
They need to be learning how to run a business. Not serving as meat puppets so you can relive your failed dreams through them, Unk.
This is the one thing I like about unkotare. Wrestling changed my life. It’s how I got into college. The coach pulled some strings.

But there is some truth to what you are saying too. Besides wrestling I worked at a weight lifting gym when I was in 10-12th grade. It was the perfect job for a wrestler. Free gym membership.

Anyways, the guy who owned the gym was also a stockbroker. He taught me how to sell gym memberships. Said I was good at it and I should be a stockbroker or salesperson when I grew up. I credit that guy for giving me career advice.

The wrestling coach is usually just a teacher. Kids aren’t looking to a teacher for career advice unless they want to be a teacher.

And the assistant coaches, while all good guys, aren’t over achievers either. Their best days were in high school or college.

And some of these assistants imo got off on beating little kids at wrestling. They’re kind of bullies. They miss the glory days. They like kids looking up to them. Reminds them of the last time that happened, their senior year.

None of them were intelligent men. Now I see why unkotare says so little. He’s one of those oddball former wrestlers. Kind of a jerk. An angry type. Just like all the former wrestlers who come up to practice with the team. Is it really about the kids or is it about them?
At practice yesterday, I brought a big bag of onigiri for the wrestlers for after practice, at the wife’s suggestion. Some of these kids don’t get lunch if there is not a school day.
At practice yesterday, I brought a big bag of onigiri for the wrestlers for after practice, at the wife’s suggestion. Some of these kids don’t get lunch if there is not a school day.
You are the weirdest Irishman with your fetish with Asians. Strange.

If anyone ever gives a shit what you think you will be told, fish. Until then shut the fuck up.
Wrestling changed my life. 10th grade my brother and I got sick of the politics in team sports where making the team or playing depended on some coaches opinion. In wrestling if someone wants your spot they have to challenge you for it. That appealed to me. So I dropped down to 167 but I couldn’t beat the guy who was varsity at 167. But he missed a lot of tournaments so by the end of the year I won enough matches to be varsity even though I wasn’t a starter. Junior year I won the league at 155. Senior year I placed in the state tournament. It’s what got me into college. The coach at emu pulled some strings.

Don’t tell him I quit wrestling once I got to college. Lol

Wrestling in college is a choir to be sure. I picked up my scholarship check from the financial aid office and signed it over to the registrar. I did the math. I was making less than $5 per hour for all time sweat and effort.
Thank you. Only an idiot would wrestle In college. Our ass Coach was Steve Frazier Olympic gold medalist. He had us doing three practices a day. A 6am morning run, a noon 1 hour wrestle and a real practice in the evening.

I asked him “coach, did you go to college while u trained for the olympics?” And the answer was no. So he had us training for the olympics and going to college when all he ever did was train for the Olympics

If any of this were true, it would only mean you quit because you’re a pussy.
No I was more stupid than a pussy. No way I could have passed classes and wrestled too. It was too much for me. I had to quit wrestling.

If wrestling paid I would have stayed a jock but what I wanted was money and my best shot at money was getting a bachelors degree and getting into sales.
Wrestling changed my life. 10th grade my brother and I got sick of the politics in team sports where making the team or playing depended on some coaches opinion. In wrestling if someone wants your spot they have to challenge you for it. That appealed to me. So I dropped down to 167 but I couldn’t beat the guy who was varsity at 167. But he missed a lot of tournaments so by the end of the year I won enough matches to be varsity even though I wasn’t a starter. Junior year I won the league at 155. Senior year I placed in the state tournament. It’s what got me into college. The coach at emu pulled some strings.

Don’t tell him I quit wrestling once I got to college. Lol

Wrestling in college is a choir to be sure. I picked up my scholarship check from the financial aid office and signed it over to the registrar. I did the math. I was making less than $5 per hour for all time sweat and effort.
Thank you. Only an idiot would wrestle In college. Our ass Coach was Steve Frazier Olympic gold medalist. He had us doing three practices a day. A 6am morning run, a noon 1 hour wrestle and a real practice in the evening.

