President Harris ignores Old Joe's order to work with Mexico and C. American governments on migration

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Pretty clear who's really in charge. I guess those concentration camps at the border are really Kamala's. It makes sense, since locking up brown people is pretty much her reason for living.

By the way, they're STILL not testing these thousands of child prisoners for Covid.

Democrats, this is what you voted for.

Vice President Kamala Harris is dodging a Wednesday request by President Joe Biden to bolster the enforcement of migration laws in Mexico and Latin American countries.

On March 24, in a televised statement, Biden directed Harris to get the Mexican and Central American governments to forcibly block poor migrants moving towards the United States. Biden said: “The Vice President … agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept returnees and enhance migration enforcement at their borders — at their borders.” [emphasis added]

Biden said that Harris would work with “the countries that need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border,” and added that it was a “tough job.”

On Friday, Symone Sanders, Harris’s press secretary, redefined the request.

“The president asked the vice president to take on the diplomatic effort, with Mexico and countries in the northern triangle to address the root causes of migration,” she said. “There are many reasons that move these folks to make this dangerous journey.”

“This is an amazing dismissal by a vice president of her president in a very public fashion,” said Ken Cuccinelli, who served as deputy homeland security chief under President Donald Trump. “I cannot ever remember seeing this happen before.”

He continued:
Harris’s avoidance of enforcement or any attempt to stem illegal immigration flow points out that they actually want large numbers of illegal aliens to come into the country. Their other legislative and executive actions make clear they intend to then give them amnesty and have them registered to vote and ultimately of course to vote.
According to the video of his statement, Biden asked Harris to do much more than Sanders’ claim of “take on the diplomatic effort.”

Biden said:
It’s our responsibility to deal with [the migration], humanely, and to in to stop what’s happening. So this [migration] increase has been consequential, but the Vice President has agreed … — and I appreciate it — agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept the returnees, and enhance migration enforcement at their borders, and their borders.
We’re already talking with Mexico about that. She’s already done that. We’re dealing with a full team, now that we have to been able to deal with problems here at home, but also to deal with it now in terms of in-countries.
And I can think of nobody who is better qualified to do this than … the woman who ran the second largest Attorney General’s office in America, after the United States Attorney General in the state of California, and has done a great deal of upholding human rights but also fighting organized crime in the process.
So, it is not her full responsibility in the job, but she’s leading the effort.
I think the best thing to do is to put someone who when he or she speaks [people] don’t have to wonder about “Is that where the President is?” When she speaks, she speaks for me.. [She] doesn’t have to check with me, she knows what she’s doing, and I hope we can move this along.
So Madam Vice President, thank you. I gave you a tough job and you’re smiling.
Harris doesn't care about these children...she doesn't care about the massive humanitarian crisis....she laughs at them.
She's not even making an initial exploratory trip to the border!
No involvement, then no commitment.

EVERYTHING that's happening at the border; the concentration camps, the lack of Covid testing/vaccinations, the sexual assaults on children, the cooperation with the cartels and the child traffickers, and the media/oversight blackouts, is happening with the full knowledge and participation of the Biden administration. They ordered all of it.
She's not even making an initial exploratory trip to the border!
No involvement, then no commitment.

EVERYTHING that's happening at the border; the concentration camps, the lack of Covid testing/vaccinations, the sexual assaults on children, the cooperation with the cartels and the child traffickers, and the media/oversight blackouts, is happening with the full knowledge and participation of the Biden administration. They ordered all of it.

This is their trade off in order to expand their future voting bloc.
Pretty clear who's really in charge. I guess those concentration camps at the border are really Kamala's. It makes sense, since locking up brown people is pretty much her reason for living.

By the way, they're STILL not testing these thousands of child prisoners for Covid.

Democrats, this is what you voted for.

Vice President Kamala Harris is dodging a Wednesday request by President Joe Biden to bolster the enforcement of migration laws in Mexico and Latin American countries.

