Probation as Punishment

Is probation a good punishment? Usually on probation convicted persons are required to obtain/maintain employment, remain drug free, abstain from association with other criminals, perform community service and live a crime free life.

If the person committed a crime then they must be a danger to society. Why is this punishment so commonly used with no regard to public safety? Does this probationary period offer some sort of rehabilitation? Is this just away to solve overcrowded prison populations? What gives? Is this the best way to handle crime?

Not all are a danger to society. Petty theft is an example. It costs between $45k and $60k per year to keep prisoner.
Is probation a good punishment? Usually on probation convicted persons are required to obtain/maintain employment, remain drug free, abstain from association with other criminals, perform community service and live a crime free life.

If the person committed a crime then they must be a danger to society. Why is this punishment so commonly used with no regard to public safety? Does this probationary period offer some sort of rehabilitation? Is this just away to solve overcrowded prison populations? What gives? Is this the best way to handle crime?

They dont always give people probation.
It depends on the crime and if they're repeat offenders.
Is probation a good punishment? Usually on probation convicted persons are required to obtain/maintain employment, remain drug free, abstain from association with other criminals, perform community service and live a crime free life.

If the person committed a crime then they must be a danger to society. Why is this punishment so commonly used with no regard to public safety? Does this probationary period offer some sort of rehabilitation? Is this just away to solve overcrowded prison populations? What gives? Is this the best way to handle crime?

Probation seems like a free pass for crimes committed

Like you said, a person on probation must toe the line in terms of staying out of trouble. If they commit another crime, they are not only liable for the new crime, but the sentence for the old crime is reinstated

So, if the person stays clean, probation served its purpose.
If he doesn’t. He has to serve the original sentence
Probation seems like a free pass for crimes committed

Like you said, a person on probation must toe the line in terms of staying out of trouble. If they commit another crime, they are not only liable for the new crime, but the sentence for the old crime is reinstated

So, if the person stays clean, probation served its purpose.
If he doesn’t. He has to serve the original sentence
how is that a free pass???
sorry but I have been on it 3 times and everytime I had to check in and follow up,, one even had me come in 3 times a week in the morning for a breathalyzer and twice a month for a drug test and my charges had nothing to do with drugs or drinking,,,
Might be a state thing, but in California, it just means don't get busted again.

Probation nearly never involves any sort of check in or follow up. It's just a mark on the record so if the person is arrested again while on probation they are supposed to be locked up immediately.

Of course it doesn't work that way, probation means they got off scot-free.
They do in Tennessee. I thought about becoming a Probation Officer at one time, having aced the test, but passing it up after the interview. Yes, here they meet their charges monthly, presiding over piss tests, updating info, and collection of fees associated with probation, per scheduled meeting. Some of them just screwed up and got probation, but others can be dangerous asshhole repeat offender, that should not have got probation instead of jail or should not have gotten release from jail early under probation, being just as big a dangerous asshole as when they went in, and you aren't even armed by the state of Tennessee. The test is the same as for social worker, only it ain't social work. It is low pay and a shitty thing to do with your required Bachelor's Degree.

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