Pro life verses Pro birth

That's a great point.
Pro birth is right on because they certainly aren't pro life.
Pro life, to me includes all life. You can't call yourself pro life if you support:
The death penalty
Police killing unarmed people
Endless wars around the planet
Killing Muslims
Killing animals for sport
Disregard or even contempt for the poor

The right misses on all counts.
Your genocide of 3000 babies a day more than makes up for our flaws.

The problem isn't with abortion. The problem is unintended pregnantcy. The right also misses the mark there by cutting sex education and contraception at every opportunity. PP provides far more contraception and education services than abortion. We see how the right supports that. If the right really cared they would be pushing those services as much as they could.
And you have provided zilch as evidence for any of the statements you have made in this paragraph.

Provide links.
You've provided no credible links ever you have no business asking anyone else to provide them
That's a great point.
Pro birth is right on because they certainly aren't pro life.
Pro life, to me includes all life. You can't call yourself pro life if you support:
The death penalty
Police killing unarmed people
Endless wars around the planet
Killing Muslims
Killing animals for sport
Disregard or even contempt for the poor

The right misses on all counts.
Your genocide of 3000 babies a day more than makes up for our flaws.

The problem isn't with abortion. The problem is unintended pregnantcy. The right also misses the mark there by cutting sex education and contraception at every opportunity. PP provides far more contraception and education services than abortion. We see how the right supports that. If the right really cared they would be pushing those services as much as they could.
And you have provided zilch as evidence for any of the statements you have made in this paragraph.

Provide links.
You've provided no credible links ever you have no business asking anyone else to provide them
Actually, that's another lie. I provide links on every fact I have ever asserted here.
That's a great point.
Pro birth is right on because they certainly aren't pro life.
Pro life, to me includes all life. You can't call yourself pro life if you support:
The death penalty
Police killing unarmed people
Endless wars around the planet
Killing Muslims
Killing animals for sport
Disregard or even contempt for the poor

The right misses on all counts.
Your genocide of 3000 babies a day more than makes up for our flaws.

The problem isn't with abortion. The problem is unintended pregnantcy. The right also misses the mark there by cutting sex education and contraception at every opportunity. PP provides far more contraception and education services than abortion. We see how the right supports that. If the right really cared they would be pushing those services as much as they could.
And you have provided zilch as evidence for any of the statements you have made in this paragraph.

Provide links.
You've provided no credible links ever you have no business asking anyone else to provide them
Actually, that's another lie. I provide links on every fact I have ever asserted here.
False look up the word credible. .
It's funny how you fight for the children already born, yet allow for Planned Parenthood to crush up and sell body parts of unborn children like link sausages at the meat store. That nun would likely be most appalled by that.
I bet you believe in Santa Claus too.

Even if I did, I would wager Santa Claus wouldn't leave dead baby body parts under the tree.
It's funny how you fight for the children already born, yet allow for Planned Parenthood to crush up and sell body parts of unborn children like link sausages at the meat store. That nun would likely be most appalled by that.
I bet you believe in Santa Claus too.

Even if I did, I would wager Santa Claus wouldn't leave dead baby body parts under the tree.

You really need to turn off faux "news" and get a life, a job and out of your parents house , repeating talking points isn't facts
That's a great point.
Pro birth is right on because they certainly aren't pro life.
Pro life, to me includes all life. You can't call yourself pro life if you support:
The death penalty
Police killing unarmed people
Endless wars around the planet
Killing Muslims
Killing animals for sport
Disregard or even contempt for the poor

The right misses on all counts.
Your genocide of 3000 babies a day more than makes up for our flaws.

The problem isn't with abortion. The problem is unintended pregnantcy. The right also misses the mark there by cutting sex education and contraception at every opportunity. PP provides far more contraception and education services than abortion. We see how the right supports that. If the right really cared they would be pushing those services as much as they could.
And you have provided zilch as evidence for any of the statements you have made in this paragraph.

Provide links.

In what regard?
Repubs don't cut sex ed and contraception or only 3% of PP services is abortion related?
It seems self evident to me.
That's a great point.
Pro birth is right on because they certainly aren't pro life.
Pro life, to me includes all life. You can't call yourself pro life if you support:
The death penalty
Police killing unarmed people
Endless wars around the planet
Killing Muslims
Killing animals for sport
Disregard or even contempt for the poor

The right misses on all counts.
Your genocide of 3000 babies a day more than makes up for our flaws.

