President Obama. Ukraine will restore its nuclear weapons arsenal if you do not act.


Mar 9, 2014
President of U.S.
Barack Obama

Prime Minister of UK
David Cameron

Dear friends and guarantors of our sovereignty!

It has been three months since the confrontation of the President Viktor Yanukovych with the people of Ukraine began. A protest against his decision to abandon a far-reaching European Union partnership deal in November 2013 morphed into a huge - and violent - campaign to push him from power. During this confrontation Russian officials made numerous public statements that President Yanukovych must use brutal force against protesters on Euromaidan in Kiev. On 19-20 February more than 100 unarmed protesters were murdered by snipers in Kiev.

After that bloody action take place in Kiev, the regime of Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown by Ukranian Parliament, and he fled to Russian Federation and asked for military intervention to restore his power. Russian President Vladimir Putin used this situation and ordered FSB (former KGB) agents and special forces to take control over Parliament on the Ukranian Crimean Peninsula. After this operation succeed, FSB agent and local criminal leader, Sergei Aksyonov proclaimed himself Head of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Criminal leader Aksyonov is a leader of a political party, which won only 4% of votes at the elections to the Supreme Council of Crimea and holds only three seats in the local parliament.

Sergei Aksyonov on March 1 has asked the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to provide support to ensure peace in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The Kremlin quickly issued a statement saying that Mr. Aksyonov’s plea “would not be ignored,” and within hours the upper chamber of Russia’s Parliament had authorized military action.

This led to Russian military intervention to Crimea with thousands of troops, dozens of war helicopters and armored units. They marched from the territory Russian Federation to the Crimea. Russian troops stripped of identifying insignia but using military vehicles bearing the license plates of Russia’s Black Sea force swarmed the major thoroughfares of Crimea, encircled government buildings, closed the main airport and seized communication hubs. The Russian occupants use tactic of complete blockade of Ukrainian military units. They do not allow an occasional delivery of medicines and food to our guys, and now they decided to recreate the Leningrad blockade. Once again, worthy students of Adolf Hitler. The situation is especially dire with the Headquarters of the Ukrainian Navy in Crimea – unlike in military units, no supplies are stored there.

After the beginning of military aggression Russian propaganda claims that Ukraine’s opposition leaders relied on allies in the radical camp such as fascist groups like Svoboda, Trizub, and the Right Sector which espouse ethnic hatred against Jews and Russians. But this is a total lie, because none of this nationalistic organization promote neo-Nazi ideals or ethnic hatred and no evidence were given for such “facts”. Instead all religious communities Ukraine make public statements against such Russian propaganda.

Claims by Moscow that the forces in Crimea are local "self-defense" forces is a defense against neo-Nazi groups paid and manipulated by the West have been challenged implicitly or directly, both by the West and Ukraine. In a statement Monday, the G-7 condemned Russia's actions in Crimea as "a clear violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine." The U.S. has called them an "incredible act of aggression."

President Vladimir Putin on his press conference on March 4 claimed that Russian forces may go further into other parts of Ukraine. Such decision will result in a full scale war. This war may lead to thousands of deaths for both sides, disintegration of our country and annexation by Russian Federation East and South regions. The result of such conflict also will be terrorist enclave in the center of Europe, because Ukranian people do not stop to fight with Russian occupants after formal military defeat.

Long-awaited consultations of the "guarantors" of Ukraine's independence in Paris on March 5 have fully failed. Only primitive political and security fantasy can suggest that a decision about sending observers to Crimea constitutes sufficient "guarantees". Sad ironic smile is the only sentiment this decision can provoke. Ukraine continues to be left without support by its "guarantors" and EU. Of course Aksyonov separatists and Russian servicemen have been preventing OECD and UN mission to Crimea to perform their duties.

