President Trump Needs To Do Better With The Act!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Trump and his close allies would be very prudent to at least internally recognize that how the President handles the crisis will decide the November election. To that end it would behoove them to watch the ABC This Week interview with Rahm Emanuel and Chris Christie where Rahm presented them with a priceless pearl of wisdom when he said the President should reach into the country's deep well of active and retired excellent Generals and pick one and turn over supply acquisition for the country's needs as it relates to this crisis and give that General the full authority of the Defense Production Act. Because the President is failing the American people as the top Executive in America whose highest duty is to safeguard the health and life of the American people it is clear that the President is not fulfilling that duty!

Several if not many states for "three" weeks now have had at least portions of their state under orders that only necessary travel is permitted to stop the spread of the Covid 19 virus. It is inexcusable that this time hasn't been used to implement this Act and get life critical supplies needed for the nation. If this Act was properly used hospitals across America which are facing an abundance of Covid 19 sick people coming to them for help would not be experiencing shortages of personal protection equipment (PPE). As Rahm referenced it is completely wrong this Ebay bidding like situation, fend for yourselves, the White House is putting the states through does the President and his allies really think this is an acceptable plan in the eyes of the American people. The White House has made a lot of great efforts the fact that both General Motors and Ford are working hard to deliver ventilators are successes!

The White House has a real real problem its successes don't outweigh its failures for the crisis! I know the White House has put very capable people those being Vice-President Pence and Mr. Navarro in leadership role for the crisis, the problem is that the President is still micromanaging acquisition of supplies and it is a failed ineffective management system. In the public debate for this crisis people like to use war analogy so I will follow that lead and say that currently we are in the middle of the war and a lot of American lives are at stake and the country has two paths it can take. It can continue on its present course where supply acquisition is intermittent in its effectiveness; or it can pick a General that is trained and experienced in managing a massive logistics operation that can deliver the needed life determinate supplies American needs such as: PPE, ventilators, covid 19 virus testing kits, covid 19 antibodies testing kits, vaccine producing equipment, cloth face masks, hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, etc..
President Trump and his close allies would be very prudent to at least internally recognize that how the President handles the crisis will decide the November election. To that end it would behoove them to watch the ABC This Week interview with Rahm Emanuel and Chris Christie where Rahm presented them with a priceless pearl of wisdom when he said the President should reach into the country's deep well of active and retired excellent Generals and pick one and turn over supply acquisition for the country's needs as it relates to this crisis and give that General the full authority of the Defense Production Act. Because the President is failing the American people as the top Executive in America whose highest duty is to safeguard the health and life of the American people it is clear that the President is not fulfilling that duty!

Several if not many states for "three" weeks now have had at least portions of their state under orders that only necessary travel is permitted to stop the spread of the Covid 19 virus. It is inexcusable that this time hasn't been used to implement this Act and get life critical supplies needed for the nation. If this Act was properly used hospitals across America which are facing an abundance of Covid 19 sick people coming to them for help would not be experiencing shortages of personal protection equipment (PPE). As Rahm referenced it is completely wrong this Ebay bidding like situation, fend for yourselves, the White House is putting the states through does the President and his allies really think this is an acceptable plan in the eyes of the American people. The White House has made a lot of great efforts the fact that both General Motors and Ford are working hard to deliver ventilators are successes!

The White House has a real real problem its successes don't outweigh its failures for the crisis! I know the White House has put very capable people those being Vice-President Pence and Mr. Navarro in leadership role for the crisis, the problem is that the President is still micromanaging acquisition of supplies and it is a failed ineffective management system. In the public debate for this crisis people like to use war analogy so I will follow that lead and say that currently we are in the middle of the war and a lot of American lives are at stake and the country has two paths it can take. It can continue on its present course where supply acquisition is intermittent in its effectiveness; or it can pick a General that is trained and experienced in managing a massive logistics operation that can deliver the needed life determinate supplies American needs such as: PPE, ventilators, covid 19 virus testing kits, covid 19 antibodies testing kits, vaccine producing equipment, cloth face masks, hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, etc..
The war is the Prog Socialists versus Trump. Then there is the risk of another war that can drag many nations into it if our nation falters from this pandemic.
President Trump and his close allies would be very prudent to at least internally recognize that how the President handles the crisis will decide the November election. To that end it would behoove them to watch the ABC This Week interview with Rahm Emanuel and Chris Christie where Rahm presented them with a priceless pearl of wisdom when he said the President should reach into the country's deep well of active and retired excellent Generals and pick one and turn over supply acquisition for the country's needs as it relates to this crisis and give that General the full authority of the Defense Production Act. Because the President is failing the American people as the top Executive in America whose highest duty is to safeguard the health and life of the American people it is clear that the President is not fulfilling that duty!

