Private police force contractors


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
I'm posting this here because it'll only get moved here later.

At some point the governments of municipalities and even some state governments are going to recognize the need to hire private contractors to reclaim areas of their jurisdictions that have gone out of control and are no longer manageable by publicly funded law enforcement.

After a period of warning which would include posting highly visible announcements of the upcoming actions in the areas in question; A contracted security firm given legal carte blanche
to be in effect human exterminators.... Will go in and reclaim sections of cities and municipalities lost to squatters and lawless gangs.

I'm sure some will think this is hilarious but I see it as almost inevitable. The combination of legislative laxity for criminal activity combined with the constant shackling of local law enforcement agencies preventing them from actually doing their job is going to make this necessary.

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I'm posting this here because it'll only get moved here later.

At some point the governments of municipalities and even some state governments are going to recognize the need to hire private contractors to reclaim areas of their jurisdictions that have gone out of control and are no longer manageable by publicly funded law enforcement.

After a period of warning which would include posting highly visible announcements of the upcoming actions in the areas in question; A contracted security firm given legal carte blanche
to be in effect human exterminators.... Will go in and reclaim sections of cities and municipalities lost to squatters and lawless gangs.

I'm sure some will think this is hilarious but I see it as almost inevitable. The combination of legislative laxity for criminal activity combined with the constant shackling local law enforcement agencies preventing them from actually doing their job is going to make this necessary.

That or the cities will just build walls around it, and turn into penal colonies that no one goes out, but criminals go in. It was predicted 30 years ago how NYC was going to turn into a shitter, that has now come true. LA has followed and other Marxists cities to end the same way.
I'm posting this here because it'll only get moved here later.

At some point the governments of municipalities and even some state governments are going to recognize the need to hire private contractors to reclaim areas of their jurisdictions that have gone out of control and are no longer manageable by publicly funded law enforcement.

After a period of warning which would include posting highly visible announcements of the upcoming actions in the areas in question; A contracted security firm given legal carte blanche
to be in effect human exterminators.... Will go in and reclaim sections of cities and municipalities lost to squatters and lawless gangs.

I'm sure some will think this is hilarious but I see it as almost inevitable. The combination of legislative laxity for criminal activity combined with the constant shackling of local law enforcement agencies preventing them from actually doing their job is going to make this necessary.

You're thinking far ahead to the natural progression of the current situation in which the vigilante justice events are increasing at an alarming rate.

Maybe not that far ahead!

As to the question of where to post? It doesn't make a damn bit of difference, and it shouldn't matter to you if a moderator moves it. Half of the members will spam it anyway and get away with doing it.
You're thinking far ahead to the natural progression of the current situation in which the vigilante justice events are increasing at an alarming rate.

Maybe not that far ahead!

As to the question of where to post? It doesn't make a damn bit of difference, and it shouldn't matter to you if a moderator moves it. Half of the members will spam it anyway and get away with doing it.
I hope never to see it....but I fear it is not far off.
I hope never to see it....but I fear it is not far off.
I only have time to comment on some new topics I find worthwhile, but I'm going to have to turn to relying on the OP to add his/her own substance most of the time now.

I think this one was worth starting so maybe you could research outcomes for similar situations in past history. You'll just have to try to work around the spamming.
I only have time to comment on some new topics I find worthwhile, but I'm going to have to turn to relying on the OP to add his/her own substance most of the time now.

I think this one was worth starting so maybe you could research outcomes for similar situations in past history. You'll just have to try to work around the spamming.
Yes that's a good idea....
So far it's only a concept that occurred to me. Finding some precedent should prove interesting.

I only have time to comment on some new topics I find worthwhile, but I'm going to have to turn to relying on the OP to add his/her own substance most of the time now.

I think this one was worth starting so maybe you could research outcomes for similar situations in past history. You'll just have to try to work around the spamming.
Hmmmm.... This one is interesting although it's not a past history reference I was surprised to find it.
Hmmmm.... This one is interesting although it's not a past history reference I was surprised to find it.
I would find the hiring of private police alarming in Canada. Some of the examples seen with private security officers are warnings.

Give them a gun and the authority to use it and you have a discussion you might be able to get off the ground here.

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