President Xi Jinping tells China's troops to focus on 'preparing to go to war': reports


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Remember when the day arrives, and it most surely will; that there were a few Churchills among a sea of Chamberlains.

This isn't Europe, so unlike in the past, those with wealth and means will find it is little solace to them. Those working in particular positions will have done nothing but painted a target on themselves. A victim of their own hubris perhaps...

President Xi Jinping tells China's troops to focus on 'preparing to go to war': reports

As tension between China and Taiwan intensifies, Chinese President Xi Jinping told his nation’s troops to begin preparing for war, according to a report in Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

“(You should) focus your minds and energy on preparing to go to war, and stay highly vigilant,” Xi is quoted as saying in a report in the South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper.

Xi made the remarks during a visit to inspect the marine corps at a military base in the Guangdong province. The purpose of his visit to the region was to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

But his remarks come at a time when China’s relationships around the world — including with Canada and the United States — are increasingly fraught.

Later this month, a Royal Canadian Navy frigate will join the Japan Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. military for training in Japan.

A particular point of contention for the Chinese president is Taiwan. For decades, China has claimed jurisdiction over Taiwan, an island democracy off the southeastern coast of the country. In recent months, the standoff has escalated: Chinese warplanes and navy vessels have been spotted in the Taiwan Strait.
Remember when the day arrives, and it most surely will; that there were a few Churchills among a sea of Chamberlains.

This isn't Europe, so unlike in the past, those with wealth and means will find it is little solace to them. Those working in particular positions will have done nothing but painted a target on themselves. A victim of their own hubris perhaps...

President Xi Jinping tells China's troops to focus on 'preparing to go to war': reports

As tension between China and Taiwan intensifies, Chinese President Xi Jinping told his nation’s troops to begin preparing for war, according to a report in Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

“(You should) focus your minds and energy on preparing to go to war, and stay highly vigilant,” Xi is quoted as saying in a report in the South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper.

Xi made the remarks during a visit to inspect the marine corps at a military base in the Guangdong province. The purpose of his visit to the region was to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

But his remarks come at a time when China’s relationships around the world — including with Canada and the United States — are increasingly fraught.

Later this month, a Royal Canadian Navy frigate will join the Japan Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. military for training in Japan.

A particular point of contention for the Chinese president is Taiwan. For decades, China has claimed jurisdiction over Taiwan, an island democracy off the southeastern coast of the country. In recent months, the standoff has escalated: Chinese warplanes and navy vessels have been spotted in the Taiwan Strait.

War With China?


I have been lectured China is our friend and their wanting to regain lost territory is their peaceful way of bringing us closer together...


Now with that sarcastic gibberish out of me the reality is War is looming and sooner or later China will piss off either India, Vietnam, South Korea or Japan which will drag the U.S., Canada and Australia into a massive and costly war with China, Russia, Iran and North Korea...

China has made it clear they will be the Super Power to counter the U.S. and the small tiny nation of Taiwan could be the spark...

The U.S. along with other countries should flame civil unrest in the Muslim regions, Hong Kong and other regions of China and their controlled territories which will cost them valuable resources that will drain them and keep them from eyeing Island Nations like Taiwan...
If China does attack Taiwan, and if the United States does not defend Taiwan, then the Reds will no doubt win.

But there could be a "good" consequence: Maybe the chaos (including the deaths of many Chinese boys) might lead to the eventual downfall of the Communist dictatorship and the rise of some kind of democracy in China.
Remember when the day arrives, and it most surely will; that there were a few Churchills among a sea of Chamberlains.

This isn't Europe, so unlike in the past, those with wealth and means will find it is little solace to them. Those working in particular positions will have done nothing but painted a target on themselves. A victim of their own hubris perhaps...

President Xi Jinping tells China's troops to focus on 'preparing to go to war': reports

As tension between China and Taiwan intensifies, Chinese President Xi Jinping told his nation’s troops to begin preparing for war, according to a report in Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

“(You should) focus your minds and energy on preparing to go to war, and stay highly vigilant,” Xi is quoted as saying in a report in the South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper.

