Pro-Birth or Pro-life: which are you?

First Trump, Then:

What a hoot! Pinochet died in disgrace and in the custody of the state awaiting execution.

He was not in custody, you imbecile. He died at 91 a free man and proudly. Thousands of leftist filth died because of him. He was a hero.

He died in house arrest in the custody of the State and awaiting execution by the Lord.

He will sleep forever never to rise.
First Trump, Then:

What a hoot! Pinochet died in disgrace and in the custody of the state awaiting execution.

He was not in custody, you imbecile. He died at 91 a free man and proudly. Thousands of leftist filth died because of him. He was a hero.

He died in house arrest in the custody of the State and awaiting execution by the Lord. arrest? In HIS country? Pffft. He was wandering free the whole time, Jakey Poo. The man was infinitely better than you.
First Trump, Then:

What a hoot! Pinochet died in disgrace and in the custody of the state awaiting execution.

He was not in custody, you imbecile. He died at 91 a free man and proudly. Thousands of leftist filth died because of him. He was a hero.

He died in house arrest in the custody of the State and awaiting execution by the Lord. arrest? In HIS country? Pffft. He was wandering free the whole time, Jakey Poo. The man was infinitely better than you.

You lied. He was in the custody of the state, OOM, and your fascist meanderings of a dementia mind are irrelevant. :lol: I say that kindly, of course.
Other than saying 'no' to abortion, are you willing to do the right thing after the birth.


Well I don't think anyone wants a child not fed or housed, WTF?!

The situation though is, people shouldn't be having children if they can't afford to provide for them, you should only have children if you can afford to feed and house them yourself.
I am pro-contraceptives in the water supply. I am pro-paying welare layabouts to be sterilized. I am pro-abortion if the woman cannot afford to feed and clothe her brood.
I believe people should only have kids if they can afford to pay for them
An at any date they determine they can't pay for them, termination is the solution. (Sarcasm, just thinking like an abortionist.)
I believe in pro-choice -- not interfering with someone else's rights.

I do not however agree with the Berger Court that the States should be overruled by the Fed's on choice.

If the State legislature decides they do NOT want abortions happening in their state, this is the voice of the people for that state. In that case the floozy simply needs to visit another state like California, New York, NJ, Mass, or Illinois where they are cool with abortion surgeries.

If all the States decide not to, then the floozy simply needs to go to Canada or England. But don't worry -- California will always allow it. There are more floozies there than anyplace else so they have to allow it. Floozies vote. Voting is power.

And I certainly do NOT believe in abortions past the 6th month, since the unborn child is viable outside the womb from the beginning of the 7th month onwards. This kind of abortion is simply infanticide.

So if you have a label that you can put on all that, that would be "my" label.
I'm pro people making it a decision for their own personal lives and not interfering in other peoples lives.
If I'm using the OP's terminology, then the answer is one step at a time. The first step is to stop murder so I'm pro-birth. The second is to get liberals to take personal responsibility for their actions. So I'm also pro-life. To put it bluntly, when a man sticks his package in a consenting women the outcome is THEIR responsibility and theirs alone which doesn't include the decision to murder or have someone else pay.
If you know of someone who is murdering people it`s your responsibility to call the police. Get away from your keyboard, grow a pair and DO something.
The couple next door to us did 2 foreign adoptions. Another couple st our church is adopting 3 from a foreign country. The 2 kids are awesome and the process was much readier than an american one.

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