I asked him “coach, did you go to college while u trained for the olympics?” And the answer was no. So he had us training for the olympics and going to college when all he ever did was train for the Olympics

If any of this were true, it would only mean you quit because you’re a pussy.
No I was more stupid than a pussy. No way I could have passed classes and wrestled too. It was too much for me. I had to quit wrestling.

If wrestling paid I would have stayed a jock but what I wanted was money and my best shot at money was getting a bachelors degree and getting into sales.

I did it for 3 years, finally came to my senses my senior year. The worse part was coming back to an empty campus the day after Christmas so we could do 2 a days until New Year’s Eve. Then we would pile into a van for a 10 road trip. It was horrible.
Our ass coach Olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser had us doing 3 a days. Fuck that. Why would I go through that for $1500 a year? Get up at 5am to run 3-5 Miles, then go to classes, then go to the noon practice, then more classes, then the real practice at night and mandatory study hall every day? You would have to really like wrestling other young men to do all that.

As soon as I quit I went with other guys who just quit to a Thursday night fraternity keg party. Now that’s how you do college.
Wrestling in college is a choir to be sure. I picked up my scholarship check from the financial aid office and signed it over to the registrar. I did the math. I was making less than $5 per hour for all time sweat and effort.
Thank you. Only an idiot would wrestle In college. Our ass Coach was Steve Frazier Olympic gold medalist. He had us doing three practices a day. A 6am morning run, a noon 1 hour wrestle and a real practice in the evening.

I asked him “coach, did you go to college while u trained for the olympics?” And the answer was no. So he had us training for the olympics and going to college when all he ever did was train for the Olympics

If any of this were true, it would only mean you quit because you’re a pussy.
No I was more stupid than a pussy. No way I could have passed classes and wrestled too. It was too much for me. I had to quit wrestling.

If wrestling paid I would have stayed a jock but what I wanted was money and my best shot at money was getting a bachelors degree and getting into sales.
Wrestling in college is a choir to be sure. I picked up my scholarship check from the financial aid office and signed it over to the registrar. I did the math. I was making less than $5 per hour for all time sweat and effort.
Thank you. Only an idiot would wrestle In college. Our ass Coach was Steve Frazier Olympic gold medalist. He had us doing three practices a day. A 6am morning run, a noon 1 hour wrestle and a real practice in the evening.

I asked him “coach, did you go to college while u trained for the olympics?” And the answer was no. So he had us training for the olympics and going to college when all he ever did was train for the Olympics

If any of this were true, it would only mean you quit because you’re a pussy.
No I was more stupid than a pussy. No way I could have passed classes and wrestled too. It was too much for me. I had to quit wrestling.

If wrestling paid I would have stayed a jock but what I wanted was money and my best shot at money was getting a bachelors degree and getting into sales.

I did it for 3 years, finally came to my senses my senior year. The worse part was coming back to an empty campus the day after Christmas so we could do 2 a days until New Year’s Eve. Then we would pile into a van for a 10 road trip. It was horrible.
Our ass coach Olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser had us doing 3 a days. Fuck that. Why would I go through that for $1500 a year? Get up at 5am to run 3-5 Miles, then go to classes, then go to the noon practice, then more classes, then the real practice at night and mandatory study hall every day? You would have to really like wrestling other young men to do all that.

As soon as I quit I went with other guys who just quit to a Thursday night fraternity keg party. Now that’s how you do college.

I would say "weakling," if you weren't just making it all up in the first place.
My congratulations. This young man is learning lessons that will serve him well throughout life.
The best thing you can do for any human being is to give him the gift of getting things for himself.
That's why I've never liked participation trophies or automatic passing grades for everyone.
Thank you. Only an idiot would wrestle In college. Our ass Coach was Steve Frazier Olympic gold medalist. He had us doing three practices a day. A 6am morning run, a noon 1 hour wrestle and a real practice in the evening.

I asked him “coach, did you go to college while u trained for the olympics?” And the answer was no. So he had us training for the olympics and going to college when all he ever did was train for the Olympics

If any of this were true, it would only mean you quit because you’re a pussy.
No I was more stupid than a pussy. No way I could have passed classes and wrestled too. It was too much for me. I had to quit wrestling.

