Press Secretary Jen Psaki suggests UK PM blindsided White House by taking questions from the media

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Apparently the White House press pool immediately went to Psaki’s office after the meeting to file a formal complaint. However she brushed it off, claiming she was “unaware of the incident.”

This woman has no semblance of self awareness.

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Apparently the White House press pool immediately went to Psaki’s office after the meeting to file a formal complaint. However she brushed it off, laiming she was “unaware of the incident.”

This woman has no semblance of self awareness.

Yep. Sounds pretty pathetic. I wonder what she thought those news services invited to the meeting with video and sound equipment were for? It is not like they invited still photographers only. Jeez.
Apparently the White House press pool immediately went to Psaki’s office after the meeting to file a formal complaint. However she brushed it off, claiming she was “unaware of the incident.”

This woman has no semblance of self awareness.

Poor Ginger Goebbels. She's forgotten how a leader who isn't a demented, drugged-up husk actually behaves.
Yep. Sounds pretty pathetic. I wonder what she thought those new services invited to the meeting with video and sound equipment were for? It is not like they invited still photographers only. Jeez.

White, you're probably one of the very few fair dems on here these days.

I used to get along better with dems. But once Biden got elected so many of them went full brown-shirt.

It's refrehing to see some folks look at things objectively. Heck knows I poke sticks at Republicans just as much as dems.
Psaki is actually spot on. Boris Johnson knows that Sleepy Joe isn't normal, and that taking unrehearsed questions could embarrass the US Prezbo.

It isn't like Biden's severe disabilities are a state secret or anything.
White, you're probably one of the very few fair dems on here these days.

I used to get along better with dems. But once Biden got elected so many of them went full brown-shirt.

It's refrehing to see some folks look at things objectively. Heck knows I poke sticks at Republicans just as much as dems.
Don't worry. You still don't get along with Dems, especially committed Dems. You just got a labeling problem with me. You'd probably get along fine with Independents. It's why you tolerate, my ass. I'm not sure you really get the concept of there actually being Independents. That's OK. I get along with lots of people and piss lots of people off on both sides. Heck, dude, I'll probably piss you off on something before the end of the day, if I don't get off my ass up and go figure out why my damn mower won't start.
Ron Klaine is a disaster. Even the Biden of 20 years ago couldn't handle the media that he's trying to deal with. Why was Boris even here? We need the UK for something? Boris even fucked up the UK.
Evidently Biden, His handlers, his WH aides, Democrats, and snowflakes have all how Biden declared to the world how when / if things went bad while he was President he would NOT blame anyone else because 'THE BUCK STOPS HERE'.

After his failed Afghanistan withdrawal resulted in the deaths of 13 US military members, Biden blamed everyone else but himself or any members of his administration. He blamed Trump, he blamed the former Afghanistan government...he even blamed the American citizens he had lied to and left behind in the Taliban / Al Qaeda / ISIS-controlled Afghanistan.

In regards to the UK Prime Minister, never have I - or this nation - seen a Presidential administration EVER disrespect and mistreat the leader of another nation, especially an an Allied nation's leader, with such disrespect!

During their joint photo-op / press conference Boris Johnson acknowledged the press and called on one reporter to ask a question. The reporter began by saying, "This one is actually for the President..." at which point Biden told the reporter, 'Don't ask me - ask HIM (meaning the PM). The media then began asking questions, and Johnson started to answer.

At this point Biden handlers and WH aides began shouting over the PM and shouting down the media. Such behavior by the WH aides / staff has never happened before. Never have aides shouted over a foreign leader to stop him from taking questions from the press.

Then, to make matters worse, the Biden administration blamed the UK PM for the entire incident, claiming he had 'BLINDSIDES' THEM' BY TAKING QUESTIONS WITHOUT COORDINATING HIS DOING SO IN ADVANCE.

In the UK, their leader / he does not have to ask his aides for permission to spontaneously take questions from the press and he and his government are much more transparent.

The amount of disrespect given to Johnson is historic, embarrassing, and disgusting. Were I the UK PM, I would refuse to come back to the WH as long as Biden is President. If Biden wanted to get together with me, I would tell him to make the trip to the UK.
Apparently the White House press pool immediately went to Psaki’s office after the meeting to file a formal complaint. However she brushed it off, claiming she was “unaware of the incident.”

This woman has no semblance of self awareness.

It's like we're living in a Twilight Zone episode. How is this real?
I'm not sure you really get the concept of there actually being Independents.

You could not be more wrong about that. Really, though, I wouldn't want it any other way, to be honest.

It's actually a thread worthy philosophical discussion. I see so many labels thrown around arbitrarily in the wild. Most of the time they're so far removed from their fundamentals that it's almost laughable if it weren't so disturbing.
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