President Trump: Mexico will pay for the border wall through the money we save through the USMCA!

Yes, it's a good thing other politicians don't play word games.

Who said they didn't? Not I, said the fox.

In fact I would daresay that Trump is a neophyte still in the world of

"We're going to put a lot of coal workers out of business"

"no no no my words were taken out of context, I'm not gonna put YOU out of business my friend"

type politicians.
And indeed, a lot of coal miners are still out of work and will never go down in the mines again because of many factors, and Hillary was right about that. At least she wasn't in favor of screwing them all out of health care and food stamps, as well.

What does that have to do with what we are discussing?

Hillary wanted to put the few who ARE working out of work. She told the whole world that, and then tried to tell them that isn't what she said. That has NOTHING to do with anything you posted.

That I'm aware of Trump hasn't pushed policies that put coal miners out of work, nor did he tell anyone he was going to, and then try convince them that that was not what he said.
You brought it up, and
It's really not very wise to get into Trump's veracity or consistency in his messaging.
You are right though, we are way off topic.
Well if not wanting illegals in the country is your version of bigotry then America is full of bigots.

My issue with illegals is that they put downward pressure on wages. THAT is what needs to be fixed.

YOUR issue is more "personal" than that. You just hate them as people.

Nope. I hate them coming into our country illegally.

I have no problem with Mexicans.

In fact I have Mexican friends. Those friends hate illegals as much as I do. Not because they are Mexican. But because they are here illegally. And I have no problem with legal immigration.

YOUR issue is you think anyone who doesn't want illegals in the country is a racist or a bigot.

Sucks to be you.
I never cared who pays for it.

I'd gladly contribute an extra couple hundred bucks to it, and I'mm sure many millions more tax payers would also. We could build a fuckin dome over the country if everyone who wanted the borders secured did so.


Yup. I'd contribute to the wall. Hell every American would contribute.
Not every American is a frightened, hateful bigot.

Well if not wanting illegals in the country is your version of bigotry then America is full of bigots.

The country is full of bigots.

Bed wetting libturd drones being the worst examples of bigots of course, as evidenced by the fact that without knowing anything about other people, they're always first to condemn them as some sort of deplorable. In whatever orifice a moonbat uses for a "mind", it's not even possible that people who want the border secure are motivated by a desire for security.

No, it can only be because they hate mexicans. Never mind that there are millions of people of mexican descent who legally emigrated and want the border secure. Never mind that nefarious people illegally cross the border regularly and commit egregious crimes. The bed wetters insist it's bigotry.

That is why I assert that these pieces of malignant shit are traitors, weapons grade stupid assholes, genetic garbage and parasites. Not only do they have absolutely zero value as mammals, they're detrimental to the safety and security of society and actually reduce the quality of life for everyone else. They hate their own fellow countrymen, embrace every enemy the nation has ever had and promote regressive and destructive policies for the explicit purpose of ushering in a state of national decline.

trump is playing the shell game again...and most of his cult will NEVER find the pea. They will just drop jaw and be amazed that their Dear Leader said that Mexico was paying for the wall....even though the money is coming out of the US treasury.

Nope. I hate them coming into our country illegally.

You "hate" because of a misdemeanor?

Seems like a strong reaction

You do realize that prior to the 1880s there was no restriction at ALL to entering the country and that most of our families got here without any paperwork...
Nope. I hate them coming into our country illegally.

You "hate" because of a misdemeanor?

Seems like a strong reaction

You do realize that prior to the 1880s there was no restriction at ALL to entering the country and that most of our families got here without any paperwork...

That was in the 1880's not now.

Yeah I hate illegals being in our country. They cost we the tax payer billions every year.

If you think that's okay then it just shows what an idiot you are.

They should make being here illegally a felony.
taxpayers will be paying for Trumps wall ..


a prison wall ...
They should make being here illegally a felony.

Well it's NOT.

And newsflash...all people living in this country "cost" something. You think there's no cost for your kid's education or the infrastructure to carry your saggy ass around?

We are ALL immigrants and most of us got here simply by walking in the door (our parents parents anyway) and became citizens simply by living here for some length of time

Immigrants in general and illegal immigrants in particular are also one of the LEAST violence prone groups in the nation.

They come here to WORK and to make a decent life...just like our families did and like every other group..the group before them had the same bigoted reaction YOU have...for the same bigoted reasons using the same bigoted rhetoric.

Again...My ONLY problem with them is that they lower wages...and THAT is because of unscrupulous employers taking advantage of them and screwing all of us.

Comprehensive immigration reform that includes some form of amnesty for those already here, STRICT enforcement of hiring practices...and raising minimum wages to level the playing field are policies that will actually WORK.

All the rest of this is bullshit grandstanding designed to rile people like you up (for votes) and WILL NOT FIX THE PROBLEM

But then your problem is a bigotry that simply can not be fixed
Nope. I hate them coming into our country illegally.

You "hate" because of a misdemeanor?

Seems like a strong reaction

You do realize that prior to the 1880s there was no restriction at ALL to entering the country and that most of our families got here without any paperwork...

That was in the 1880's not now.

Yeah I hate illegals being in our country. They cost we the tax payer billions every year.

If you think that's okay then it just shows what an idiot you are.

They should make being here illegally a felony.

Those pesky facts again...

How immigrants are enriching our economy and society | UnidosUS

They is not white like you, so you feel they shouldn't be here...gotcha

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