If wrestling paid I would have stayed a jock but what I wanted was money and my best shot at money was getting a bachelors degree and getting into sales.
Thank you. Only an idiot would wrestle In college. Our ass Coach was Steve Frazier Olympic gold medalist. He had us doing three practices a day. A 6am morning run, a noon 1 hour wrestle and a real practice in the evening.

I asked him “coach, did you go to college while u trained for the olympics?” And the answer was no. So he had us training for the olympics and going to college when all he ever did was train for the Olympics

If any of this were true, it would only mean you quit because you’re a pussy.
No I was more stupid than a pussy. No way I could have passed classes and wrestled too. It was too much for me. I had to quit wrestling.

If wrestling paid I would have stayed a jock but what I wanted was money and my best shot at money was getting a bachelors degree and getting into sales.

I did it for 3 years, finally came to my senses my senior year. The worse part was coming back to an empty campus the day after Christmas so we could do 2 a days until New Year’s Eve. Then we would pile into a van for a 10 road trip. It was horrible.
Our ass coach Olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser had us doing 3 a days. Fuck that. Why would I go through that for $1500 a year? Get up at 5am to run 3-5 Miles, then go to classes, then go to the noon practice, then more classes, then the real practice at night and mandatory study hall every day? You would have to really like wrestling other young men to do all that.

As soon as I quit I went with other guys who just quit to a Thursday night fraternity keg party. Now that’s how you do college.

I would say "weakling," if you weren't just making it all up in the first place.
I was the most muscular strongest kid on the team. The seniors picked on me because as tough as I was they were tougher. They’d kill me at wrestling.

So once a week we would do something other than wrestle for practice. One day we played touch football that turned into tackle football. One senior said, “give seaybobo the ball” and I said yea give me the ball. So the senior qb pitched me the ball to run left where big mouth was. I ran straight at him and laid him out and knocked the wind out of him. They stopped picking on me after that.

Weakling is not a word you can use to describe me. When I wrestled at 155 I weighed 150 and

Bench press 350
Deadlift 505
Squat 405.

I was an all state wrestler and metro Detroit powerlifting champ.
If any of this were true, it would only mean you quit because you’re a pussy.
No I was more stupid than a pussy. No way I could have passed classes and wrestled too. It was too much for me. I had to quit wrestling.

If wrestling paid I would have stayed a jock but what I wanted was money and my best shot at money was getting a bachelors degree and getting into sales.
If any of this were true, it would only mean you quit because you’re a pussy.
No I was more stupid than a pussy. No way I could have passed classes and wrestled too. It was too much for me. I had to quit wrestling.

If wrestling paid I would have stayed a jock but what I wanted was money and my best shot at money was getting a bachelors degree and getting into sales.

I did it for 3 years, finally came to my senses my senior year. The worse part was coming back to an empty campus the day after Christmas so we could do 2 a days until New Year’s Eve. Then we would pile into a van for a 10 road trip. It was horrible.
Our ass coach Olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser had us doing 3 a days. Fuck that. Why would I go through that for $1500 a year? Get up at 5am to run 3-5 Miles, then go to classes, then go to the noon practice, then more classes, then the real practice at night and mandatory study hall every day? You would have to really like wrestling other young men to do all that.

As soon as I quit I went with other guys who just quit to a Thursday night fraternity keg party. Now that’s how you do college.

I would say "weakling," if you weren't just making it all up in the first place.
I was the most muscular strongest kid on the team. The seniors picked on me because as tough as I was they were tougher. They’d kill me at wrestling.

So once a week we would do something other than wrestle for practice. One day we played touch football that turned into tackle football. One senior said, “give seaybobo the ball” and I said yea give me the ball. So the senior qb pitched me the ball to run left where big mouth was. I ran straight at him and laid him out and knocked the wind out of him. They stopped picking on me after that.

Weakling is not a word you can use to describe me. When I wrestled at 155 I weighed 150 and

Bench press 350
Deadlift 505
Squat 405.

I was an all state wrestler and metro Detroit powerlifting champ.

Champion shit-talker, and "weakling" is exactly what you call someone who quits because something requires too much effort, pussy. Make up some more lies to cover your weakness and closet status.
No I was more stupid than a pussy. No way I could have passed classes and wrestled too. It was too much for me. I had to quit wrestling.

