President Trump Got North Korea's Attention- Obama, not so Much


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
POTUS used a calculated tactic to shut down the megaphone threats from the North Korea dictator. Unarguably, POTUS talked in tones to the dictator that he clearly understands. And so far from North Korea, its been


Obama enabled North Korea with what he called 'Strategic Patience' when in essence, it was only patience while they developed the dangerous capability they currently have. Obama should learn to talk like a man that is respected. Mr Trumps candor and delivery would have served Obama well

POTUS used a calculated tactic to shut down the megaphone threats from the North Korea dictator. Unarguably, POTUS talked in tones to the dictator that he clearly understands. And so far from North Korea, its been


Obama enabled North Korea with what he called 'Strategic Patience' when in essence, it was only patience while they developed the dangerous capability they currently have. Obama should learn to talk like a man that is respected. Mr Trumps candor and delivery would have served Obama well

Trump may just get away with this. The whole world knows Trump is nuts. So brinkmanship means something--Trump might just do it so do you really want to take that chance? I keep telling you, NK is NOT suicidal. They may just find a clever way to negotiate their way out of this. I hope. And if Trump can pull it off, I'll be pleased with him.
POTUS used a calculated tactic to shut down the megaphone threats from the North Korea dictator. Unarguably, POTUS talked in tones to the dictator that he clearly understands. And so far from North Korea, its been


Obama enabled North Korea with what he called 'Strategic Patience' when in essence, it was only patience while they developed the dangerous capability they currently have. Obama should learn to talk like a man that is respected. Mr Trumps candor and delivery would have served Obama well

Trump may just get away with this. The whole world knows Trump is nuts. So brinkmanship means something--Trump might just do it so do you really want to take that chance? I keep telling you, NK is NOT suicidal. They may just find a clever way to negotiate their way out of this. I hope. And if Trump can pull it off, I'll be pleased with him.

I agree. I said all along the little tubby man would do nothing, Zippo... He just needed to hear how the west was won instead of Obama er, blah, blah, blah, blah... And then everyone, everywhere says, 'What did that mean?'

I stated months ago that China was using North Korea as a means to draw attention away from them and to get favourable trade terms with America as it continues to exploit them (not the only country to do so you can be sure, add Mexico and Canada to that long list). Lo and behold, all of this sabre rattling happens as Trump is pushing for trade abuse investigation in China.

Trump should only give China a small, uncooked carrot for their so-called assistance with North Korea. They need to be straightened out for their domestic and International abuses. These commie sob's are way ahead of this shell game, at risk is only Western democracy and individual liberty. European leaders have sold out for a long time now, as they reap some elite benefits and pretend they are willing to fight the good fight (while short changing NATO). America is the toughest domino and it cannot fall, for all of our sakes.
North Korea will put rockets up and into the area around guam. tRump sucks.
POTUS used a calculated tactic to shut down the megaphone threats from the North Korea dictator. Unarguably, POTUS talked in tones to the dictator that he clearly understands. And so far from North Korea, its been


Obama enabled North Korea with what he called 'Strategic Patience' when in essence, it was only patience while they developed the dangerous capability they currently have. Obama should learn to talk like a man that is respected. Mr Trumps candor and delivery would have served Obama well

The only fuckin reason Trump is getting away with talking shit, is because the whole gotdamned world thinks the bitch is crazy...some brave president, eh? He along with that fat rice eating fuck both are two ignorant mf's that play games with people lives...the only winner in all this is the one that drops first...big fuckin deal!!
POTUS used a calculated tactic to shut down the megaphone threats from the North Korea dictator. Unarguably, POTUS talked in tones to the dictator that he clearly understands. And so far from North Korea, its been


Obama enabled North Korea with what he called 'Strategic Patience' when in essence, it was only patience while they developed the dangerous capability they currently have. Obama should learn to talk like a man that is respected. Mr Trumps candor and delivery would have served Obama well

The only fuckin reason Trump is getting away with talking shit, is because the whole gotdamned world thinks the bitch is crazy...some brave president, eh? He along with that fat rice eating fuck both are two ignorant mf's that play games with people lives...the only winner in all this is the one that drops first...big fuckin deal!!

Careful now red

POTUS used a calculated tactic to shut down the megaphone threats from the North Korea dictator. Unarguably, POTUS talked in tones to the dictator that he clearly understands. And so far from North Korea, its been


Obama enabled North Korea with what he called 'Strategic Patience' when in essence, it was only patience while they developed the dangerous capability they currently have. Obama should learn to talk like a man that is respected. Mr Trumps candor and delivery would have served Obama well

The only fuckin reason Trump is getting away with talking shit, is because the whole gotdamned world thinks the bitch is crazy...some brave president, eh? He along with that fat rice eating fuck both are two ignorant mf's that play games with people lives...the only winner in all this is the one that drops first...big fuckin deal!!

Careful now red

Trump is a idiot, now careful that...listen, white boy...the only people you people scare are white people please don't confuse us with them....yaw come deep where I live, and your gonna get your ass handed to you.....
America is a step closer to being a more safe place with Mr Trumps excellent negotiation skills

This shit's too funny. Obama considered speaking with him, and the rhetoric coming from the right is that we dont negotiate with terrorist states.

Trump is your daddy, so that mind-set ~ dumb as it was, is now erased. And good! And Im glad he got this accomplished. Good job, Mr. Trump.
This shit's too funny. Obama considered speaking with him, and the rhetoric coming from the right is that we dont negotiate with terrorist states.

Trump is your daddy, so that mind-set ~ dumb as it was, is now erased. And good! And Im glad he got this accomplished. Good job, Mr. Trump.

The Neo-Con movement is over, replaced with the Trumps, Rand Pauls of the world. That's a good thing IMO.