Several if not many states for "three" weeks now have had at least portions of their state under orders that only necessary travel is permitted to stop the spread of the Covid 19 virus. It is inexcusable that this time hasn't been used to implement this Act and get life critical supplies needed for the nation. If this Act was properly used hospitals across America which are facing an abundance of Covid 19 sick people coming to them for help would not be experiencing shortages of personal protection equipment (PPE). As Rahm referenced it is completely wrong this Ebay bidding like situation, fend for yourselves, the White House is putting the states through does the President and his allies really think this is an acceptable plan in the eyes of the American people. The White House has made a lot of great efforts the fact that both General Motors and Ford are working hard to deliver ventilators are successes!

The White House has a real real problem its successes don't outweigh its failures for the crisis! I know the White House has put very capable people those being Vice-President Pence and Mr. Navarro in leadership role for the crisis, the problem is that the President is still micromanaging acquisition of supplies and it is a failed ineffective management system. In the public debate for this crisis people like to use war analogy so I will follow that lead and say that currently we are in the middle of the war and a lot of American lives are at stake and the country has two paths it can take. It can continue on its present course where supply acquisition is intermittent in its effectiveness; or it can pick a General that is trained and experienced in managing a massive logistics operation that can deliver the needed life determinate supplies American needs such as: PPE, ventilators, covid 19 virus testing kits, covid 19 antibodies testing kits, vaccine producing equipment, cloth face masks, hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, etc..

Let's not forget that Rahm is a communist and that communism starved millions because it could not produce anything. Right now prices are sky high, demand is in outer space, and therefore every manufacturer in the world has maximum incentive to make medical stuff.

A US communist General with a gun to a factory owner's head would trigger resistance at that factory and prevent 1000's of other factories from trying to supply the medical market as they assumed the communist general was picking or guessing the appropriate factories.
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Too many generals now.

When are these self important people who are smarter than all the rest of us going to admit that hearing themselves talk is not the boon to the rest of us that they think it is. These people are so far behind the curve. Today the number of beds needed in New York hospitals has decreased, which means deaths and new cases are decreasing, which means New York and the administration are gaining on this thing at least in New York, which means those who are more optimistic might just be right, and therefore president trump hope was justified. He is doing a jam up job and more people are realizing this every day. The haters are literally turning into zombies.
President Trump and his close allies would be very prudent to at least internally recognize that how the President handles the crisis will decide the November election. To that end it would behoove them to watch the ABC This Week interview with Rahm Emanuel and Chris Christie where Rahm presented them with a priceless pearl of wisdom when he said the President should reach into the country's deep well of active and retired excellent Generals and pick one and turn over supply acquisition for the country's needs as it relates to this crisis and give that General the full authority of the Defense Production Act. Because the President is failing the American people as the top Executive in America whose highest duty is to safeguard the health and life of the American people it is clear that the President is not fulfilling that duty!

Several if not many states for "three" weeks now have had at least portions of their state under orders that only necessary travel is permitted to stop the spread of the Covid 19 virus. It is inexcusable that this time hasn't been used to implement this Act and get life critical supplies needed for the nation. If this Act was properly used hospitals across America which are facing an abundance of Covid 19 sick people coming to them for help would not be experiencing shortages of personal protection equipment (PPE). As Rahm referenced it is completely wrong this Ebay bidding like situation, fend for yourselves, the White House is putting the states through does the President and his allies really think this is an acceptable plan in the eyes of the American people. The White House has made a lot of great efforts the fact that both General Motors and Ford are working hard to deliver ventilators are successes!

The White House has a real real problem its successes don't outweigh its failures for the crisis! I know the White House has put very capable people those being Vice-President Pence and Mr. Navarro in leadership role for the crisis, the problem is that the President is still micromanaging acquisition of supplies and it is a failed ineffective management system. In the public debate for this crisis people like to use war analogy so I will follow that lead and say that currently we are in the middle of the war and a lot of American lives are at stake and the country has two paths it can take. It can continue on its present course where supply acquisition is intermittent in its effectiveness; or it can pick a General that is trained and experienced in managing a massive logistics operation that can deliver the needed life determinate supplies American needs such as: PPE, ventilators, covid 19 virus testing kits, covid 19 antibodies testing kits, vaccine producing equipment, cloth face masks, hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, etc..
I wouldn't have them waste ten fucking seconds watching those know nothing, do nothing assholes. His far too busy getting real stuff done without pissing time away on that idiotic kinda shit.
The Trump Team is doing just fine thank you, including using many generals and admirals to advantage.
The next week or two should be bad, but after that "peak" the numbers should start to slowly come down. That will allow some businesses to reopen and we can come out of this "shutdown".

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