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the newly independent Ukraine had on its territory what was the third largest strategic nuclear weapons arsenal in the world. It was larger than those of Britain, France, and China combined. When Ukraine renounced its nuclear weapons in 1994, Russia, the United States and Britain signed the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances guaranteeing the country’s territorial integrity. According to the memorandum, Russia, the U.S., and the UK confirmed, in recognition of Ukraine becoming party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and in effect abandoning its nuclear arsenal to Russia, that they would:
- Respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within its existing borders.
- Refrain from the threat or use of force against Ukraine.
- Refrain from using economic pressure on Ukraine in order to influence its politics.
As a result Ukraine gave up the world's third largest nuclear weapons stockpile between 1994 and 1996 (nearly 1900 nuclear warheads).

But now, then our country face Russian military intervention and the direct risk of annexation by Russia our South and East regions (40% territory of our country) “guarantors” totally betray Ukranian people and give us no real help in such hard situation. All the public statements made by U.S. and UK government representatives are laughable and ineffective, such statements show aggressor that he can proceed.

Such unprecedented military and diplomatic betrayal of our country by U.S. and UK government is a direct signal to Iran, Israel, North Korea, India, Japan, Brazil and other countries that international law is not working anymore and so-called guarantees is just a diplomatic trick, no one can be safe without its own nuclear weapons arsenal or at least chemical and bacteriological weapons.

Moreover despite the claims that U.S. and EU will use sanctions against aggressor the Italians and the French do not want to punish Putin. The British government is worried about the impact on the City of London and losing the capital's big-spending oligarchs. German industry is lobbying strongly against imposing sanctions on Russia. And while Washington talks of isolating Russia because of Ukraine, Berlin is saying the opposite, stressing engagement and keeping channels open to the Kremlin. So all Western “friends” alongside “guarantors” betray us in this hard times.

So now Ukraine nation demand that U.S. and UK government as our “guarantors” in signed Budapest memorandum, make public statement that they will use military force in order to defend our territorial integrity and sovereignty. NATO forces in European Union have much larger military forces than Russian Federation.

The United States. and the European Union can also use at least economic sanctions to the Russian Federation that are needed to de-escalate the conflict in Ukraine:
- denial of visas for Russians traveling to Europe and North America;
- freezing of bank accounts of Russian state-owned corporations;
- stop the construction of the South Stream;
- use 15 billon euros fine (10 percent of annual revenues) against Gazprom for breaching EU antitrust legislation, European Union's antitrust investigation shows that Gazprom abused its position as the dominant supplier in eight central and eastern European nations, restricting the free flow of gas and unfairly pegging gas prices to oil prices in long-term contracts), although antitrust investigation is finished but corrupted European politics put 15 billion sanctions on halt;
- expel Russian Federation as military aggressor from OECD organization, European parliament and G8 with returning to G7 format;
- put a proposition to the assembly of United Nation to expel Russian Federation as military aggressor;
- freezing negotiations on establishing a free trade zone with Russia.

Therefore, if signature of the Association Agreement with the EU is delayed, if Ukraine does not get the NATO Membership Action Plan (I hope that Ukraine's current leadership applies for it quickly), if Russia does not face strong measures, whose impact it can really feel (declarations and diplomatic demarches have no effect on it), Ukraine's only way will consist in taking concrete steps to renew its territorial integrity and ensure its security.

If the United States, the United Kingdom and the European union officials act like Budapest treaty breakers and traitors, Ukraine has to act in a different way. Our country will take steps towards Ukraine's withdrawal from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and to launch steps leading to creation of these weapons. We have all the possibilities to do this and in a short time we will show to the world our nuclear weapons.

But these steps for our nation will not be enough. We have to urgently return to an issue of short or medium-range missiles for our nuclear warheads, which will have sufficient radius to make sure that our aggressing "guarantor" understands what is at stake. Similarly to the nuclear weapons, we can get these arms quickly.

And we address our request to all those in U.S., UK, EU and UN who is "deploring" and verbally "condemning" Russian aggressor: do not tell than that you have not heard anything and did not know anything, your diplomatic tricks now open the “Pandora box” - the risk of mass creation of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction in the world. You, the so-called "guarantors" and verbal “defenders” will be responsible for this and millions of deaths in the near future.
What do you want Obama to do? Send a division of troops?

First use REAL economic sanctions. Second Official statement that U.S., UK and NATO will use military force to ensure territorial integrity. Third, send U.S. fleet to the black sea and NATO forces to Poland which can be used on Ukranian territory.
International Renaissance Foundation, Kyiv: Dear colleagues!