On March 24, in a televised statement, Biden directed Harris to get the Mexican and Central American governments to forcibly block poor migrants moving towards the United States. Biden said: “The Vice President … agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept returnees and enhance migration enforcement at their borders — at their borders.” [emphasis added]

Biden said that Harris would work with “the countries that need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border,” and added that it was a “tough job.”

On Friday, Symone Sanders, Harris’s press secretary, redefined the request.

“The president asked the vice president to take on the diplomatic effort, with Mexico and countries in the northern triangle to address the root causes of migration,” she said. “There are many reasons that move these folks to make this dangerous journey.”

“This is an amazing dismissal by a vice president of her president in a very public fashion,” said Ken Cuccinelli, who served as deputy homeland security chief under President Donald Trump. “I cannot ever remember seeing this happen before.”

He continued:
Harris’s avoidance of enforcement or any attempt to stem illegal immigration flow points out that they actually want large numbers of illegal aliens to come into the country. Their other legislative and executive actions make clear they intend to then give them amnesty and have them registered to vote and ultimately of course to vote.
According to the video of his statement, Biden asked Harris to do much more than Sanders’ claim of “take on the diplomatic effort.”

Biden said:
It’s our responsibility to deal with [the migration], humanely, and to in to stop what’s happening. So this [migration] increase has been consequential, but the Vice President has agreed … — and I appreciate it — agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept the returnees, and enhance migration enforcement at their borders, and their borders.
We’re already talking with Mexico about that. She’s already done that. We’re dealing with a full team, now that we have to been able to deal with problems here at home, but also to deal with it now in terms of in-countries.
And I can think of nobody who is better qualified to do this than … the woman who ran the second largest Attorney General’s office in America, after the United States Attorney General in the state of California, and has done a great deal of upholding human rights but also fighting organized crime in the process.
So, it is not her full responsibility in the job, but she’s leading the effort.
I think the best thing to do is to put someone who when he or she speaks [people] don’t have to wonder about “Is that where the President is?” When she speaks, she speaks for me.. [She] doesn’t have to check with me, she knows what she’s doing, and I hope we can move this along.
So Madam Vice President, thank you. I gave you a tough job and you’re smiling.

Why should she listen to the crazy old coot occupying her chair.
The illegals should not be allowed in the country while awaiting a decision on their status.

Trump had the border pretty well taken care of. He had Mexico send their army to the border to keep the South American fake asylum seekers out.

Anyone asking for asylum in the US had to wait in Mexico for their court date.

Leave it to the Dems to fuck up a good thing.
The illegals should not be allowed in the country while awaiting a decision on their status.

Trump had the border pretty well taken care of. He had Mexico send their army to the border to keep the South American fake asylum seekers out.

Anyone asking for asylum in the US had to wait in Mexico for their court date.

Leave it to the Dems to fuck up a good thing.

For the Dems, a border under control was a BAD thing. They WANT the concentration camps, the cartels, the disease, and the trafficking. It all brings in potential Democrat voters and that's the ONLY thing that matters to them. They don't give a shit if a few hundred thousand women and kids get raped or die from thirst and heat exposure in the desert, as long as enough get through to keep them in power.
The illegals should not be allowed in the country while awaiting a decision on their status.

Trump had the border pretty well taken care of. He had Mexico send their army to the border to keep the South American fake asylum seekers out.

Anyone asking for asylum in the US had to wait in Mexico for their court date.

Leave it to the Dems to fuck up a good thing.

For the Dems, a border under control was a BAD thing. They WANT the concentration camps, the cartels, the disease, and the trafficking. It all brings in potential Democrat voters and that's the ONLY thing that matters to them. They don't give a shit if a few hundred thousand women and kids get raped or die from thirst in the desert, as long as enough get through to keep them in power.

They want votes.
Harris has to be PISSED Joe just named her to resolve the Border DISASTER because if / WHEN it fails all the blame will be placed on HER, severely damaging her chances of running in 2024 for the presidency. Joe has just 'flicked the booger' and it landed on Kala's forehead. :p

Does anyone truly believe the Liberal Extremist who compared ICE to the KKK and who declared she wanted to DE-criminalize illegal immigration is going to save our sovereignty by securing the borders and stop the massive influx of illegals, children, Cartels, and Coyotes?
Pretty clear who's really in charge. I guess those concentration camps at the border are really Kamala's. It makes sense, since locking up brown people is pretty much her reason for living.