The problem isn't with abortion. The problem is unintended pregnantcy. The right also misses the mark there by cutting sex education and contraception at every opportunity. PP provides far more contraception and education services than abortion. We see how the right supports that. If the right really cared they would be pushing those services as much as they could.
And you have provided zilch as evidence for any of the statements you have made in this paragraph.

Provide links.

In what regard?
Repubs don't cut sex ed and contraception or only 3% of PP services is abortion related?
It seems self evident to me.
Nothing is self evident, you must provide a link to back up everything you say.

Half the crap posted on this forum wouldn't be posted if people stuck to that rule.

"Republicans that...etc."

Provide links to show that ALL Republicans oppose sex education and contraception. Otherwise, shut up and go away.
It's funny how you fight for the children already born, yet allow for Planned Parenthood to crush up and sell body parts of unborn children like link sausages at the meat store. That nun would likely be most appalled by that.
I bet you believe in Santa Claus too.

Even if I did, I would wager Santa Claus wouldn't leave dead baby body parts under the tree.
Really? Did you know that the Christmas tree is German in origin and the germanic tribes used human body parts of their conquests , adult and child to decorate it .
Btw Santa is also germanic in origin.
Interesting that they support zygotes but once the child is a viable breathing human , its no soup for you!
That's a great point.
Pro birth is right on because they certainly aren't pro life.
Pro life, to me includes all life. You can't call yourself pro life if you support:
The death penalty
Police killing unarmed people
Endless wars around the planet
Killing Muslims
Killing animals for sport
Disregard or even contempt for the poor

The right misses on all counts.
Your genocide of 3000 babies a day more than makes up for our flaws.

The problem isn't with abortion. The problem is unintended pregnantcy. The right also misses the mark there by cutting sex education and contraception at every opportunity. PP provides far more contraception and education services than abortion. We see how the right supports that. If the right really cared they would be pushing those services as much as they could.
And you have provided zilch as evidence for any of the statements you have made in this paragraph.

Provide links.

In what regard?
Repubs don't cut sex ed and contraception or only 3% of PP services is abortion related?
It seems self evident to me.
Nothing is self evident, you must provide a link to back up everything you say.

Half the crap posted on this forum wouldn't be posted if people stuck to that rule.

"Republicans that...etc."

Provide links to show that ALL Republicans oppose sex education and contraception. Otherwise, shut up and go away.
Hutch does not need to show all repubs oppose sex ed and contraception just the majority and he has done that.
That's a great point.
Pro birth is right on because they certainly aren't pro life.
Pro life, to me includes all life. You can't call yourself pro life if you support:
The death penalty
Police killing unarmed people
Endless wars around the planet
Killing Muslims
Killing animals for sport
Disregard or even contempt for the poor

The right misses on all counts.
Your genocide of 3000 babies a day more than makes up for our flaws.

The problem isn't with abortion. The problem is unintended pregnantcy. The right also misses the mark there by cutting sex education and contraception at every opportunity. PP provides far more contraception and education services than abortion. We see how the right supports that. If the right really cared they would be pushing those services as much as they could.
And you have provided zilch as evidence for any of the statements you have made in this paragraph.

Provide links.

In what regard?
Repubs don't cut sex ed and contraception or only 3% of PP services is abortion related?
It seems self evident to me.
Nothing is self evident, you must provide a link to back up everything you say.

Half the crap posted on this forum wouldn't be posted if people stuck to that rule.

"Republicans that...etc."

Provide links to show that ALL Republicans oppose sex education and contraception. Otherwise, shut up and go away.

House Republicans Sneak Sex-Ed Restriction Into No Child Left Behind Rewrite

GOP targets sex education for teens NBC News

Arkansas Republicans Vote To Eliminate Sex Ed Program In Public High Schools ThinkProgress

That's just the first three from a simple Google search for sex ed.

House Republicans and Title X They want to zero out federal funding for family planning.

Republicans Cut Contraceptives for Women but Allow for Horses Debbie Hines

Republicans Curious Ideas About Contraception Laura Stepp

The first three from a simple Google search for contraception. Like I said it's pretty self evident for anyone who cares to know such things.
That's a great point.
Pro birth is right on because they certainly aren't pro life.
Pro life, to me includes all life. You can't call yourself pro life if you support:
The death penalty
Police killing unarmed people
Endless wars around the planet
Killing Muslims
Killing animals for sport
Disregard or even contempt for the poor

The right misses on all counts.