Xi made the remarks during a visit to inspect the marine corps at a military base in the Guangdong province. The purpose of his visit to the region was to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

But his remarks come at a time when China’s relationships around the world — including with Canada and the United States — are increasingly fraught.

Later this month, a Royal Canadian Navy frigate will join the Japan Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. military for training in Japan.

A particular point of contention for the Chinese president is Taiwan. For decades, China has claimed jurisdiction over Taiwan, an island democracy off the southeastern coast of the country. In recent months, the standoff has escalated: Chinese warplanes and navy vessels have been spotted in the Taiwan Strait.

War With China?


I have been lectured China is our friend and their wanting to regain lost territory is their peaceful way of bringing us closer together...


Now with that sarcastic gibberish out of me the reality is War is looming and sooner or later China will piss off either India, Vietnam, South Korea or Japan which will drag the U.S., Canada and Australia into a massive and costly war with China, Russia, Iran and North Korea...

China has made it clear they will be the Super Power to counter the U.S. and the small tiny nation of Taiwan could be the spark...

The U.S. along with other countries should flame civil unrest in the Muslim regions, Hong Kong and other regions of China and their controlled territories which will cost them valuable resources that will drain them and keep them from eyeing Island Nations like Taiwan...

The aggressive actions in H.K have to be ringing a loud alarm bell, especially as the Wuhan Virus was raging at it's peak against the world.

A perfect and conveniently timed storm for China it seems. A virus that hurt Trump greatly, they kept humming along nicely, selling PPE to the world, controlling W.H.O, and, they break their agreement with the U.K. All in a matter of weeks.

A precursor of activities yet to come I fear...
If China does attack Taiwan, and if the United States does not defend Taiwan, then the Reds will no doubt win.

But there could be a "good" consequence: Maybe the chaos (including the deaths of many Chinese boys) might lead to the eventual downfall of the Communist dictatorship and the rise of some kind of democracy in China.

We've been waiting for this for a century. In Russia and China. With the increased A.I technology, it's unlikely. The only way it happens is if 50M Chinese say "we are going to sacrifice our lives to overthrow this system.

The only other path is that which Trump has taken. To harm and weaken the Communist economy so they are forced to accept drastic changes. In such an event, their own Party loyalists will be far easier to recruit and assist the West.

The problem is, there are far too many who are too naive, or, in cahoots, knowingly or unknowingly; with the Communist Party of China. It's actually shocking how easy it has been for them.
If China does attack Taiwan, and if the United States does not defend Taiwan, then the Reds will no doubt win.

But there could be a "good" consequence: Maybe the chaos (including the deaths of many Chinese boys) might lead to the eventual downfall of the Communist dictatorship and the rise of some kind of democracy in China.

We've been waiting for this for a century. In Russia and China. With the increased A.I technology, it's unlikely. The only way it happens is if 50M Chinese say "we are going to sacrifice our lives to overthrow this system.

The only other path is that which Trump has taken. To harm and weaken the Communist economy so they are forced to accept drastic changes. In such an event, their own Party loyalists will be far easier to recruit and assist the West.

The problem is, there are far too many who are too naive, or, in cahoots, knowingly or unknowingly; with the Communist Party of China. It's actually shocking how easy it has been for them.

I can understand why the Chinese people are loath to take action against the Red dictatorship.

I am certainly not a historian, but I do know that the suffering of the Chinese people during the first half of the twentieth century was horrific: Chaos after the overthrow of the monarchy, then brutal aggression on the part of the Japanese. No wonder the worn-out people stood by as the Reds took over. They had no way of knowing that Mao would be a million times worse than Chiang Kai-Shek.

So ever since Tiananmen Square, the Chinese people have conceded all political power to the Reds in return for a relatively free personal life: make money, visit other countries, etc.
If China does attack Taiwan, and if the United States does not defend Taiwan, then the Reds will no doubt win.

But there could be a "good" consequence: Maybe the chaos (including the deaths of many Chinese boys) might lead to the eventual downfall of the Communist dictatorship and the rise of some kind of democracy in China.

We've been waiting for this for a century. In Russia and China. With the increased A.I technology, it's unlikely. The only way it happens is if 50M Chinese say "we are going to sacrifice our lives to overthrow this system.

