President's approval rating hits 60%

he doesn't need 60% to get re-elected.

True. Americans have a habit of voting idiots into office.

i think perhaps it's time for the right to stop the meme that he's somehow an idiot. just because bush really WAS an idiot, doesn't mean that in some weird type of "i know you are, but what am i" thing, that obama is, too.

You'll have to talk to the 'Right' about that. In any case, Obama is truly an idiot. He makes Bush looks good which I never thought possible. My question for you is why do you defend Obama? What's in it for you?
where has it hit 60% ?

In france ?

facts don't matter, [r]ight, troll?

washington – president barack obama's approval rating has hit its highest point in two years — 60 percent — and more than half of americans now say he deserves to be re-elected, according to an associated press-gfk poll taken after u.s. Forces killed al-qaida leader osama bin laden.
In worrisome signs for republicans, the president's standing improved not just on foreign policy but also on the economy, and independent americans — a key voting bloc in the november 2012 presidential election — caused the overall uptick in support by sliding back to obama after fleeing for much of the past two years.

ap-gfk poll: Obama approval hits 60 percent - yahoo! News

sucks being you.

jillian lets see what rasmussen has
obama approval index history - rasmussen reports™
about the same as it was 6 weeks ago
Where has it hit 60% ?

In France ?

facts don't matter, [r]ight, troll?

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's approval rating has hit its highest point in two years — 60 percent — and more than half of Americans now say he deserves to be re-elected, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll taken after U.S. forces killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.
In worrisome signs for Republicans, the president's standing improved not just on foreign policy but also on the economy, and independent Americans — a key voting bloc in the November 2012 presidential election — caused the overall uptick in support by sliding back to Obama after fleeing for much of the past two years.

AP-Gfk poll: Obama approval hits 60 percent - Yahoo! News

sucks being you.

what facts? Do you really think an unscientific poll with loaded questions is a definitive measuring tool of the president's popularity? And yes with Obama it is "popularity" and nothing to do with job performance. With Obama it is "ok advisors, what should I do to make people like me"....Never "ok advisors, what can I do to improve my job performance and serve the people of the country".
60% approval rating my ass. Last week it was in the low 40's when all the polls were averaged out..
If Obama's approval rating went up 15% in a week it would have been the lead story on every national news broadcast.
So this is really much ado about nothing. You can de-knot your underoos.
Jeez boopie.
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Sucks being a dress size 14 huh?

Go suck a ding-dong. And shove a Twinkie up your ass

i wouldn't know about a size 14.

but how's that manziere treating you?

you really need to stop projecting your weight problems onto others. most of us know when to stop stuffing our faces.

unlike you. [r]ight, troll?


I figured I was low-balling with a size 14, you fat bitch. Thanks for manning up to a larger size. Now, get on to munching that Supersized Big Mac fat-ass.

Jillian....I think you hit a nerve with That One.

i wouldn't know about a size 14.

but how's that manziere treating you?

you really need to stop projecting your weight problems onto others. most of us know when to stop stuffing our faces.

unlike you. [r]ight, troll?


I figured I was low-balling with a size 14, you fat bitch. Thanks for manning up to a larger size. Now, get on to munching that Supersized Big Mac fat-ass.

Jillian....I think you hit a nerve with That One.

Are you applauding ,markie?
Once again you libs have exposed yourselves as substance vacant, style focused followers.
With you it is not about the job. It's about hitting nerves. It's a popularity contest. You people do not care about the country or the people in it. You care most about the acquistion and retention of political power.
True. Americans have a habit of voting idiots into office.

i think perhaps it's time for the right to stop the meme that he's somehow an idiot. just because bush really WAS an idiot, doesn't mean that in some weird type of "i know you are, but what am i" thing, that obama is, too.

Bush graduated from Yale - dumbfuck. He was also President of the United States - two terms.

Where did you graduate from and what country/trailer park did your fat-ass preside over for eight years ?

Sure, he graduated as a 'C' student!!! How does someone like that get into Yale and Harvard anyway? No person who gets into somewhere on Affirmative Action should have to apologize for anything, as long as there's AA for the ruling class, i.e. "legacy".
So much personal animostity based on the significance of a poll?!

There isn't even anything worthy of debate here, let along anything to get angry about.

The poll is what it is, and its significance, like most polls this far out from elections, really doesn't amount to a fart in hurricane.
i think perhaps it's time for the right to stop the meme that he's somehow an idiot. just because bush really WAS an idiot, doesn't mean that in some weird type of "i know you are, but what am i" thing, that obama is, too.