I happen to not like speaking to Dictators, but this is a very unique situation, this is a guy who was openly testing nuclear capabilities, he fired over Japan. He was going to become a global threat, millions possibly lost, AND he was an isolated rule of a Hermit Kingdom. The worst type of situation for the world to face. This means, as Trump wisely said, "if sitting on a stage might save 30 million lives, I'm willing to do it"

Thus, I have to think that American leaders understand that a war would be needed if N Korea wasn't going to end this pursuit. It would also mean drastic harm to China, S Korea etc. Before you make such a decision, you have to exhaust all diplomatic means, this is what Trump is doing with the administrations eye on full denucleraization.

As per Obama meeting, who was stopping him? You telling me all of a sudden NOW he would listen to the GOP and the Right? Come on now. He's the President, he could do what he wanted in an effort to achieve peace. He didn't, Trump did.
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This shit's too funny. Obama considered speaking with him, and the rhetoric coming from the right is that we dont negotiate with terrorist states.

Trump is your daddy, so that mind-set ~ dumb as it was, is now erased. And good! And Im glad he got this accomplished. Good job, Mr. Trump.

The Neo-Con movement is over, replaced with the Trumps, Rand Pauls of the world. That's a good thing IMO.

I happen to not like speaking to Dictators, but this is a very unique situation, this is a guy who was openly testing nuclear capabilities, he fired over Japan. He was going to become a global threat, millions possibly lost, AND he was an isolated rule of a Hermit Kingdom. The worst type of situation for the world to face. This means, as Trump wisely said, "if sitting on a stage might save 30 million lives, I'm willing to do it"

Thus, I have to think that American leaders understand that a war would be needed if N Korea wasn't going to end this pursuit. It would also mean drastic harm to China, S Korea etc. Before you make such a decision, you have to exhaust all diplomatic means, this is what Trump is doing with the administrations eye on full denucleraization.

As per Obama meeting, who was stopping him? You telling me all of a sudden NOW he would listen to the GOP and the Right? Come on now. He's the President, he could do what he wanted in an effort to achieve peace. He didn't, Trump did.
The humor was that if Obama did or didnt, the right had its spin prepared and this proves it.
POTUS used a calculated tactic to shut down the megaphone threats from the North Korea dictator. Unarguably, POTUS talked in tones to the dictator that he clearly understands. And so far from North Korea, its been


Obama enabled North Korea with what he called 'Strategic Patience' when in essence, it was only patience while they developed the dangerous capability they currently have. Obama should learn to talk like a man that is respected. Mr Trumps candor and delivery would have served Obama well


The only thing that’s happened so far is a photo op. Trump gave up everything and Kim has given up nothing. When something other than happens let us know because so far it’s Kim 1 and the orange loser a big fat 0
POTUS used a calculated tactic to shut down the megaphone threats from the North Korea dictator. Unarguably, POTUS talked in tones to the dictator that he clearly understands. And so far from North Korea, its been


Obama enabled North Korea with what he called 'Strategic Patience' when in essence, it was only patience while they developed the dangerous capability they currently have. Obama should learn to talk like a man that is respected. Mr Trumps candor and delivery would have served Obama well

The only fuckin reason Trump is getting away with talking shit, is because the whole gotdamned world thinks the bitch is crazy...some brave president, eh? He along with that fat rice eating fuck both are two ignorant mf's that play games with people lives...the only winner in all this is the one that drops first...big fuckin deal!!

Careful now red

Trump is a idiot, now careful that...listen, white boy...the only people you people scare are white people please don't confuse us with them....yaw come deep where I live, and your gonna get your ass handed to you.....
And Asians, he scares Asians too.
This shit's too funny. Obama considered speaking with him, and the rhetoric coming from the right is that we dont negotiate with terrorist states.

Trump is your daddy, so that mind-set ~ dumb as it was, is now erased. And good! And Im glad he got this accomplished. Good job, Mr. Trump.

The Neo-Con movement is over, replaced with the Trumps, Rand Pauls of the world. That's a good thing IMO.

I happen to not like speaking to Dictators, but this is a very unique situation, this is a guy who was openly testing nuclear capabilities, he fired over Japan. He was going to become a global threat, millions possibly lost, AND he was an isolated rule of a Hermit Kingdom. The worst type of situation for the world to face. This means, as Trump wisely said, "if sitting on a stage might save 30 million lives, I'm willing to do it"

Thus, I have to think that American leaders understand that a war would be needed if N Korea wasn't going to end this pursuit. It would also mean drastic harm to China, S Korea etc. Before you make such a decision, you have to exhaust all diplomatic means, this is what Trump is doing with the administrations eye on full denucleraization.

As per Obama meeting, who was stopping him? You telling me all of a sudden NOW he would listen to the GOP and the Right? Come on now. He's the President, he could do what he wanted in an effort to achieve peace. He didn't, Trump did.
The humor was that if Obama did or didnt, the right had its spin prepared and this proves it.
You see that is where Trump is different from Obama. He knows the left is going to spin this and he still did it. He doesn't allow the naysayers to control his actions. That is called leading.
POTUS used a calculated tactic to shut down the megaphone threats from the North Korea dictator. Unarguably, POTUS talked in tones to the dictator that he clearly understands. And so far from North Korea, its been


Obama enabled North Korea with what he called 'Strategic Patience' when in essence, it was only patience while they developed the dangerous capability they currently have. Obama should learn to talk like a man that is respected. Mr Trumps candor and delivery would have served Obama well


The only thing that’s happened so far is a photo op. Trump gave up everything and Kim has given up nothing. When something other than happens let us know because so far it’s Kim 1 and the orange loser a big fat 0
What did Trump give up?

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