The only other path is that which Trump has taken. To harm and weaken the Communist economy so they are forced to accept drastic changes. In such an event, their own Party loyalists will be far easier to recruit and assist the West.

The problem is, there are far too many who are too naive, or, in cahoots, knowingly or unknowingly; with the Communist Party of China. It's actually shocking how easy it has been for them.

I can understand why the Chinese people are loath to take action against the Red dictatorship.

I am certainly not a historian, but I do know that the suffering of the Chinese people during the first half of the twentieth century was horrific: Chaos after the overthrow of the monarchy, then brutal aggression on the part of the Japanese. No wonder the worn-out people stood by as the Reds took over. They had no way of knowing that Mao would be a million times worse than Chiang Kai-Shek.

So ever since Tiananmen Square, the Chinese people have conceded all political power to the Reds in return for a relatively free personal life: make money, visit other countries, etc.

Sure. It's an improvement from 50 years ago, but, much of it is an illusion. Allowing citizens to leave just allows the Communists to recruit and send spies over. You sprinkle in 5% of a more traveled nation of citizens, "businesses" (state run and influenced) and you have great intel prospects against your adversaries.
Remember when the day arrives, and it most surely will; that there were a few Churchills among a sea of Chamberlains.

This isn't Europe, so unlike in the past, those with wealth and means will find it is little solace to them. Those working in particular positions will have done nothing but painted a target on themselves. A victim of their own hubris perhaps...

President Xi Jinping tells China's troops to focus on 'preparing to go to war': reports

As tension between China and Taiwan intensifies, Chinese President Xi Jinping told his nation’s troops to begin preparing for war, according to a report in Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

“(You should) focus your minds and energy on preparing to go to war, and stay highly vigilant,” Xi is quoted as saying in a report in the South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper.

Xi made the remarks during a visit to inspect the marine corps at a military base in the Guangdong province. The purpose of his visit to the region was to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

But his remarks come at a time when China’s relationships around the world — including with Canada and the United States — are increasingly fraught.

Later this month, a Royal Canadian Navy frigate will join the Japan Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. military for training in Japan.

A particular point of contention for the Chinese president is Taiwan. For decades, China has claimed jurisdiction over Taiwan, an island democracy off the southeastern coast of the country. In recent months, the standoff has escalated: Chinese warplanes and navy vessels have been spotted in the Taiwan Strait.

We (the US of A) ought to take preemptive military action against China today. I am no neocon, however, the potential benefits of launching a regime change war against the Chinese communists far outweighs, in my opinion, any long or short term pitfalls. A war against China could potentially unite our fracturing nation together under a massively patriotic cause: national survival. Declaring war against the Chinese would trigger immediate domestic security protocols which would drastically reduce both Chinese influence here in America (corporate influence in particular) and Chinese espionage. Such a war could also wipe out our Chinese debt, improve our economy and hopefully advance benevolent technologies several generations overnight, as well as military defensive tech. I mean, hell, we got the television and other fine gadgets out of WW2, right? I know, that's such a callous thing to say, perhaps . . . but I digress. War with China today. Regime change in China next week. Billions of new customers free to buy American in a few months. America united in one cause.
A particular point of contention for the Chinese president is Taiwan. For decades, China has claimed jurisdiction over Taiwan, an island democracy off the southeastern coast of the country. In recent months, the standoff has escalated: Chinese warplanes and navy vessels have been spotted in the Taiwan Strait.
We (the US of A) ought to take preemptive military action against China today. I am no neocon, however, the potential benefits of launching a regime change war against the Chinese communists far outweighs, in my opinion, any long or short term pitfalls. A war against China could potentially unite our fracturing nation together under a massively patriotic cause: national survival. Declaring war against the Chinese would trigger immediate domestic security protocols which would drastically reduce both Chinese influence here in America (corporate influence in particular) and Chinese espionage. Such a war could also wipe out our Chinese debt, improve our economy and hopefully advance benevolent technologies several generations overnight, as well as military defensive tech. I mean, hell, we got the television and other fine gadgets out of WW2, right? I know, that's such a callous thing to say, perhaps . . . but I digress. War with China today. Regime change in China next week. Billions of new customers free to buy American in a few months. America united in one cause.
I think you underestimate the value in morale of being the one first struck.