Russia has carried out an act of aggression towards Ukraine. Russian troops have entered Crimea. Thus we take it upon ourselves to inform you about the events in Ukraine. We will provide you with yet another viewpoint regarding this conflict. We will do our best to remain fair and objective. This is full chronology of the conflict.

March 1 – Sergei Aksyonov, a self-proclaimed Head of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea has asked the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to provide support to ensure peace in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Aksyonov is a leader of a political party, which won only 4% of votes at the elections to the Supreme Council of Crimea and holds only three seats in the local parliament.

March 1 – at 17:20 both Chambers of State Duma of Russian Federation, which are controlled by Putin, have voted for transferring Russian armed forces to the territory of Ukraine. This legislation gives Putin grounds to declare war with Ukraine.

March 1 – the decisions on the referendum about the status of Crimea and the resignation of the government of Crimea were voted for in a seized/blocked building of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea have been falsified – this became known even during the sitting of the local parliament.

March 1 – Supreme Council of Crimea has moved the date of the referendum on Crimea's status – it is now to be held on March 30th instead of the May 25th. Putin precipitates Crimea's annexation.

March 1 – Russian military are blocking the units of Ukrainian army and Border Troops in Crimea. Military forces of Ukraine are on highest alert.

March 1 – Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the Prime-Minister of Ukraine has said that the decision on transferring Russian troops to Ukraine hasn't been made yet. "We believe that Russia will not resort to military intervention on the territory of Ukraine. Such intervention will mark the beginning of war and the end to any relations with Russian Federation".

March 1 – National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine has developed a "detailed plan of action in case of direct military aggression on behalf of the Russian Federation" – said Oleksandr Turchynov, acting President of Ukraine.

March 1 – "Russian Senate backs Putin request to send troops to Ukraine- straight out of Soviet playbook. Don't want Cold War back, but Putin seems to" – John McCain

March 1 – At UK request, UNSC has met for emergency consultations on Ukraine

March 1 – Ambassadors of the United States, Britain, Canada recalled from Moscow for consultations.

March 1 – U.S., Britain, Canada, France refused to participate in the G8 summit in Sochi, Russia.

March 2 – during a telephone conversation with the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, Russia's President agreed to create an investigative group to examine the situation in Crimea (under OECD aegis).

March 2 – National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine has passed the decision to put Armed Forces of Ukraine on full alert. Military mobilization has been declared. Ukrainian men are being summoned to military commissariats. Supreme Council of Ukraine has appealed to states-guarantors to ensure the integrity of Ukraine.

March 2 – Ukrainian military units stationed in Crimea stay loyal to Ukraine. However Russian servicemen are applying powerful moral and physical pressure – they remain very forceful in convincing Ukrainian troops to side with Russia. Groups consisting of few hundred separatists and Russian servicemen are attacking garrisons of Ukrainian military units.

March 2 – EU and the US condemned Russia's manifestation of military aggression against Ukraine. Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Great Britain, the US and EU have announced that they are stopping the preparations to G-8 Summit, which was to be held in Sochi (Russia).

March 2 – John Kerry, US Secretary of State has called Moscow's actions unprecedented and threatened Moscow with harsh reaction (including economic isolation) on behalf of the US and other countries. "It's an incredible act of aggression. It is really a stunning, willful choice by President (Vladimir) Putin to invade another country. Russia is in violation of the sovereignty of Ukraine. Russia is in violation of its international obligations," Kerry said.

March 2 – In protest to Russia's aggression, mass rallies have taken place all over Ukraine, including the cities of Southern and Eastern Ukraine – Odesa, Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk.

March 2 – It has been uncovered that pro-Russia rallies in Kharkiv and Luhansk on March 1st have been held with mass participation from the citizens of Russia, who have been brought in to Ukraine from the neighboring Russian regions. The Russian flag at Kharkiv Regional Administration was raised by the citizen of Russia, resident of Moscow.

March 3 – Ex-president Viktor Yanukovych, who is evading prosecution from Ukrainian law enforcement in Russia, asked RF president Vladimir Putin to use troops to "restore law and order" in Ukraine.

