Professional Career Race Baitor / Agitator Al Sharpton: "“I suspect” LA cop shooter was “planted” to make BLM look bad"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Race Agitator Al Sharpton To MSNBC:
“I suspect” LA cop shooter was “planted” to make BLM look bad"

Just when you think the extreme Left can NOT possibly say anything MORE STOPID to divide the nation by conning uneducated, TDS-Suffering sheep /snowflakes, here comes Professional, career, Race Baiter/Hustler/Con Man and Attention-Whore Al Sharpton......

YES, Al, the police staged the shooting, sacrificing 2 of their own, shooting and seriously wounding 2 of their own policemen just to discredit BLM....


I guess all the sick, depraved, TDS-suffering, cop-hating, domestic-terrorist and would-be-murderer supporters who attempted to block the entrance of the ER where the policemen were being taken and yelled, "We Hope They Die" were also 'plants', huh, Al?

"Al Sharpton was a regular visitor at Barack Obama’s White House. During his presidency, Sharpton was seen marching in 2014 [video] with thousands of BLM agitators in New York City, while they shouted, “What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? Now!”
He recently made a statement about not getting rid of cops. After all of his profiteering he realizes what would happen if they were completely defunded. He already has enough blood on his hands.
"Al Sharpton was a regular visitor at Barack Obama’s White House. During his presidency, Sharpton was seen marching in 2014 [video] with thousands of BLM agitators in New York City, while they shouted, “What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? Now!”
Here’s a 1992 video of Al Sharpton inciting a crowd in Kean College, NY. where he incites the crowd to take action against cops, saying: “I believe in offing the pigs!”
Listen to Sharpton tell them: “I don’t believe in marching. I believe in offing the pigs! Well, they got pigs out here! What I believe in, I do!” Sharpton exclaimed, encouraging the laughing audience to physically take on law enforcement. He added, “Do what you believe in. Or shut up and admit you’ve lost your courage and guts to stand up!”
'Hey Al, where were you 2 nights ago, and can anyone vouch for you?'


Federal courts should be able to sentence people who commit crimes like this as domestic terrorists, then revoke their citizenship, and send them to GITMO.



Race Agitator Al Sharpton To MSNBC:
“I suspect” LA cop shooter was “planted” to make BLM look bad"

Just when you think the extreme Left can NOT possibly say anything MORE STOPID to divide the nation by conning uneducated, TDS-Suffering sheep /snowflakes, here comes Professional, career, Race Baiter/Hustler/Con Man and Attention-Whore Al Sharpton......

YES, Al, the police staged the shooting, sacrificing 2 of their own, shooting and seriously wounding 2 of their own policemen just to discredit BLM....


I guess all the sick, depraved, TDS-suffering, cop-hating, domestic-terrorist and would-be-murderer supporters who attempted to block the entrance of the ER where the policemen were being taken and yelled, "We Hope They Die" were also 'plants', huh, Al?

Like there needs to be something more to make BLM look bad ? What do they ever do that looks GOOD ?

And the shooter of the 2 LA cops shot in the head, appears to be a small child. hardly more than about 8 years old. Look at him/her running away on the video - tiny little legs.

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