The rage that will motivate patriotism and great effort is priceless.
Remember when the day arrives, and it most surely will; that there were a few Churchills among a sea of Chamberlains.

This isn't Europe, so unlike in the past, those with wealth and means will find it is little solace to them. Those working in particular positions will have done nothing but painted a target on themselves. A victim of their own hubris perhaps...

President Xi Jinping tells China's troops to focus on 'preparing to go to war': reports

As tension between China and Taiwan intensifies, Chinese President Xi Jinping told his nation’s troops to begin preparing for war, according to a report in Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

“(You should) focus your minds and energy on preparing to go to war, and stay highly vigilant,” Xi is quoted as saying in a report in the South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper.

Xi made the remarks during a visit to inspect the marine corps at a military base in the Guangdong province. The purpose of his visit to the region was to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

But his remarks come at a time when China’s relationships around the world — including with Canada and the United States — are increasingly fraught.

Later this month, a Royal Canadian Navy frigate will join the Japan Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. military for training in Japan.

A particular point of contention for the Chinese president is Taiwan. For decades, China has claimed jurisdiction over Taiwan, an island democracy off the southeastern coast of the country. In recent months, the standoff has escalated: Chinese warplanes and navy vessels have been spotted in the Taiwan Strait.

War With China?


I have been lectured China is our friend and their wanting to regain lost territory is their peaceful way of bringing us closer together...


Now with that sarcastic gibberish out of me the reality is War is looming and sooner or later China will piss off either India, Vietnam, South Korea or Japan which will drag the U.S., Canada and Australia into a massive and costly war with China, Russia, Iran and North Korea...

China has made it clear they will be the Super Power to counter the U.S. and the small tiny nation of Taiwan could be the spark...

The U.S. along with other countries should flame civil unrest in the Muslim regions, Hong Kong and other regions of China and their controlled territories which will cost them valuable resources that will drain them and keep them from eyeing Island Nations like Taiwan...

The aggressive actions in H.K have to be ringing a loud alarm bell, especially as the Wuhan Virus was raging at it's peak against the world.

A perfect and conveniently timed storm for China it seems. A virus that hurt Trump greatly, they kept humming along nicely, selling PPE to the world, controlling W.H.O, and, they break their agreement with the U.K. All in a matter of weeks.

A precursor of activities yet to come I fear...

China is only fooling those that want China to be the lone Super Power and even then they are not fooling those people but instead giving them the hope to spread China form of Government around the World...

Biggest mistake Bush and Obama did is thinking they can work with China and Biden is a fool and Harris will sell us to Beijing with the hope she can implement their style of Government here...
Remember when the day arrives, and it most surely will; that there were a few Churchills among a sea of Chamberlains.

This isn't Europe, so unlike in the past, those with wealth and means will find it is little solace to them. Those working in particular positions will have done nothing but painted a target on themselves. A victim of their own hubris perhaps...

President Xi Jinping tells China's troops to focus on 'preparing to go to war': reports

As tension between China and Taiwan intensifies, Chinese President Xi Jinping told his nation’s troops to begin preparing for war, according to a report in Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

“(You should) focus your minds and energy on preparing to go to war, and stay highly vigilant,” Xi is quoted as saying in a report in the South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper.

Xi made the remarks during a visit to inspect the marine corps at a military base in the Guangdong province. The purpose of his visit to the region was to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

But his remarks come at a time when China’s relationships around the world — including with Canada and the United States — are increasingly fraught.

Later this month, a Royal Canadian Navy frigate will join the Japan Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. military for training in Japan.

A particular point of contention for the Chinese president is Taiwan. For decades, China has claimed jurisdiction over Taiwan, an island democracy off the southeastern coast of the country. In recent months, the standoff has escalated: Chinese warplanes and navy vessels have been spotted in the Taiwan Strait.

