless excrement. The world is fucking tired of your primitive bronze age shit religion, with its genocidal god. You've chosen yourselves to be at the brunt of abuse, due to your stupid presumptuous xenophobia and narcissism (you're the best propagators of anti-Semiticism). Israhell is essentially committing suicide with this genocidal bombing campaign. Israelis are dumb, jumping into the trap.
Some Genos, Such As All Third-World Races, Need to Be Cided
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We lost Vietnam because the media destroyed our will to fight, and the politicians would not do what was necessary to win.
Before They Could Stab Us in the Back, They Had to Take Away Our Backbone

We lost in Vietnam because the sons of the ruling class and its boytoys who ran away to college didn't have to fight. The purpose of that and many other wars was to kill off or take the fight out of the bravest sons of the White working class. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
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Before They Could Stab Us in the Back, They Had to Take Away Our Backbone

We lost in Vietnam because the sons of the ruling class and its boytoys who ran away to college didn't have to fight. The purpose of that and many other wars was to kill off or take the fight out of the bravest sons of the White working class. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
We lost because Walter Cronkite, the most trusted name in news went to Vietnam. He wanted to see for himself how the war was going. He was there during, possibly, the most decisive battle, the Tet Offensive. We won a huge victory. Cronkite decided that he would end war and the loss of Vietnamese life. He came back and lied. He reported that the Tet Offensive was a rout of American forces. The defeat was so profound that American military had gone on a killing spree. He labeled our fighters baby killers. The war protests became more violent.

As a result of these libelous lies, Nguyen Huu Tho, Vietnamese chairman told his armies that they didn't need to win any battles. Just hang on, the American left will hand over victory.

That is exactly what happened.
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We lost because Walter Cronkite, the most trusted name in news went to Vietnam.
Out of curiosity, what exactly did you lose, apart from opportunity for war profiteers?
You didn't lose one scrap of 'freedom', did you?
Your ego was dented that a third world country could kick your arse. And you still haven't learned.
Afghanistan was about ENRON. They needed a gas pipeline across Afghanistan to Dabhol. As soon as negotiations with the Taliban broke down Bush invaded.
The "Great Game," As Fought by Batboys

The HeirGuardsman and Darth Evader never had to fight in the Cold War, so they wanted to start a new one by occupying Afghanistan strictly as an outpost against Russia. Our sheltered leaders are too stupid to know this, but that tribal conglomeration pretending to be a country was always an outpost against Russia. Churchill even fought there. You know, back when leaders weren't sissyboy draftdodgers.

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