By the way, they're STILL not testing these thousands of child prisoners for Covid.

Democrats, this is what you voted for.

Vice President Kamala Harris is dodging a Wednesday request by President Joe Biden to bolster the enforcement of migration laws in Mexico and Latin American countries.

On March 24, in a televised statement, Biden directed Harris to get the Mexican and Central American governments to forcibly block poor migrants moving towards the United States. Biden said: “The Vice President … agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept returnees and enhance migration enforcement at their borders — at their borders.” [emphasis added]

Biden said that Harris would work with “the countries that need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border,” and added that it was a “tough job.”

On Friday, Symone Sanders, Harris’s press secretary, redefined the request.

“The president asked the vice president to take on the diplomatic effort, with Mexico and countries in the northern triangle to address the root causes of migration,” she said. “There are many reasons that move these folks to make this dangerous journey.”

“This is an amazing dismissal by a vice president of her president in a very public fashion,” said Ken Cuccinelli, who served as deputy homeland security chief under President Donald Trump. “I cannot ever remember seeing this happen before.”

He continued:
Harris’s avoidance of enforcement or any attempt to stem illegal immigration flow points out that they actually want large numbers of illegal aliens to come into the country. Their other legislative and executive actions make clear they intend to then give them amnesty and have them registered to vote and ultimately of course to vote.
According to the video of his statement, Biden asked Harris to do much more than Sanders’ claim of “take on the diplomatic effort.”

Biden said:
It’s our responsibility to deal with [the migration], humanely, and to in to stop what’s happening. So this [migration] increase has been consequential, but the Vice President has agreed … — and I appreciate it — agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept the returnees, and enhance migration enforcement at their borders, and their borders.
We’re already talking with Mexico about that. She’s already done that. We’re dealing with a full team, now that we have to been able to deal with problems here at home, but also to deal with it now in terms of in-countries.
And I can think of nobody who is better qualified to do this than … the woman who ran the second largest Attorney General’s office in America, after the United States Attorney General in the state of California, and has done a great deal of upholding human rights but also fighting organized crime in the process.
So, it is not her full responsibility in the job, but she’s leading the effort.
I think the best thing to do is to put someone who when he or she speaks [people] don’t have to wonder about “Is that where the President is?” When she speaks, she speaks for me.. [She] doesn’t have to check with me, she knows what she’s doing, and I hope we can move this along.
So Madam Vice President, thank you. I gave you a tough job and you’re smiling.

Biden is as much a part of this mess as anyone.
He's just the guy signing everything making it legal
Pretty clear who's really in charge. I guess those concentration camps at the border are really Kamala's. It makes sense, since locking up brown people is pretty much her reason for living.

By the way, they're STILL not testing these thousands of child prisoners for Covid.

Democrats, this is what you voted for.

Vice President Kamala Harris is dodging a Wednesday request by President Joe Biden to bolster the enforcement of migration laws in Mexico and Latin American countries.

On March 24, in a televised statement, Biden directed Harris to get the Mexican and Central American governments to forcibly block poor migrants moving towards the United States. Biden said: “The Vice President … agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept returnees and enhance migration enforcement at their borders — at their borders.” [emphasis added]

Biden said that Harris would work with “the countries that need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border,” and added that it was a “tough job.”

On Friday, Symone Sanders, Harris’s press secretary, redefined the request.

“The president asked the vice president to take on the diplomatic effort, with Mexico and countries in the northern triangle to address the root causes of migration,” she said. “There are many reasons that move these folks to make this dangerous journey.”

“This is an amazing dismissal by a vice president of her president in a very public fashion,” said Ken Cuccinelli, who served as deputy homeland security chief under President Donald Trump. “I cannot ever remember seeing this happen before.”

He continued:

According to the video of his statement, Biden asked Harris to do much more than Sanders’ claim of “take on the diplomatic effort.”

Biden said:


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