Pretty Obvious.Thee Most Feared Ticket Now. Carson And Carly. What Will Dem's Do?

...Hillary will win because she is the best candidate...
"Oh, ye of great faith..."
:cow::oops-28: This would be "Debbie Wassermans Ticket From Hell". How will she be able to bash a ticket that has the First Black President and First Female VP? {well second, but potential VP}.
Between Wasserman, Hillary, Obama, Biden and the rest, they are all going to be in that "Toilet Paper Stuck To Their Pants" dilemma if they are up against a Black Male/Female ticket. :poke::boobies:
All we will be saying is " So Who Are The Racists Now" Debbie Wasserman !!! :omg::omg:
Donald Trump for president...

Rudy Giuliani for first lady...

Donald Trump: President
Sarah Palin: First Lady
White House Janitor: Hillary Clinton
White House Rat/Rodent Catcher: Harry Reid.
:cow::oops-28: This would be "Debbie Wassermans Ticket From Hell". How will she be able to bash a ticket that has the First Black President and First Female VP? {well second, but potential VP}.
Between Wasserman, Hillary, Obama, Biden and the rest, they are all going to be in that "Toilet Paper Stuck To Their Pants" dilemma if they are up against a Black Male/Female ticket. :poke::boobies:
All we will be saying is " So Who Are The Racists Now" Debbie Wasserman !!! :omg::omg:
Donald Trump for president...

Rudy Giuliani for first lady...

Donald Trump: President
Sarah Palin: First Lady
White House Janitor: Hillary Clinton
White House Rat/Rodent Catcher: Harry Reid.


I guess this means you think Trump might dump his wife for Sarah "The Quitter" Palin, huh?
Hilly is sinking like a rock and libs here cling to their talking points.......and then there is this
Democrats: Sanders unelectable

"No matter how well you think of Bernie — and all of us do — … when the politics of it all hits the road, I don't feel — and I feel most members don't feel — that he can be elected," said Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.).
"I'm proud of what Bernie is saying out there, and it's a reflection of what we fight for here," Pelosi said last week.

And yet there remains a lingering sense among many Democrats that a Sanders' nomination would spell doom for the party in 2016 — a sentiment highlighted by the fact that not a single Democrat in either chamber has endorsed the No. 2 primary contender.
Better America have Sanders than any of the establishment "Republican" candidates. If recovery is to begin we must first hit rock bottom and Sanders can get us there more quickly than any of those RINOSs.
You really have to wonder sometimes of the conserve-hate-ives here have ever seen an election much less paid attention to one. Any ticket that has either of those folks at the top is a God send.

I realize that you are just a Soros hate drone, and have never had a thought that wasn't dictated by KOS or some other hate site; but just what the fuck are you attempting to say?
A Fiorina/Carson or Carson/Fiorina ticket would be a gift to Clinton.

Hillary at 42% among your fellow dims, and continuing to fall. Jeb is at 6% - no chance of him bailing the crook out...

If you can't shriek BOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHH, how will you save the career criminal Hillary?

I know, we can count on you to engage in racist and misogynistic slander on behalf of your filthy party, right Jake? You and your fellow leftists can call Carson a "house n1gger" and Fiorina a "dumb broad." Show America what you dimocrats are all about. :thup:

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