A CUNY professor who called religious believers "moral retards" has gone on another Internet rant - calling himself a defiant "superman" and comparing religion to oppressive regimes.
A firestorm erupted at Brooklyn College after the views of Timothy Shortell - elected to head the sociology department this month - were revealed in a Daily News story on Monday.
"Christians claim that theirs is faith based on love, but they'll just as soon kill you," Shortell wrote in an online journal that is linked to his Web site (www.shortell.org).
Brooklyn College officials responded yesterday by launching an investigation into the controversial professor's views.
"I sharply disagree with the offensive anti-religion opinions of Prof. Timothy Shortell," Brooklyn College President Christoph Kimmich wrote in a letter to The News.
But Shortell remained defiant in his latest post.
"I have been attacked recently in the New York newspapers," he wrote. "We laugh at our critics. We will behold with joy their silly tantrums."
He also called himself and others who share his beliefs "Übermenschen," a reference to German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche's idea of the perfect person, or "superman."
Hugh Son