>>Pro birth is right on because they certainly aren't pro life. You can't call yourself pro life if you support:>>

>>The death penalty ---

I do not think most do support the death penalty. Most Catholics do not. I support if for treason and certain unspeakable crimes without remorse. But I still oppose the death penalty for other reasons, not the least being it is far more expensive than keeping someone in for life. Do you favor life in prison? I also favor more intervention by Christian mentors. Their success rate far exceeds strict non-religious govt methods.

>>Police killing unarmed people.
Yes, conservatives and Christians are all in favor of this. When one cannot find something true to attack, make something up.

>>Endless wars around the planet.
Christianity, once again, at the forefront urging all kinds of soldiers to attack .

>>Killing Muslims.
Could you possibly be more over-simplistic than that. Again, it makes you look like a liar. I imagine you are Ok with ISIS chopping the heads off of everyone they don’t like.

>>Killing animals for sport.
Why, did you find a poll that showed most rich Americans who kill big game are registered republicans and church goers?

>>Disregard or even contempt for the poor.
Your stupidity is something to behold.

>>The right misses on all counts.
Let me guess, you are a college professor teaching social sciences?
That's a great point.
Pro birth is right on because they certainly aren't pro life.
Pro life, to me includes all life. You can't call yourself pro life if you support:
The death penalty
Police killing unarmed people
Endless wars around the planet
Killing Muslims
Killing animals for sport
Disregard or even contempt for the poor

The right misses on all counts.

>>Pro birth is right on because they certainly aren't pro life. You can't call yourself pro life if you support:>>

>>The death penalty ---

I do not think most do support the death penalty. Most Catholics do not. I support if for treason and certain unspeakable crimes without remorse. But I still oppose the death penalty for other reasons, not the least being it is far more expensive than keeping someone in for life. Do you favor life in prison? I also favor more intervention by Christian mentors. Their success rate far exceeds strict non-religious govt methods.

>>Police killing unarmed people.
Yes, conservatives and Christians are all in favor of this. When one cannot find something true to attack, make something up.

>>Endless wars around the planet.
Christianity, once again, at the forefront urging all kinds of soldiers to attack .

>>Killing Muslims.
Could you possibly be more over-simplistic than that. Again, it makes you look like a liar. I imagine you are Ok with ISIS chopping the heads off of everyone they don’t like.

>>Killing animals for sport.
Why, did you find a poll that showed most rich Americans who kill big game are registered republicans and church goers?

>>Disregard or even contempt for the poor.
Your stupidity is something to behold.

>>The right misses on all counts.
Let me guess, you are a college professor teaching social sciences?

All you have to do is look around the threads and see who argues in favor of those. It ain't liberals. If you don't support them,then I'm not addressing you personally. You seem to have a conscience.
That's a great point.
Pro birth is right on because they certainly aren't pro life.
Pro life, to me includes all life. You can't call yourself pro life if you support:
The death penalty
Police killing unarmed people
Endless wars around the planet
Killing Muslims
Killing animals for sport
Disregard or even contempt for the poor

The right misses on all counts.

>>Pro birth is right on because they certainly aren't pro life. You can't call yourself pro life if you support:>>

>>The death penalty ---

I do not think most do support the death penalty. Most Catholics do not. I support if for treason and certain unspeakable crimes without remorse. But I still oppose the death penalty for other reasons, not the least being it is far more expensive than keeping someone in for life. Do you favor life in prison? I also favor more intervention by Christian mentors. Their success rate far exceeds strict non-religious govt methods.

>>Police killing unarmed people.
Yes, conservatives and Christians are all in favor of this. When one cannot find something true to attack, make something up.

>>Endless wars around the planet.
Christianity, once again, at the forefront urging all kinds of soldiers to attack .

>>Killing Muslims.
Could you possibly be more over-simplistic than that. Again, it makes you look like a liar. I imagine you are Ok with ISIS chopping the heads off of everyone they don’t like.

>>Killing animals for sport.
Why, did you find a poll that showed most rich Americans who kill big game are registered republicans and church goers?

>>Disregard or even contempt for the poor.
Your stupidity is something to behold.

>>The right misses on all counts.
Let me guess, you are a college professor teaching social sciences?

All you have to do is look around the threads and see who argues in favor of those. It ain't liberals. If you don't support them,then I'm not addressing you personally. You seem to have a conscience.

Your comments strongly implied that pro-lifers (generally speaking) are in favor of those various points. That is what your post implied and I find your implications to be totally unfounded, and until proven differently, lies.

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