March 3 – the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry published a list of conditions from its bilateral agreements with Russia, which the latter violated by intervening militarily in Crimea. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry accuses the RF of violating the framework agreements on the Black Sea Fleet.

March 3 – The Ukrainian State Border Service is reporting a build-up of Russian military equipment on the state border along Kharkov, Lugansk, and Donetsk Oblasts. These actions may be a sign of Russian preparations for a mass invasion of Ukraine.

March 3 – The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry believes it is possible that Russia may soon begin a land invasion of Ukrainian territory across the Ukrainian-Russian border.

March 4 – Russian servicemen tried to gain control over Ukrainian anti-aircraft division Yevpatoria.

March 5 – Russian troops destroyed premises at Ukrainian anti-aircraft division in Sevastopol.

March 5 – Russia is trying to re-station its troops in Crimea so that OECD mission will not be able to record their presence.

March 5 – Russia's Minister of Defence Sergey Shoygu has denied the presence of any Russian troops in Crimea.

March 5 – US Secretary of State John Kerry and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Andriy Deshchytsya have departed for consultations in Paris. While in Paris, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov denied the presence of any Russian troops in Crimea and refused to meet the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

March 6 – Due to current situation in Ukraine, US President Barack Obama ordered a round of sanctions against Russia. The sanctions will target individuals that are destabilizing Ukraine including military intervention in Crimea. The US is ready to strengthen NATO presence at the border with Ukraine as a result of Russia's actions in Crimea.

March 6 – Supreme Council of Crimea has voted for an unconstitutional decision on Crimea becoming part of Russian Federation. Council's sitting was conducted in the presence of Russian servicemen holding weapons. For reasons yet unknown, the Supreme Council of Crimea has also moved the date of a referendum on Crimea joining Russian Federation to March 16th.

March 6 – Oleksandr Turchynov, acting President of Ukraine and the Head of the Supreme Council of Ukraine has signed a Decree, cancelling the referendum in Crimea. According to Article 73 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the issues dealing with territorial integrity and borders can only be discussed at a nation-wide referendum.

March 6 – Indigenous population of Crimea – Crimean Tatars – will never accept living in Russia, says Mustafa Abdülcemil Qırımoğlu, leader of Crimean Tatars. He addressed the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev with a request for help – Crimean Tatars want to remain living in Ukraine.

March 6 – Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey has invited a delegation of Crimean Tatars to visit Ankara in order to discuss current situation in Crimea.

March 6 – Supreme Council of Ukraine will initiate the dissolution of the Supreme Council of Crimea.

March 6 – Russia continues to transport its military units to Crimea.

March 6 – Ministry for Foreign Affair of Ukraine has stated that provocations are being prepared in Crimea with participation from unknown people, dressed in the uniform of Ukrainian servicemen.

March 7 – Moscow does not believe that current Ukrainian authorities are legitimate and is ceasing political relations with Kyiv, said Vitaly Churkin, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations.

March 7 – State Border Service of Ukraine has stated that over 30 thousand Russian servicemen are currently stationed in Crimea.

March 7 – On Friday, military observers of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development have yet again been prevented from entering Crimea by pro-Russian separatists.

March 7 – Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation is insisting that there are no Russian servicemen in Crimea. Thus Moscow doesn't understand why there is such a strong reaction on behalf of the Council of Europe.

March 7 – The only independent Crimean Tatar TV station ATR has had its Internet connection cut off.

March 7 – In Sevastopol, "unknown" separatists have severely assaulted the journalists representing Ukrainian TV channel "Inter", who were attempting to film the military attack on Ukrainian military unit #2355 by Russian servicemen.

March 7 – A military attack on a command post of the tactical group "Krym" of the Ukrainian Air Forces has occurred during the night. Ukrainian servicemen are remaining in a bunker; communication with them has not been established.

March 7 – Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime-Minister of Turkey, has assured that Ankara will not let Crimean Tatars down in these troubled times. He mentioned that he had discussed the situation in Crimea with the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

March 7 – During a telephone conversation, United States Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel thanked his Ukrainian counterpart for what he said was the "admirable restraint" the country's armed forces have shown.