If wrestling paid I would have stayed a jock but what I wanted was money and my best shot at money was getting a bachelors degree and getting into sales.
No I was more stupid than a pussy. No way I could have passed classes and wrestled too. It was too much for me. I had to quit wrestling.

If wrestling paid I would have stayed a jock but what I wanted was money and my best shot at money was getting a bachelors degree and getting into sales.

I did it for 3 years, finally came to my senses my senior year. The worse part was coming back to an empty campus the day after Christmas so we could do 2 a days until New Year’s Eve. Then we would pile into a van for a 10 road trip. It was horrible.
Our ass coach Olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser had us doing 3 a days. Fuck that. Why would I go through that for $1500 a year? Get up at 5am to run 3-5 Miles, then go to classes, then go to the noon practice, then more classes, then the real practice at night and mandatory study hall every day? You would have to really like wrestling other young men to do all that.

As soon as I quit I went with other guys who just quit to a Thursday night fraternity keg party. Now that’s how you do college.

I would say "weakling," if you weren't just making it all up in the first place.
I was the most muscular strongest kid on the team. The seniors picked on me because as tough as I was they were tougher. They’d kill me at wrestling.

So once a week we would do something other than wrestle for practice. One day we played touch football that turned into tackle football. One senior said, “give seaybobo the ball” and I said yea give me the ball. So the senior qb pitched me the ball to run left where big mouth was. I ran straight at him and laid him out and knocked the wind out of him. They stopped picking on me after that.

Weakling is not a word you can use to describe me. When I wrestled at 155 I weighed 150 and

Bench press 350
Deadlift 505
Squat 405.

I was an all state wrestler and metro Detroit powerlifting champ.

Champion shit-talker, and "weakling" is exactly what you call someone who quits because something requires too much effort, pussy. Make up some more lies to cover your weakness and closet status.
Why would my made up story be that I quit wrestling my freshman year of college? Why wouldn’t I tell a better story like yours? You claim to have wrestled 3 years and won some college tournaments but then got injured so you had to stop? That’s embellishing.

And still you probably wrestled at 130. Little fish. Lol
No I was more stupid than a pussy. No way I could have passed classes and wrestled too. It was too much for me. I had to quit wrestling.

If wrestling paid I would have stayed a jock but what I wanted was money and my best shot at money was getting a bachelors degree and getting into sales.
No I was more stupid than a pussy. No way I could have passed classes and wrestled too. It was too much for me. I had to quit wrestling.

If wrestling paid I would have stayed a jock but what I wanted was money and my best shot at money was getting a bachelors degree and getting into sales.

I did it for 3 years, finally came to my senses my senior year. The worse part was coming back to an empty campus the day after Christmas so we could do 2 a days until New Year’s Eve. Then we would pile into a van for a 10 road trip. It was horrible.
Our ass coach Olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser had us doing 3 a days. Fuck that. Why would I go through that for $1500 a year? Get up at 5am to run 3-5 Miles, then go to classes, then go to the noon practice, then more classes, then the real practice at night and mandatory study hall every day? You would have to really like wrestling other young men to do all that.

As soon as I quit I went with other guys who just quit to a Thursday night fraternity keg party. Now that’s how you do college.

I would say "weakling," if you weren't just making it all up in the first place.
I was the most muscular strongest kid on the team. The seniors picked on me because as tough as I was they were tougher. They’d kill me at wrestling.

So once a week we would do something other than wrestle for practice. One day we played touch football that turned into tackle football. One senior said, “give seaybobo the ball” and I said yea give me the ball. So the senior qb pitched me the ball to run left where big mouth was. I ran straight at him and laid him out and knocked the wind out of him. They stopped picking on me after that.

Weakling is not a word you can use to describe me. When I wrestled at 155 I weighed 150 and

Bench press 350
Deadlift 505
Squat 405.

I was an all state wrestler and metro Detroit powerlifting champ.

