President Trump Didn't Start the Culture War and the Leftist are Going to Learn There is no Participation Trophy in this War


May 23, 2014
Leftist Democrats, leftist professoriate, and leftist media are the ones intent on destroying the Constitutional Democratic Republic of the United States of America. But these pampered, pansy assed pussies who were educated and culturally indoctrinated during 1990's will find out there are no participation trophies in the culture war they have started. You were taught this way in 1990's with soccer matches and Little League games that had no winners or losers. The education that you received in history class was the Marxist historian Howard Zinn "America is the bad guy" theory. Well you started it... patriot's who love their country will finish it.
Good thing he made that statement at a location where the US had a culture war with the Sioux indians.
Actually the entire US nation killed Native American Indians and they lost their culture and no white people gave a shit.
When it comes to the war, they will do what they always do... cry. But no one is there to hear.

It will not end well for them.
Good thing he made that statement at a location where the US had a culture war with the Sioux indians.
Actually the entire US nation killed Native American Indians and they lost their culture and no white people gave a shit.
And before that the Sioux has a culture war with the Cheyenne who had a culture war with another tribe before that.

Learn some damn history before you spout off.

And you’re right. I don’t give a shit about the South Dakota Warrens.
Leftist Democrats, leftist professoriate, and leftist media are the ones intent on destroying the Constitutional Democratic Republic of the United States of America. But these pampered, pansy assed pussies who were educated and culturally indoctrinated during 1990's will find out there are no participation trophies in the culture war they have started. You were taught this way in 1990's with soccer matches and Little League games that had no winners or losers. The education that you received in history class was the Marxist historian Howard Zinn "America is the bad guy" theory. Well you started it... patriot's who love their country will finish it.
And we are playing for keeps....WITH GUNS!!!

Too bad the NYT doesn't let you actually READ their article (at least people in private mode).

"Down in the polls and failing to control a raging pandemic, the president cast himself as waging battle against a “new far-left fascism” that imperils American values and seeks to erase history?"

  • What president would be "up" in the polls with a pandemic spread in from around the world killing people?
  • Failing to control a raging epidemic? You mean someone is succeeding? It wouldn't be a raging epidemic if they were.
  • And we're NOT waging a war against leftwing facism? Is that why billions have been looted, damaged and lost in 70 cities? Is that why historic statues are getting trashed everywhere?
Sorry NYT, but Trump's message was a simple one: He has drawn the line and won't allow our history, heritage and property to be trashed by rotten spoiled thugs any longer.
Good thing he made that statement at a location where the US had a culture war with the Sioux indians.
Actually the entire US nation killed Native American Indians and they lost their culture and no white people gave a shit.
And before that the Sioux has a culture war with the Cheyenne who had a culture war with another tribe before that.

Learn some damn history before you spout off.

And you’re right. I don’t give a shit about the South Dakota Warrens.
If Trump had held his celebration at the bottom of a canyon in the badlands of Idaho, Glowworm would be bitching that Trump was disturbing the coyotes and sandstone.
Good thing he made that statement at a location where the US had a culture war with the Sioux indians.
Actually the entire US nation killed Native American Indians and they lost their culture and no white people gave a shit.

If I were you I'd be so outrage I'd leave this horrible country. Need any help moving?
Good thing he made that statement at a location where the US had a culture war with the Sioux indians.
Actually the entire US nation killed Native American Indians and they lost their culture and no white people gave a shit.
Their culture could not bear the advance of a modern world. It's ignorant and juvenile to think their way of life would be able to continue until 2020. Grow up.
Good thing he made that statement at a location where the US had a culture war with the Sioux indians.
Actually the entire US nation killed Native American Indians and they lost their culture and no white people gave a shit.

If I were you I'd be so outrage I'd leave this horrible country. Need any help moving?
He is a Lizzy Warren Native American. Most likely lives in Los Angeles and is proud to 1/100th Native American because that's what his great-grandfather passed down. Actually he is zero % Indian and most likely of Norwegian decent.
Good thing he made that statement at a location where the US had a culture war with the Sioux indians.
Actually the entire US nation killed Native American Indians and they lost their culture and no white people gave a shit.

Your ignorance of world history comes into focus, the vanquished have ALWAYS been displaced by the winner, often rather harshly too. Who do we have so many burned to the ground cities of the past, what happened to the cities of Athens, Troy, Rome, Jerusalem, Carthage and so on?

The only legitimate grievance todays American Indians have are to sue over Treaty violations of the past, of which they have won a few big settlements, that is an area they can invest in to help rebuild something from.

Yes the American Indians were mistreated for a long time, pushed into poor land quality reservations, treaty violations were common, but that was over 100 years ago, they should have learned to adapt to the reality they are in now, instead of wasting their time hating and pissing away their culture, yes they are slowly destroying themselves on alcohol and casino based economy. Their culture is dying out because they are too busy being like YOU, carry anger around and not develop into somebody who can live in peace.

It might surprise you that Trump didn't displace or kill the Indians, sorry to burst your playpen bubble.
Good thing he made that statement at a location where the US had a culture war with the Sioux indians.
Actually the entire US nation killed Native American Indians and they lost their culture and no white people gave a shit.

Your ignorance of world history comes into focus, the vanquished have ALWAYS been displaced by the winner, often rather harshly too. Who do we have so many burned to the ground cities of the past, what happened to the cities of Athens, Troy, Rome, Jerusalem, Carthage and so on?

The only legitimate grievance todays American Indians have are to sue over Treaty violations of the past, of which they have won a few big settlements, that is an area they can invest in to help rebuild something from.

Yes the American Indians were mistreated for a long time, pushed into poor land quality reservations, treaty violations were common, but that was over 100 years ago, they should have learned to adapt to the reality they are in now, instead of wasting their time hating and pissing away their culture, yes they are slowly destroying themselves on alcohol and casino based economy. Their culture is dying out because they are too busy being like YOU, carry anger around and not develop into somebody who can live in peace.

It might surprise you that Trump didn't displace or kill the Indians, sorry to burst your playpen bubble.
College Professors (because they are bored and feel unfulfilled in life) will attempt to rewrite history, stir students to their extreme leftist ways because most have never experienced poverty and struggle. But they want to tell White kids they have privilege? Look pussy don't ever compare yourself into me. My father wasn't a college prof, a doctor or a lawyer. We started in a trailer with my father working 12 hour days on the assembly line in a factory until he bought us our first home. Liberal media and their families might have had pampered assed privilege...not me. I served in combat for my country. What have those idiots on the View ever done?
Thanks for proving what hypocrites you all be since you cry when an old statues is pulled down but not one tear for the people who was discarded in order to put up those statues which now are falling because karma is biting yous in the ass..

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