President Hypocrisy caught in the act of hypocrisy...

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
While standing before the cameras demanding that SCOTUS not be an activist court by striking down healthcare because it was properly passed by congress .......WHILE AT THE SAME TIME ...... He has lawyers before the 5th circuit court asking them to strike down the defense of marriage act which passed with a much bigger bipartisan support by congress.

Were it not for Fox News Sunday I would have never heard about this. So Mr Obama which is it? If SCOTUS is overstepping their boundaries why would you ask a lower court to do the very same thing?
While standing before the cameras demanding that SCOTUS not be an activist court by striking down healthcare because it was properly passed by congress .......WHILE AT THE SAME TIME ...... He has lawyers before the 5th circuit court asking them to strike down the defense of marriage act which passed with a much bigger bipartisan support by congress.

Were it not for Fox News Sunday I would have never heard about this. So Mr Obama which is it? If SCOTUS is overstepping their boundaries why would you ask a lower court to do the very same thing?

As far back as I can remember the left has talked out of both sides of their ass.
That has not changed, there is a reason we hammer them for situational ethics.
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While standing before the cameras demanding that SCOTUS not be an activist court by striking down healthcare because it was properly passed by congress .......WHILE AT THE SAME TIME ...... He has lawyers before the 5th circuit court asking them to strike down the defense of marriage act which passed with a much bigger bipartisan support by congress.

Were it not for Fox News Sunday I would have never heard about this. So Mr Obama which is it? If SCOTUS is overstepping their boundaries why would you ask a lower court to do the very same thing?

As far back as I can remember the left has talked out of both sides of their ass.
That has not changed, there is a reason we hammer them for situational ethics.

I guess I just never really paid that much attention. This shit is so absurd its funny while at the same time a complete disgrace.
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Probably because one is clearly Constitutional and the other is not. Naturally, you'll disagree with me on which one is and which one isn't Constitutional.

It's not up to either of us to make that determination. That's what the courts are for. There in lies the problem with the left. You seem to think that determination is up to you when it is not.
Probably because one is clearly Constitutional and the other is not. Naturally, you'll disagree with me on which one is and which one isn't Constitutional.

See there's another way to look at this, perhaps they are both Unconstitutional. :D

Only if you are looking at the issues from a strictly political viewpoint. The law and precedent on both issues is clear.
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Probably because one is clearly Constitutional and the other is not. Naturally, you'll disagree with me on which one is and which one isn't Constitutional.

See there's another way to look at this, perhaps they are both Unconstitutional. :D

Only if you are looking at the issues from a strictly political viewpoint. The law and precedent on both issues is clear.

So you are a constitutional lawyer?

Didn't think so. And even if you were the decision is still not yours to make.
Probably because one is clearly Constitutional and the other is not. Naturally, you'll disagree with me on which one is and which one isn't Constitutional.

It's not up to either of us to make that determination. That's what the courts are for. There in lies the problem with the left. You seem to think that determination is up to you when it is not.

Oh we do? I didn't realize that it has been only the left decrying judicial activism all these years.

"I don't know if there is a cause-and-effect connection, but we have seen some recent episodes of courthouse violence in this country and I wonder whether there may be some connection between the perception in some quarters, on some occasions, where judges are making political decisions yet are unaccountable to the public, that it builds up and builds up and builds up to the point where some people engage in, engage in violence. Certainly without any justification, but a concern that I have." ~ John Cornyn

“If you had to, or you’d instruct the Justice Department to send a U.S. Marshal. Let’s take the case of Judge Biery. I think he should be asked to explain a position that radical.”~ Newt Gingrich

If we’re going to respect judge-made law and stop praying in our public schools, that was the beginning of the judicial activism that’s begun to break down this civilization, and this culture. ~ Steve King

Unelected and serving with lifetime tenure, and substituting their view for the views of the people’s…the people and their elected representatives. That’s not the way our democracy is supposed to work. ~ John Cornyn

Judges are not policymakers. That’s what we are in the Congress of the United States. Judges are called on to decide the facts and to apply the law. ~ Chuck Grassley

"The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior," ~ Tom Delay (on the Terry Schiavo case)

And there is...

[ame=]George W. Bush Agrees With Obama On Activist Judges - YouTube[/ame]
Probably because one is clearly Constitutional and the other is not. Naturally, you'll disagree with me on which one is and which one isn't Constitutional.

It's not up to either of us to make that determination. That's what the courts are for. There in lies the problem with the left. You seem to think that determination is up to you when it is not.

Oh we do? I didn't realize that it has been only the left decrying judicial activism all these years.

