pro-choice HS girl stands up to rw principal's thuggery

How dare the principal speak the obvious: Unwed births are the surest way to poverty and dysfunctional behavior in our society. But a great way to garner more Democratic voters.

Does Bristol vote Democrat?

Republicans want to subsidize viagra. They say "lackaboner" is a "medical condition".
this thread appears to be veering off-course my friends. Lets stick to the topic- throwing off the yoke of rw thuggery :)
bless her. She will go far far.

High Schooler Protests 'Slut-Shaming' Abstinence Assembly
A West Virginia high school student is filing an injunction against her principal, who she claims is threatening to punish her for speaking out against a factually inaccurate abstinence assembly at her school. Katelyn Campbell, who is the student body vice president at George Washington High School, alleges her principal threatened to call the college where she’s been accepted to report that she has “bad character.”

Via Twitter, Wellesley College has confirmed that Campbell doesn’t need to worry about her spot next year:


"Stenzel allegedly told students...."

The story doesn't even have an accurate quote, just what rumors of the speech are.

Campbell refused to attend the assembly,

So, if the girl didn't even go to the assembly, I guess she wasn't exposed to the "slut shaming".

Looks like liberals will stoop to any low. Lets start using high school girls as our "slut promoters", maybe someday she'll be a true "slutter" like Sandra Fluke.
this thread appears to be veering off-course my friends. Lets stick to the topic- throwing off the yoke of rw thuggery :)
The thugs are the ones who kill their own babies. You have a lot of elephants sitting in your living room, Dot Com, and you invited them to stay.
“God’s plan for sexual purity.”

Wow, obviously this screwball principal has never heard of the First Amendment, and needs to be fired.
Note the comparison of the young thug who got in the teacher's face when asked to turn the shirt inside out and escalated the confrontation with belligerence to the point the police had to be called to the young student who correctly handled her confrontation with authority appropriately: no yelling, no belligerence.

Common sense ways exist to resolve and mediate issues.
bless her. She will go far far.

High Schooler Protests 'Slut-Shaming' Abstinence Assembly
A West Virginia high school student is filing an injunction against her principal, who she claims is threatening to punish her for speaking out against a factually inaccurate abstinence assembly at her school. Katelyn Campbell, who is the student body vice president at George Washington High School, alleges her principal threatened to call the college where she’s been accepted to report that she has “bad character.”

Via Twitter, Wellesley College has confirmed that Campbell doesn’t need to worry about her spot next year:

Hey she's pro killing babies in the womb? What's the problem? But let's call her for what she is....

pro baby killer.

No prob. But let's call her what she is.

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