Champion shit-talker, and "weakling" is exactly what you call someone who quits because something requires too much effort, pussy. Make up some more lies to cover your weakness and closet status.
You’re what the gay community calls an angry bottom.
I did it for 3 years, finally came to my senses my senior year. The worse part was coming back to an empty campus the day after Christmas so we could do 2 a days until New Year’s Eve. Then we would pile into a van for a 10 road trip. It was horrible.
Our ass coach Olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser had us doing 3 a days. Fuck that. Why would I go through that for $1500 a year? Get up at 5am to run 3-5 Miles, then go to classes, then go to the noon practice, then more classes, then the real practice at night and mandatory study hall every day? You would have to really like wrestling other young men to do all that.

As soon as I quit I went with other guys who just quit to a Thursday night fraternity keg party. Now that’s how you do college.

I would say "weakling," if you weren't just making it all up in the first place.
I was the most muscular strongest kid on the team. The seniors picked on me because as tough as I was they were tougher. They’d kill me at wrestling.

So once a week we would do something other than wrestle for practice. One day we played touch football that turned into tackle football. One senior said, “give seaybobo the ball” and I said yea give me the ball. So the senior qb pitched me the ball to run left where big mouth was. I ran straight at him and laid him out and knocked the wind out of him. They stopped picking on me after that.

Weakling is not a word you can use to describe me. When I wrestled at 155 I weighed 150 and

Bench press 350
Deadlift 505
Squat 405.

I was an all state wrestler and metro Detroit powerlifting champ.

Champion shit-talker, and "weakling" is exactly what you call someone who quits because something requires too much effort, pussy. Make up some more lies to cover your weakness and closet status.
You’re what the gay community calls an angry bottom.

I don’t care to know about your community. Keep it to yourself.
I did it for 3 years, finally came to my senses my senior year. The worse part was coming back to an empty campus the day after Christmas so we could do 2 a days until New Year’s Eve. Then we would pile into a van for a 10 road trip. It was horrible.
Our ass coach Olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser had us doing 3 a days. Fuck that. Why would I go through that for $1500 a year? Get up at 5am to run 3-5 Miles, then go to classes, then go to the noon practice, then more classes, then the real practice at night and mandatory study hall every day? You would have to really like wrestling other young men to do all that.

As soon as I quit I went with other guys who just quit to a Thursday night fraternity keg party. Now that’s how you do college.

I would say "weakling," if you weren't just making it all up in the first place.
I was the most muscular strongest kid on the team. The seniors picked on me because as tough as I was they were tougher. They’d kill me at wrestling.

So once a week we would do something other than wrestle for practice. One day we played touch football that turned into tackle football. One senior said, “give seaybobo the ball” and I said yea give me the ball. So the senior qb pitched me the ball to run left where big mouth was. I ran straight at him and laid him out and knocked the wind out of him. They stopped picking on me after that.

Weakling is not a word you can use to describe me. When I wrestled at 155 I weighed 150 and

Bench press 350
Deadlift 505
Squat 405.

I was an all state wrestler and metro Detroit powerlifting champ.

Champion shit-talker, and "weakling" is exactly what you call someone who quits because something requires too much effort, pussy. Make up some more lies to cover your weakness and closet status.
Why would my made up story be that I quit wrestling my freshman year of college? ....Lol

Because you got caught in a lie and realized you had to alter your story.
So, a kid from a very rough inner-city neighborhood who two years ago and never set foot on a wrestling mat took a chance and tried something new. The first year he couldn’t afford wrestling shoes so I gave him mine. We couldn’t find headgear that would fit over his gigantic hair so he cut it off temporarily. The hair is back and he has a much bigger head gear now. Last year , After learning some technique and getting into some kind of shape, he played football so it wasn’t starting from complete scratch, he managed to win a few matches. This year, he is starting to figure it out for real, and is winning more often than he loses. Seeing the confidence growing in this young man has all of the very many grueling hours of harder work than most reading this can imagine is quite rewarding. Next year who knows what He may accomplish. It’s good to see young people working hard devoting themselves to something and seeing that it really does pay off. Of course it’s only a sport and he probably won’t be doing it for the rest of his life, but I think he’s learning things that he absolutely will use for the rest of his life. Good to see.
Btw, this story you are telling is my story. When I joined wrestling another kid gav me his old wrestling shoes because my dad was too cheap to pay for wrestling shoes.

