Pro-Palestinian protesters in Chicago block road to O'Hare Airport....Now the Golden Gate bridge

Well done the decent people with good in their heart and a conscience .
Nice to see a few Americans of real worth and value .

Puts our Forum Outcasts to shame .

" Now is the time to think and choose
So let's kick out those Nazi Jews"

Flying high in Billboard
This is NOT the first time the GG Bridge has been shut down by demonstrators. The GG Ferry was still running. There is also the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge AND Oakland Bay Bridge. The Tiburon Ferry is also running.

The GG gets shut down several times a year, nothing to see here, except Natyahood loving MAGA MAGGOTS.
Well done the decent people with good in their heart and a conscience .
Nice to see a few Americans of real worth and value .

Puts our Forum Outcasts to shame .

" Now is the time to think and choose

So let's kick out those Nazi Jews"

Flying high in Billboard
Yawn, another foreigner spewing ignorance on the board. Wake me up when its over.
Some of them have either glued their hands to the road or joined arms inside a metal pipe. I see a lot of new candidates for deportation.

The administration is flying hundreds of thousands of migrants into the USA from other countries bypassing the border altogether. You think they'll deport people for protesting in favor of the Palestinians that have the administration's full sympathy and support?
The administration is flying hundreds of thousands of migrants into the USA from other countries bypassing the border altogether. You think they'll deport people for protesting in favor of the Palestinians that have the administration's full sympathy and support?
Operation Wetback 2.0 is potentially on deck if there is a new Administration
This ends when 3/4 get run over
Blocking cars is an Act and Not Speech
Some poor sole will have to be the martyr because this administration caters to terrorists and disrupters
Link to Hamas not being elected in 2005?

That's not what I said. Since roughly half the population wasn't even alive at the time, and as for the ones who were, not all voted for them.....and since it's highly unlikely the "election" was even honest in the first place, your statement "These are the people who elected Hamas" is misleading. Don't believe everything you're told by the same corrupt powers who want war in the first place, and want you to cheer for it.

they been blocking it for four and fives hours. some one is not getting to work. were are the cops?

update they arrested them .good.
All you really have to do is pay careful attention to the specific narrative that the talking heads in cable news entertainment programming are hitting their viewers with in order to figure out who really set this stuff up.

I think the specific media response/narrative is precisely the intent.

It's not even clever, really, but it does serve as a platform in order to set some kind of social precedent that if you're against taxpayer funded warfare all over the world that surely you must be a terrorist.

I've been wondering what kind of false flag, specifically directed to the atention of the American electorate, that US and Israeli war hawks would go to in order to generate support for their fuckery in a way that would deem anyone who disagrees a terrorist supporter while also soliciting support for US involvement.

This is a good way to get that done. Again...if you really pay attention to how the talking heads are narrating these goings-on.

As always, follow the money. If you can. This modern clique of globalists hide their trail pretty good these days through one NGO proxy or another.

So I guess more of a psy-op, using the media as a catalyst, rather than a false flag. Or more likely a combination of the two.

And people will eat it up like candy. Carrot on a stick type of deal, as usual...
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I'm older than dirt. I'm so old. I was in college when President Kennedy was murdered in Dallas, Texas.

It breaks my heart but I've never seen our country more divided and filled with hate.

President Obama is the puppet master pulling the strings for the Biden mess. At lease me know where this is coming from.


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