Bush graduated from Yale - dumbfuck. He was also President of the United States - two terms.

Where did you graduate from and what country/trailer park did your fat-ass preside over for eight years ?

Sure, he graduated as a 'C' student!!! How does someone like that get into Yale and Harvard anyway? No person who gets into somewhere on Affirmative Action should have to apologize for anything, as long as there's AA for the ruling class, i.e. "legacy".

i think perhaps it's time for the right to stop the meme that he's somehow an idiot. just because bush really WAS an idiot, doesn't mean that in some weird type of "i know you are, but what am i" thing, that obama is, too.

Bush graduated from Yale - dumbfuck. He was also President of the United States - two terms.

Where did you graduate from and what country/trailer park did your fat-ass preside over for eight years ?

Sure, he graduated as a 'C' student!!! How does someone like that get into Yale and Harvard anyway? No person who gets into somewhere on Affirmative Action should have to apologize for anything, as long as there's AA for the ruling class, i.e. "legacy".

His GPA was higher than John Kerry's at Yale. How did you fare?
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President Obama could be in the 20s and still beat the batch of losers the GnOP has put forth so far...

Yay. Great for our country. Let's re-float an absolute disaster just because the other side can't compete.

Meaning: The Dem's could oust this total fuck-up on their own.

But they won't. Too busy being about winning by hook or crook or give a damn about right and/or wrong.
I wasn't polled.

If I had been polled - I would have told the pollster - I strongly disapprove of this Socialist asshole.

That's the only poll that matters to me.

Not what some unemployed, welfare case dipshit in a trailer park (i,e. Fat Jill) thinks.

We are very disappointed that you no longer wish to vote for Obama in 2012. Tho it was nice that he got your vote in 2008.
So much personal animostity based on the significance of a poll?!

There isn't even anything worthy of debate here, let along anything to get angry about.

The poll is what it is, and its significance, like most polls this far out from elections, really doesn't amount to a fart in hurricane.

Totally agree.

Polls usually don't mean anything to me either as they depend on the type questions asked and who your asking. Worthless in my book.

Should be interesting around Summer and Fall of 2012 though.
President Obama could be in the 20s and still beat the batch of losers the GnOP has put forth so far...

Yay. Great for our country. Let's re-float an absolute disaster just because the other side can't compete.

Meaning: The Dem's could oust this total fuck-up on their own.

But they won't. Too busy being about winning by hook or crook or give a damn about right and/or wrong.

I'm sure the Dems are sorry to have lost your vote this time around too, Gunny.
I wasn't polled.

If I had been polled - I would have told the pollster - I strongly disapprove of this Socialist asshole.

That's the only poll that matters to me.

Not what some unemployed, welfare case dipshit in a trailer park (i,e. Fat Jill) thinks.

We are very disappointed that you no longer wish to vote for Obama in 2012. Tho it was nice that he got your vote in 2008.

Only certified losers like you voted for him to begin with. But I can see that. You like to "win" by hook or crook, not matter what.

Or you'd have chosen your own f-ing ID instead of stealing someone else's.

You're STILL nothing more than a loser to those of us that can see right through your stupid game.

Isn't it about time y'all let a Republican be president anyway? You know, so you can blame the current total fuck-up's fuck-ups on him? As usual.
what facts? Do you really think an unscientific poll with loaded questions is a definitive measuring tool of the president's popularity? And yes with Obama it is "popularity" and nothing to do with job performance. With Obama it is "ok advisors, what should I do to make people like me"....Never "ok advisors, what can I do to improve my job performance and serve the people of the country".
60% approval rating my ass. Last week it was in the low 40's when all the polls were averaged out..
If Obama's approval rating went up 15% in a week it would have been the lead story on every national news broadcast.
So this is really much ado about nothing. You can de-knot your underoos.
Jeez boopie.

Actually, Obama derangement syndrome notwithstanding, it *IS* doing what's right and not what's popular that got him into poll trouble in the first place.

But you? And 90% of this board? Fuckin' forget about it. It don't matter what he does or what effect it has on the country's well being. You're way too invested in hating him to ever 'Approve' of him.
President Obama could be in the 20s and still beat the batch of losers the GnOP has put forth so far...

Yay. Great for our country. Let's re-float an absolute disaster just because the other side can't compete.

Meaning: The Dem's could oust this total fuck-up on their own.

But they won't. Too busy being about winning by hook or crook or give a damn about right and/or wrong.

See, the thing is, most reasonable people don't see the President as an "absolute disaster". Now a Republican in office with our current economy...THAT would be a disaster.