President Trump Concedes House Speaker Pelosi Has Killed Any Chance Of a COVID Relief Bill Prior To Election


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"President Donald Trump acknowledged on Tuesday that a coronavirus economic relief deal would likely come after the Nov. 3 election, with the White House unable to bridge differences with fellow Republicans in the U.S. Senate as well as congressional Democrats."

Speaker Pelosi refused to allow President Trump to have another 'victory' and continues to block any hope of Congress passing a COVID Relief Bill prior to November 3rd. Her blocking of another COVID Relief has even angered her fellow Democrats to the point they have been talking again of moving to replace her as Speaker.

What does she care, again, if Americans suffer while she plays 'politics'? She has her several million dollar mansions, her $25,000 freezer, and her 6 gourmet flavors of ice cream.....

"President Donald Trump acknowledged on Tuesday that a coronavirus economic relief deal would likely come after the Nov. 3 election, with the White House unable to bridge differences with fellow Republicans in the U.S. Senate as well as congressional Democrats."
Speaker Pelosi refused to allow President Trump to have another 'victory' and continues to block any hope of Congress passing a COVID Relief Bill prior to November 3rd. Her blocking of another COVID Relief has even angered her fellow Democrats to the point they have been talking again of moving to replace her as Speaker.
What does she care, again, if Americans suffer while she plays 'politics'? She has her several million dollar mansions, her $25,000 freezer, and her 6 gourmet flavors of ice cream.....

Well, Ease, The MSM haven't reported one positive thing about Trump in four years, you think Nancy wants Trump to get credit for the 2nd relief bill the week before the election with Slo Joe's campaign on the ropes?

The American people mean NOTHING to these people-- -- all we are is fodder to pay for their big homes and to vote to keep them in Washington milking the nation.
Yeah, it was Pelosi, thanks for the laughs...

Pelosi has no part in negotiating the relief bill, huh, moonbug?
No need to negotiate what the senate will not vote upon..

Why should the Senate let Nancy use the Covid crisis to extort out of them massive funding for pet projects that just further their personal careers? The relief package is supposed to be for the people who are hurting. Trump has been ready to sign a 1.8 Trillion dollar bill for months. Have you figure out how much 200 million taxpayers goes into 1800 billion dollars?
Yeah, it was Pelosi, thanks for the laughs...

Pelosi has no part in negotiating the relief bill, huh, moonbug?
No need to negotiate what the senate will not vote upon..

Why should the Senate let Nancy use the Covid crisis to extort out of them massive funding for pet projects that just further their personal careers? The relief package is supposed to be for the people who are hurting. Trump has been ready to sign a 1.8 Trillion dollar bill for months. Have you figure out how much 200 million taxpayers goes into 1800 billion dollars?
Right, Trump wants the American tax payers dollars to be wisely spent, not bail out money for the blue disease.
Yeah, it was Pelosi, thanks for the laughs...

Pelosi has no part in negotiating the relief bill, huh, moonbug?
No need to negotiate what the senate will not vote upon..

Why should the Senate let Nancy use the Covid crisis to extort out of them massive funding for pet projects that just further their personal careers? The relief package is supposed to be for the people who are hurting. Trump has been ready to sign a 1.8 Trillion dollar bill for months. Have you figure out how much 200 million taxpayers goes into 1800 billion dollars?
No, Trump was not ready to sign a 1.8 trillion dollar stimulus for months...

The Senate has adjourned until after Election Day, making it increasingly unlikely that Congress will pass a coronavirus relief bill before then. After confirming Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, a priority for Republicans and President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell adjourned the Senate until November 9.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have been negotiating for weeks over a relief bill, inching closer to a deal which could reach to $2 trillion. But they remain at an impasse over certain key issues, such as funding for state and local jurisdictions. The House also passed its own $2.4 trillion bill, which has not been taken up on the Senate floor.

Senate Republicans proposed their own $500 billion legislation, which was blocked twice by Democrats, who argued that the bill did not go far enough to address the needs of the American people. On Monday evening, McConnell blamed Pelosi for being unwilling to compromise with the White House.
"President Donald Trump acknowledged on Tuesday that a coronavirus economic relief deal would likely come after the Nov. 3 election, with the White House unable to bridge differences with fellow Republicans in the U.S. Senate as well as congressional Democrats."

Speaker Pelosi refused to allow President Trump to have another 'victory' and continues to block any hope of Congress passing a COVID Relief Bill prior to November 3rd. Her blocking of another COVID Relief has even angered her fellow Democrats to the point they have been talking again of moving to replace her as Speaker.

What does she care, again, if Americans suffer while she plays 'politics'? She has her several million dollar mansions, her $25,000 freezer, and her 6 gourmet flavors of ice cream.....

It was McConnell and Senate Republicans who are responsible. McConnell in a debate lautghed when the subject of people surffering was brought up. The fact is that Republicans started out at $1 billion and Democrats were at $3.4 billion. Democrats have come down to the midaway point at $2.2 billion. Pelosi was right as the White House was short on several points. Aid for states and unemployment benefits.
Yeah, it was Pelosi, thanks for the laughs...
I told you that weeks ago.

There is no way in hell that the Democrats want another check with Trump's name on it arriving in millions of mail boxes just before the election.

And everybody knows that the Democrats are holding it up until after the election for purely partisan reasons.
Yeah, it was Pelosi, thanks for the laughs...
I told you that weeks ago.

There is no way in hell that the Democrats want another check with Trump's name on it arriving in millions of mail boxes just before the election.

And everybody knows that the Democrats are holding it up until after the election for purely partisan reasons.
The Senate refused to vote upon any more stimulus payments to the people-duh.The 500 billion they voted upon was not for stimulus payments only help for businesses..
Hmmm: Pelosi, Schumer sorta-kinda endorse centrists’ $908B COVID-19 relief plan

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“… should be used as the basis for immediate bipartisan, bicameral negotiations”?
Did Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer just drop their COVID-19 relief demand from $2.5 trillion to $908 billion? Not really.

It’s a cinch that both Democrats will insist on more spending in the back-and-forth to come, assuming it does come.

One area in which more spending will almost certainly be demanded is a second round of stimulus checks. It’s absurd to push a relief bill without direct stimulus as a component. For one thing, all sides agree on the need for it, and for another, selling spending like this without giving direct aid to voters is political malpractice:

Congress won't pass anything without some direct stimulus for voters.

Pelosi and Schumer have now signaled that they will come down significantly from their earlier demands, which has been the biggest obstacle to the passage of a Phase 4 relief bill. Republicans need to wrap this up as quickly as possible to get funding in place for vaccine distribution, and everyone can go home for the Christmas holiday with a small win in their pocket after all.

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