"I don't know if there is a cause-and-effect connection, but we have seen some recent episodes of courthouse violence in this country and I wonder whether there may be some connection between the perception in some quarters, on some occasions, where judges are making political decisions yet are unaccountable to the public, that it builds up and builds up and builds up to the point where some people engage in, engage in violence. Certainly without any justification, but a concern that I have." ~ John Cornyn

“If you had to, or you’d instruct the Justice Department to send a U.S. Marshal. Let’s take the case of Judge Biery. I think he should be asked to explain a position that radical.”~ Newt Gingrich

If we’re going to respect judge-made law and stop praying in our public schools, that was the beginning of the judicial activism that’s begun to break down this civilization, and this culture. ~ Steve King

Unelected and serving with lifetime tenure, and substituting their view for the views of the people’s…the people and their elected representatives. That’s not the way our democracy is supposed to work. ~ John Cornyn

Judges are not policymakers. That’s what we are in the Congress of the United States. Judges are called on to decide the facts and to apply the law. ~ Chuck Grassley

"The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior," ~ Tom Delay (on the Terry Schiavo case)

And there is...

[ame=]George W. Bush Agrees With Obama On Activist Judges - YouTube[/ame]

Obama is decrying one court while asking another to do the very thing he is decrying. You're diversion is duly noted.
While standing before the cameras demanding that SCOTUS not be an activist court by striking down healthcare because it was properly passed by congress .......WHILE AT THE SAME TIME ...... He has lawyers before the 5th circuit court asking them to strike down the defense of marriage act which passed with a much bigger bipartisan support by congress.

Were it not for Fox News Sunday I would have never heard about this. So Mr Obama which is it? If SCOTUS is overstepping their boundaries why would you ask a lower court to do the very same thing?

So either you think the courts should strike down both or keep both or according to yu you are a hypocrite
According to seawych

" mommy mommy bush did it can I do it to ?"

Why yes Obama as long as someone else does something you can do it too no matter if its right or wrong.
While standing before the cameras demanding that SCOTUS not be an activist court by striking down healthcare because it was properly passed by congress .......WHILE AT THE SAME TIME ...... He has lawyers before the 5th circuit court asking them to strike down the defense of marriage act which passed with a much bigger bipartisan support by congress.

Were it not for Fox News Sunday I would have never heard about this. So Mr Obama which is it? If SCOTUS is overstepping their boundaries why would you ask a lower court to do the very same thing?

So either you think the courts should strike down both or keep both or according to yu you are a hypocrite

I have stated no such opinions on either issues. According to that fact you're an over reaching fool.
While standing before the cameras demanding that SCOTUS not be an activist court by striking down healthcare because it was properly passed by congress .......WHILE AT THE SAME TIME ...... He has lawyers before the 5th circuit court asking them to strike down the defense of marriage act which passed with a much bigger bipartisan support by congress.

Were it not for Fox News Sunday I would have never heard about this. So Mr Obama which is it? If SCOTUS is overstepping their boundaries why would you ask a lower court to do the very same thing?

So either you think the courts should strike down both or keep both or according to yu you are a hypocrite

I have stated no such opinions on either issues. According to that fact you're an over reaching fool.

Just the heads up.

That one is as sharp as TM.
It's not up to either of us to make that determination. That's what the courts are for. There in lies the problem with the left. You seem to think that determination is up to you when it is not.

Oh we do? I didn't realize that it has been only the left decrying judicial activism all these years.

"I don't know if there is a cause-and-effect connection, but we have seen some recent episodes of courthouse violence in this country and I wonder whether there may be some connection between the perception in some quarters, on some occasions, where judges are making political decisions yet are unaccountable to the public, that it builds up and builds up and builds up to the point where some people engage in, engage in violence. Certainly without any justification, but a concern that I have." ~ John Cornyn

“If you had to, or you’d instruct the Justice Department to send a U.S. Marshal. Let’s take the case of Judge Biery. I think he should be asked to explain a position that radical.”~ Newt Gingrich

If we’re going to respect judge-made law and stop praying in our public schools, that was the beginning of the judicial activism that’s begun to break down this civilization, and this culture. ~ Steve King

Unelected and serving with lifetime tenure, and substituting their view for the views of the people’s…the people and their elected representatives. That’s not the way our democracy is supposed to work. ~ John Cornyn

Judges are not policymakers. That’s what we are in the Congress of the United States. Judges are called on to decide the facts and to apply the law. ~ Chuck Grassley

"The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior," ~ Tom Delay (on the Terry Schiavo case)

And there is...

[ame=]George W. Bush Agrees With Obama On Activist Judges - YouTube[/ame]

Obama is decrying one court while asking another to do the very thing he is decrying. You're diversion is duly noted.