March 8 – President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso stated that European Union is ready to sign the political chapters of the Association Agreement with Ukraine immediately.

March 8 – Russia is not a party to the conflict in Ukraine, stated the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov. According to Lavrov: "Russia is ready to continue dialogue on the understanding that this dialogue should be honest and partner-like, without attempts to portray us as one of the sides in the conflict, as it may look like according to some our partners".

March 8 – OECD military observers have been prevented from entering Crimea for the third time. Pro-Russian separatists stopped them before entering Crimea by gunfire.

March 8 – Russian servicemen have started to conceal mines at the neck of land between Crimea and mainland Ukraine.

March 8 – US authorities knew about Putin's plans one week before Russian invasion of Crimea.

March 8 – Pro-Russian separatist have occupied a military commissariat in Simferopol, the capital of Crimea, and let Russian servicemen in.

March 9 – "Steps to annex Crimea to Russia would close any available space for diplomacy between the US and Russia", – stated US Secretary of State John Kerry during his telephone conversation with Minister for Foreign Affairі of Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov.

March 9 – NATO states: the US, Romania and Bulgaria are beginning special military training at the coast of Ukraine.

March 9 – The leader of Ukrainian community of Crimea has been kidnapped.

March 9 – Ukrainian frontier post has been occupied by Russian servicemen in the village of Chornomorske, Crimea. All Ukrainian military regiments in Crimea have been completely blocked by the Russian army. From time to time, Russian servicemen are presenting Ukrainians with an ultimatum to surrender. From time to time Russian occupation troops and pro-Russian separatists try to attack Ukrainian military regiments. Not a single Ukrainian regiment has surrended to the Russians.

March 9 – Flagship "Moskva" (a guided missile cruiser) of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy is heading for Ukraine's mainland aiming to demonstrate Russia's military presence close to military exercise location of the US, Romania and Bulgaria Navy. Military exercise is due to start on March 10th.

March 9 – Russia is strengthening its military presence in Crimea by transferring its 18th Independent Motor Rifle Brigade from Chechnya. Russia is also increasing the number of servicemen in Moldova's region of Transnistria (the region is controlled by Russian troops) – during the last 24 hours 700 servicemen of special mission units have been transported to this region of Moldova.

March 9 – A rally was held near the monument to Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko in Simferopol. Rally participants have protested against the referendum on Crimea's separation from Ukraine, which is scheduled for March 16th.

March 9 – A scuffle happened between pro-Russian and Ukrainian activists during the rally held to celebrate 200 year anniversary of Taras Shevchenko's birth in Sevastopol.

March 9 – Russian FSB agents and activist have occupied Regional State Administration in Luhansk.

March 9 – Many journalists have been detained in Crimea and transported to Sevastopol.

Act now mr. Obama. Where is your sanctions?
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Now the U.S. and UK government as so-called guarantors of Ukrainian territorial integrity only imitate "action steps" to support Ukraine. The proposed sanctions against only several Russian politics and military officers are laughable and only provoke Russia to proceed.

In reality none of our so-called guarantors are ready to provide real help. They do not want to confront Russian monster with real sanctions because they realize that such actions may destroy quiet life of "civilized" world in their countries. But that is a short term perspective!

If Russian troops are not stopped now, they will occupy all Ukrainian territories. Moreover, sooner or later U.S., UK, Germany, Italy, France and rest of "civilized" Europe will discover pro-Russian demonstrations in Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Poland, and Baltic countries (this countries historically was a part of Russian Empire) and then their government will be overthrown and another self-proclaimed leader will cry for Russian troops to invade to save them from “fascists” and radicals. And this will be only the first step, very soon all European countries will be under threat of Russian military invasion. I'm afraid European politicians are afraid even to analyze such possibility. Such "blind" approach helps to realize Mr. Putin's plan on Ukraine annexation.

What U.S., UK and European Union can do now? Immediately use Real economic sanctions and help Ukraine with troops and weapons able to stop Russians. Frightening? Yes, but imagine that similar scenario will be implemented soon in other Europe countries.
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