That was tenth grade. I wore those shoes to the state tournament my senior year. There was nothing wrong with them.

Shoes actually played a part in me quitting college wrestling. We all had to get wrestling shoes from the school. They were the teams official shoes. The coach probably got a kickback. College basketball coaches do I’m sure wrestling coaches do too. Anyways we had to do a fundraiser to pay for shoes. Besides all the other shit we had to do we had to go beg for money? Too much work for $1500. Another guy who quit was getting a full ride. He gave up $5000.

What kind of questions do they ask teachers at teacher school? Maybe it’s easier getting a teacher degree than a business degree?
Our ass coach Olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser had us doing 3 a days. Fuck that. Why would I go through that for $1500 a year? Get up at 5am to run 3-5 Miles, then go to classes, then go to the noon practice, then more classes, then the real practice at night and mandatory study hall every day? You would have to really like wrestling other young men to do all that.

As soon as I quit I went with other guys who just quit to a Thursday night fraternity keg party. Now that’s how you do college.

I would say "weakling," if you weren't just making it all up in the first place.
I was the most muscular strongest kid on the team. The seniors picked on me because as tough as I was they were tougher. They’d kill me at wrestling.

So once a week we would do something other than wrestle for practice. One day we played touch football that turned into tackle football. One senior said, “give seaybobo the ball” and I said yea give me the ball. So the senior qb pitched me the ball to run left where big mouth was. I ran straight at him and laid him out and knocked the wind out of him. They stopped picking on me after that.

Weakling is not a word you can use to describe me. When I wrestled at 155 I weighed 150 and

Bench press 350
Deadlift 505
Squat 405.

I was an all state wrestler and metro Detroit powerlifting champ.

Champion shit-talker, and "weakling" is exactly what you call someone who quits because something requires too much effort, pussy. Make up some more lies to cover your weakness and closet status.
Why would my made up story be that I quit wrestling my freshman year of college? ....Lol

Because you got caught in a lie and realized you had to alter your story.
Nah I just may have said I wrestled in college. I did, for about 3 months.
I did it for 3 years, finally came to my senses my senior year. The worse part was coming back to an empty campus the day after Christmas so we could do 2 a days until New Year’s Eve. Then we would pile into a van for a 10 road trip. It was horrible.
Our ass coach Olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser had us doing 3 a days. Fuck that. Why would I go through that for $1500 a year? Get up at 5am to run 3-5 Miles, then go to classes, then go to the noon practice, then more classes, then the real practice at night and mandatory study hall every day? You would have to really like wrestling other young men to do all that.

As soon as I quit I went with other guys who just quit to a Thursday night fraternity keg party. Now that’s how you do college.

I would say "weakling," if you weren't just making it all up in the first place.
I was the most muscular strongest kid on the team. The seniors picked on me because as tough as I was they were tougher. They’d kill me at wrestling.

So once a week we would do something other than wrestle for practice. One day we played touch football that turned into tackle football. One senior said, “give seaybobo the ball” and I said yea give me the ball. So the senior qb pitched me the ball to run left where big mouth was. I ran straight at him and laid him out and knocked the wind out of him. They stopped picking on me after that.

Weakling is not a word you can use to describe me. When I wrestled at 155 I weighed 150 and

Bench press 350
Deadlift 505
Squat 405.

I was an all state wrestler and metro Detroit powerlifting champ.

Champion shit-talker, and "weakling" is exactly what you call someone who quits because something requires too much effort, pussy. Make up some more lies to cover your weakness and closet status.
....You claim to have wrestled 3 years and won some college tournaments but then got injured so you had to stop?

No, liar. Stick to lying about yourself, closet-boy.
So, one of the guys on the team lost yesterday - to a girl. He’s taking it pretty hard, but the truth is she is a really good wrestler. He was in a position to win several times, but still lacks the experience to have taken advantage of opportunities.

I’ve been trying to help him get over the whole ‘lost to a girl’ thing; your opponent is a wrestler, not a gender, but he comes from a ‘macho’ culture that is making it hard on him.

He’s a smart, hard-working, resilient kid and I know he’ll do much better next season.

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