We (the US of A) ought to take preemptive military action against China today. I am no neocon, however, the potential benefits of launching a regime change war against the Chinese communists far outweighs, in my opinion, any long or short term pitfalls. A war against China could potentially unite our fracturing nation together under a massively patriotic cause: national survival. Declaring war against the Chinese would trigger immediate domestic security protocols which would drastically reduce both Chinese influence here in America (corporate influence in particular) and Chinese espionage. Such a war could also wipe out our Chinese debt, improve our economy and hopefully advance benevolent technologies several generations overnight, as well as military defensive tech. I mean, hell, we got the television and other fine gadgets out of WW2, right? I know, that's such a callous thing to say, perhaps . . . but I digress. War with China today. Regime change in China next week. Billions of new customers free to buy American in a few months. America united in one cause.

China would throw everything at us including the kitchen sink that has nuclear bombs in it, so a head on attack on China is a end game for humanity because let me be clear China would destroy the World before allowing the U.S. to win in a straight up war...

Best course of action is taking China toys away, throw them into long drawn out proxy-wars and crush their economy while causing civil unrest within their borders...
China would throw everything at us including the kitchen sink that has nuclear bombs in it, so a head on attack on China is a end game for humanity because let me be clear China would destroy the World before allowing the U.S. to win in a straight up war...
Best course of action is taking China toys away, throw them into long drawn out proxy-wars and crush their economy while causing civil unrest within their borders...
We have weapons that can pulverize most Chinese cities into dust in less than 10 minutes. They wouldnt even realize what hit them.
Remember when the day arrives, and it most surely will; that there were a few Churchills among a sea of Chamberlains.

This isn't Europe, so unlike in the past, those with wealth and means will find it is little solace to them. Those working in particular positions will have done nothing but painted a target on themselves. A victim of their own hubris perhaps...

President Xi Jinping tells China's troops to focus on 'preparing to go to war': reports

As tension between China and Taiwan intensifies, Chinese President Xi Jinping told his nation’s troops to begin preparing for war, according to a report in Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

“(You should) focus your minds and energy on preparing to go to war, and stay highly vigilant,” Xi is quoted as saying in a report in the South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper.

Xi made the remarks during a visit to inspect the marine corps at a military base in the Guangdong province. The purpose of his visit to the region was to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

But his remarks come at a time when China’s relationships around the world — including with Canada and the United States — are increasingly fraught.

Later this month, a Royal Canadian Navy frigate will join the Japan Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. military for training in Japan.

A particular point of contention for the Chinese president is Taiwan. For decades, China has claimed jurisdiction over Taiwan, an island democracy off the southeastern coast of the country. In recent months, the standoff has escalated: Chinese warplanes and navy vessels have been spotted in the Taiwan Strait.

War With China?


I have been lectured China is our friend and their wanting to regain lost territory is their peaceful way of bringing us closer together...


Now with that sarcastic gibberish out of me the reality is War is looming and sooner or later China will piss off either India, Vietnam, South Korea or Japan which will drag the U.S., Canada and Australia into a massive and costly war with China, Russia, Iran and North Korea...

China has made it clear they will be the Super Power to counter the U.S. and the small tiny nation of Taiwan could be the spark...

The U.S. along with other countries should flame civil unrest in the Muslim regions, Hong Kong and other regions of China and their controlled territories which will cost them valuable resources that will drain them and keep them from eyeing Island Nations like Taiwan...
We must get Russia on our side. China covets Siberia, and Russia and China are natural enemies.

Let’s work for an alliance with the US, the rest of NATO, India, Japan, Russia, and the Chinese people against the CCP dictators.
Last edited:
Remember when the day arrives, and it most surely will; that there were a few Churchills among a sea of Chamberlains.

This isn't Europe, so unlike in the past, those with wealth and means will find it is little solace to them. Those working in particular positions will have done nothing but painted a target on themselves. A victim of their own hubris perhaps...

President Xi Jinping tells China's troops to focus on 'preparing to go to war': reports

As tension between China and Taiwan intensifies, Chinese President Xi Jinping told his nation’s troops to begin preparing for war, according to a report in Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

“(You should) focus your minds and energy on preparing to go to war, and stay highly vigilant,” Xi is quoted as saying in a report in the South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper.