Now that's funny...I'm the one deflecting. The right has, for years, decried "judicial activism", but when President Obama does it, RW heads (like your VERY RW head) explode everywhere. When this blatant hypocrisy of the RW is exposed, you project "deflection" on those pointing out the blatant hypocrisy.

Justice Scalia was regurgitating Rush Limbaugh talking points (the same Rush he drinks with when he isn't being judicial) and when that is pointed out, ya'll accuse the President of "attacking" the judicial.

The courts have a long (extremely long, in fact) history of striking down NON-ECONOMIC bills passed by legislature. There is a TON of precedence in courts striking down, for example, laws that violate civil rights. How many times have the courts overruled the legislative on ECONOMIC issues?
All laws are able to be brought before Judicial Review- Whether or not they ever make it that far is decidedly on its own merits- I do not believe the Supreme Court has as of yet become corrupt.

I think people on both sides of the political spectrum think that the ideological divide of the court is equal to political activism- it is not. It is merely the two divergent sides of how Constitutional Law is understood. At present it is most assuredly a 5/4 split- though Kennedy sometimes leans to a more progressive ideology- he tends to the more conservative interpretation...
Oh we do? I didn't realize that it has been only the left decrying judicial activism all these years.

"I don't know if there is a cause-and-effect connection, but we have seen some recent episodes of courthouse violence in this country and I wonder whether there may be some connection between the perception in some quarters, on some occasions, where judges are making political decisions yet are unaccountable to the public, that it builds up and builds up and builds up to the point where some people engage in, engage in violence. Certainly without any justification, but a concern that I have." ~ John Cornyn

“If you had to, or you’d instruct the Justice Department to send a U.S. Marshal. Let’s take the case of Judge Biery. I think he should be asked to explain a position that radical.”~ Newt Gingrich

If we’re going to respect judge-made law and stop praying in our public schools, that was the beginning of the judicial activism that’s begun to break down this civilization, and this culture. ~ Steve King

Unelected and serving with lifetime tenure, and substituting their view for the views of the people’s…the people and their elected representatives. That’s not the way our democracy is supposed to work. ~ John Cornyn

Judges are not policymakers. That’s what we are in the Congress of the United States. Judges are called on to decide the facts and to apply the law. ~ Chuck Grassley

"The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior," ~ Tom Delay (on the Terry Schiavo case)

And there is...

George W. Bush Agrees With Obama On Activist Judges - YouTube

Obama is decrying one court while asking another to do the very thing he is decrying. You're diversion is duly noted.

Now that's funny...I'm the one deflecting. The right has, for years, decried "judicial activism", but when President Obama does it, RW heads (like your VERY RW head) explode everywhere. When this blatant hypocrisy of the RW is exposed, you project "deflection" on those pointing out the blatant hypocrisy.

Justice Scalia was regurgitating Rush Limbaugh talking points (the same Rush he drinks with when he isn't being judicial) and when that is pointed out, ya'll accuse the President of "attacking" the judicial.

The courts have a long (extremely long, in fact) history of striking down NON-ECONOMIC bills passed by legislature. There is a TON of precedence in courts striking down, for example, laws that violate civil rights. How many times have the courts overruled the legislative on ECONOMIC issues?

You're so far off topic you can't even see the topic.


Just to clue you in here's a hint. This thread isn't about me or you or anyone else. It's about Obama and his double speak. You know, like when he once said super pacs were a threat to our democracy but now he is embracing them. Or how he once said he would not accept private money in 08 but then did anyway. Or how he said he would close gitmo and then didn't. Or how he said immigration would be a top priority so he could get the Hispanic vote and then never mentioned it again. Or how he said if he didn't have this thing fixed in 3 years it would be a one term proposition yet here we are.

Got it?
Probably because one is clearly Constitutional and the other is not. Naturally, you'll disagree with me on which one is and which one isn't Constitutional.

It's not up to either of us to make that determination. That's what the courts are for. There in lies the problem with the left. You seem to think that determination is up to you when it is not.

Even worse, the lefties seem to think that what they consider popular should be kept, what they don't like, or claim the "majority" doesn't like, should be stricken. How about that, we are transmogrified from a nation of laws to a nation of likes.
See there's another way to look at this, perhaps they are both Unconstitutional. :D

Only if you are looking at the issues from a strictly political viewpoint. The law and precedent on both issues is clear.

So you are a constitutional lawyer?

Didn't think so. And even if you were the decision is still not yours to make.

Lawrence Tribe IS a constitutional lawyer and was obama's constitutional law professor and says obama is full of crap.

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