Now according to nbc, Trump cultivated a culture war. Not the woke left. No no, its all Trump and his voters.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Schools become political 'battlefield' in culture wars Trump cultivated​

Allan Smith



NBC News

Schools become political 'battlefield' in culture wars Trump cultivated​

Allan Smith
Tue, September 7, 2021, 4:30 AM·7 min read
In this article:


Schools have become the focal point for culture war fights that animated former President Donald Trump's base and have been advanced by conservative activists and influencers since he left office.
Conservative grassroots activists have zeroed in on local education policy with a tea party-esque fervor for months — spanning debates about reopening, how to teach U.S. history and required masking. Now, conservative personalities are urging followers to run for school board seats that have rarely generated much interest, while dozens of activist groups focused on schools have sprouted to advance the fights.
The influence of the effort can be seen at nearly all levels of school administration. State legislators have passed bills to restrict what can be taught. Republican governors are locked in standoffs with school administrators over district masking policies. School board meetings have devolved into shouting matches, and some have even turned violent.

Yes, Trump and his voters have been creating the CULTURE WAR that the left have been engaging with us since the 30s.

You see folks? They cause riots for decades. Burn, loot, attack, have been occupying cities and crushing us in every aspect of this culture war that they had started many years ago.

Any retaliation of any sort they make themselves out to be victims. If a leftist didn't make themselves victims, then they wouldn't be leftists.

We can show video after video of antifa and blm causing mass violence over the past few years and they will yell JANUARY SIIIIIXTH!!!!!!!!!



They are all like mosquitoes in our ears. Really are.

Nobody has ever said anything different. tRump was extremely divisive and attacked anything and everything he thought would get his rabid cultists fired up.
Trump did nothing of the kind. He acted like a Prog. And you didn't like it. It is not fun to be on the other side of mouthing off isn't it? the problem is that you have tens of thousands of people in broadcasting, media, entertainment, political and other ways where Repubs have few. What was divisive was that all of those I typed told you he was divisive. And you ran with it. Trump's personality was one thing...his agendas were a vision. Good ones that we needed that were a salve of healing if it was let to be.

Schools become political 'battlefield' in culture wars Trump cultivated​

Allan Smith



NBC News

Schools become political 'battlefield' in culture wars Trump cultivated​

Allan Smith
Tue, September 7, 2021, 4:30 AM·7 min read
In this article:


Schools have become the focal point for culture war fights that animated former President Donald Trump's base and have been advanced by conservative activists and influencers since he left office.
Conservative grassroots activists have zeroed in on local education policy with a tea party-esque fervor for months — spanning debates about reopening, how to teach U.S. history and required masking. Now, conservative personalities are urging followers to run for school board seats that have rarely generated much interest, while dozens of activist groups focused on schools have sprouted to advance the fights.
The influence of the effort can be seen at nearly all levels of school administration. State legislators have passed bills to restrict what can be taught. Republican governors are locked in standoffs with school administrators over district masking policies. School board meetings have devolved into shouting matches, and some have even turned violent.

Yes, Trump and his voters have been creating the CULTURE WAR that the left have been engaging with us since the 30s.

You see folks? They cause riots for decades. Burn, loot, attack, have been occupying cities and crushing us in every aspect of this culture war that they had started many years ago.

Any retaliation of any sort they make themselves out to be victims. If a leftist didn't make themselves victims, then they wouldn't be leftists.

We can show video after video of antifa and blm causing mass violence over the past few years and they will yell JANUARY SIIIIIXTH!!!!!!!!!



They are all like mosquitoes in our ears. Really are.
I remember this also happened in the years after Gingrich and his "Revolution" blew into DC. I saw it happen right here in my own town where right wing, bible thumping warriors for God took over the school board and turned it into a circus...foreshadowing the rise of the alt-right fifteen years later. :) What's happening now is just a page from that playbook.

Schools have always been culture dividing battlegrounds for conservatives. Easy, flash point arguments that get just and righteous white Christians up in a dander because "what about the children??".
It's only the right wingers that get violent at these events. Those "leftists"?? Just want to see the right thing done.

And finally, no BLM protest was rooted in the aim of overturning the results of a free and fairly held election.
That's what January 6th was about. That makes it different. Sorry. But thanks for playing.
Just so we are clear. The democraps and their voters expect the republicans to be limp wristed, weak minded wimps. In other words punching bags for the media and entertainment industry and college professors. There has been no real opposition parry or president since Reagan.

So, here comes Trump. A NY businessman from Queens. Who talks like one. To the left, who have been trained under a 30 year paradigm of wimps like the Bushes, anyone actually INSULTING BACK is tantamount to being the aggressor. They have been locked into such weak republicans.....mccain and romney?

Are you kidding?

This is what all of this indicates. They are the ones that are supposed to act like petulant brats.

Remember them pretending to be all mad at Trump for his "locker room talk?" Ever hear women talk when they don't know they are being heard? Trust me, men have nothing on women. We use to eavesdrop on my friends sisters while they talked with their friends in their room.

Yeeeeah......I remember all of that.

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