Probing Trump's Support(?)! 70% Unfavorable, 56% Uncomfortable, And Maybe A Rash(?)!


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Feb 22, 2009
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The oft-cited Marquette poll of Wisconsin asked questions about the overall perception of aspirant Donald Trump. The new surprise is not the 70% unfavorable rating, but the 56% "Uncomfortable" with the concept of a Trump Presidency, poll finding. Trump's Wisconsin primary poll slide: A closer look at what voters are saying

Apart from the poll, Secretary Clinton has more Democrats voting for her than for anyone including Sanders, Trump, or Cruz, by comparison--and with the allegedly high "unfavorable" rating. Sanders does well in caucus states, where the white neighbors tend to show up. Bill, after all, is often thought. . .well. The indirect compare and contrast is that Trump's unfavorables are rock solid, and without question among the people(?)! Secretary Clinton's unfavorables remain mostly an allegation. They can disappear easily, with only a hint of some new perfume. Sanders is mainly thought an old Jew Socialist, noting that Independents are not a good source of money, organization, and turnout. Caucuses work for Independents.

So Trump now appears to be on the brink of announcing his plan for the first 100 days. "Short every stock market on the planet! A massive recession is imminent!" Compare that with the Cruz plan intending to abolish IRS--and pay no federal contractor, apparently ever again(?). Kasich to the rescue--in the Reagan, Bush kind of tradition--is more likely to send the trillions of federal deficit dollars, to anywhere at anytime on any given day! It did work well in Ohio(?)! He may even vote for Obama-Biden--or embrace the ACA welfare plan, or something(?)!

Senator Cruz contends that Trump tries to guess at what "Conservative" means in The Republican Party. Cruz leaves no doubt that "Abolition" remains high on that agenda! As usual it has nothing to do with blacks.

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many still waiting on promise from the Ivy League, embracing Keynes: "Who bade the people bend over, and await the Public Works!")
American patriots support Trump and that says it all.
I think if you actually want to probe Rump's support you'll need these:


I would highly recommend plenty of rubber gloves as well.
Translation...I really really really hate Trump WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE VOTING FOR HIM :blowup:
Republicans always pick the worst of the worst but in this case Cruz is worse than Trump. Republican voters are a stupid and hateful bunch of retarded Neanderthals.
On the Democratic side, in the economy, it is actually Secretary Clinton who is proposing a kind of Co-op income profit-sharing plan, with a specific tax-credit with that as the requirement. On top of wages, workers become participants in the outcome of marketing, sales, production, and management. If the gadget or service agreement works, then everyone employed gets a benefit. Not affected, of course, are the independent contractors, technically not even covered under Minimum Wage agreements. It is not clear that the Secretary's bonuses would avoid the Moses Atrocity arithmetic--uneven bonuses, based on existing uneven incomes. That is the problem described in Matthew 25:14-30, tossing people into "Outer Darkness." The Pythagorean Theorem can even be applied. The household that should have been enriched eight talents, only got seven. That is the square root of five squared plus five squared. The times of the Bible did not have a decimal point. It is not clear that ancients anywhere, knew much beyond the concept "Many," as what comes after the usual number, two. Known instead to history, What starts as Jewish, Says Completely Jewish, including in the Church of the Holy Fathers--famously of the cute little clergy skull caps. Seraphs and Jewish lenders are known in history.

From a Clinton propaganda missive, below.
Ensure more workers share in near-record corporate profits. Corporate profits are near record highs—but workers have not shared through rising wages. Profit sharing is linked to higher pay, benefits, and productivity. That’s why Hillary’s plan creates a 15 percent tax credit for companies that share profits with workers on top of wages and pay increases.
The Bill Clinton Tax Credits were in equal amounts. $500.00 per child exists. Before that, the 1986 raised and indexed standard deduction, and personal exemptions, were a computing remedy like found in Matthew 20:1-16. That was basis for the "Refundable Income Tax Credit," of the Obama Stimulus. The Republicans labled the whole thing Socialist, and took Jesus Christ away from America, 2011. They would later on run the Mormon for President instead(?).

Inverse usury is not a concept embraced in the Quran either, where "Riba" and "Wealth from Riba." is prohibited. Like Christians in the Europe of the Jewish lenders, the righteous Moslems put the Jews to the Seraph kind of task. Both concepts are easily said to allow Jews to be condemned in eternity, instead(?). The World-wide response would become the concept, "Country-Club," and socially accepted, other memberships. Those were apart from the colored, other memberships. . .or something(?).

So Clinton and Obama, and the Democrats under Reagan: Accepted an arithmetic remedy to an arithmetic problem, it not directly so-stated.

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Poison blankets and rotted corn: Also famous remedy of Many White Eyes!)
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