Xi made the remarks during a visit to inspect the marine corps at a military base in the Guangdong province. The purpose of his visit to the region was to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

But his remarks come at a time when China’s relationships around the world — including with Canada and the United States — are increasingly fraught.

Later this month, a Royal Canadian Navy frigate will join the Japan Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. military for training in Japan.

A particular point of contention for the Chinese president is Taiwan. For decades, China has claimed jurisdiction over Taiwan, an island democracy off the southeastern coast of the country. In recent months, the standoff has escalated: Chinese warplanes and navy vessels have been spotted in the Taiwan Strait.

War With China?


I have been lectured China is our friend and their wanting to regain lost territory is their peaceful way of bringing us closer together...


Now with that sarcastic gibberish out of me the reality is War is looming and sooner or later China will piss off either India, Vietnam, South Korea or Japan which will drag the U.S., Canada and Australia into a massive and costly war with China, Russia, Iran and North Korea...

China has made it clear they will be the Super Power to counter the U.S. and the small tiny nation of Taiwan could be the spark...

The U.S. along with other countries should flame civil unrest in the Muslim regions, Hong Kong and other regions of China and their controlled territories which will cost them valuable resources that will drain them and keep them from eyeing Island Nations like Taiwan...
We must get Russia on our side. China covets Siberia, and Russia and China are natural enemies.

Let’s work for an alliance with the US, the rest of NATO, India, Japan, Russia, and the Chinese people against the CCP dictators.

Good luck. It's why China has been rewarded. The West thought we could pry them away from Russia. They are close allies even with their differences.
Remember when the day arrives, and it most surely will; that there were a few Churchills among a sea of Chamberlains.

This isn't Europe, so unlike in the past, those with wealth and means will find it is little solace to them. Those working in particular positions will have done nothing but painted a target on themselves. A victim of their own hubris perhaps...

President Xi Jinping tells China's troops to focus on 'preparing to go to war': reports

As tension between China and Taiwan intensifies, Chinese President Xi Jinping told his nation’s troops to begin preparing for war, according to a report in Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

“(You should) focus your minds and energy on preparing to go to war, and stay highly vigilant,” Xi is quoted as saying in a report in the South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper.

Xi made the remarks during a visit to inspect the marine corps at a military base in the Guangdong province. The purpose of his visit to the region was to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

But his remarks come at a time when China’s relationships around the world — including with Canada and the United States — are increasingly fraught.

Later this month, a Royal Canadian Navy frigate will join the Japan Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. military for training in Japan.

A particular point of contention for the Chinese president is Taiwan. For decades, China has claimed jurisdiction over Taiwan, an island democracy off the southeastern coast of the country. In recent months, the standoff has escalated: Chinese warplanes and navy vessels have been spotted in the Taiwan Strait.

War With China?


I have been lectured China is our friend and their wanting to regain lost territory is their peaceful way of bringing us closer together...


Now with that sarcastic gibberish out of me the reality is War is looming and sooner or later China will piss off either India, Vietnam, South Korea or Japan which will drag the U.S., Canada and Australia into a massive and costly war with China, Russia, Iran and North Korea...

China has made it clear they will be the Super Power to counter the U.S. and the small tiny nation of Taiwan could be the spark...

The U.S. along with other countries should flame civil unrest in the Muslim regions, Hong Kong and other regions of China and their controlled territories which will cost them valuable resources that will drain them and keep them from eyeing Island Nations like Taiwan...
We must get Russia on our side. China covets Siberia, and Russia and China are natural enemies.

Let’s work for an alliance with the US, the rest of NATO, India, Japan, Russia, and the Chinese people against the CCP dictators.

Good luck. It's why China has been rewarded. The West thought we could pry them away from Russia. They are close allies even with their differences.
Why not pry Russia away from China?

And they are not close allies.

The Chinese have a military that's a fighting force. We do not. We have a social justice experiment.

This is our military

This concern over authentic selves cannot win wars. To appease the woke even the basest standards have been eliminated. Our pathetic pretend military will be chewed to bits in a Chinese shredder.
Good. I hope they reintroduce the draft in America for it so we can weed out all these sniveling crybaby weak entitled snot nosed asshole kids ruining our society.

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