President Biden's Speech to the Nation

My god that was weak, dishonest and absolutely worthless. Talking points that have nothing to do what happened over the past few days.

This was a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED speech and that dog don't hunt.

The sonofabitch said that it was never the mission to nation build but yet he was part of the Worthless Negro's escalation of the war that centered on nation building. Blatant lie.

He said that the mission was always to get Bin Laden but he was the one in the Worthless Negro's administration that opposed getting Bin Laden because he thought it was too risky.

He tried to spin the discussion on the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan when the problem is how he fucked it up. That is why the shithead didn't even take questions. Chickenshit!

He mentioned that the embassy is at the airport now but failed to mention that it is in McDonald's.

The shithead said that the most important thing in foreign policy is "human rights". How about America's security??? Huh?

He shows no shame for his debacle.

The question isn't whether we should leave; it's how you totally and completely fucked up the withdrawal.

Read a teleprompter for 5 minutes and left. No questions. Guess they couldn’t keep him coherent much longer that that. He was a little stuttery the last minute or so.

He is pathetic and weak and anybody that voted for him and then ignored the fact he stole the election is a fucking idiot.

The President will now return to Camp David, the White House announces.

Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) August 16, 2021
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Biden took no questions. We know why.

And now they have packed him up and right back to Camp David with his sorry ass.
Freedom and Liberty must be fought for
The Afghans wanted us to do it for them

If they are not willing to fight for freedom, neither should we

At least the South Vietnamese fought for several years. And had we given them air cover they may have beaten the Viet Cong/North Vietnamese back.
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Freedom and Liberty must be fought for
The Afghans wanted us to do it for them

If they are not willing to fight for freedom, neither should we
Neither is Germany, Italy or Poland, who also pulled their troops out of Afghanistan.

But it's all Biden's fault for carrying out Trump's exit deal.

Not the decision that‘s bad. A decision that should have been made and was actually before he was in office. It’s the execution that was blundered so awfully. I don’t think anyone with an understanding of the situation there is faulting the actual decision to get out. But you can’t fuck up the actual pull out this badly and not get a ton of blowback.
The Afghan army folded before we were even gone, yeah so why would we continue to give aid to a country not willing to fight for their own freedom? And I realize many afghanis worked with the US but seriously there is no way to vet these people and their families in order to bring them to the US.
Hunker in da bunker world 'cause Uncle Sam ain't yo orotector no 'mo.

The Pacific was handed to China; now the Great Xiden Giveaway. And he didn't even send Hunter to ask them for a campaign contribution!

Oh, that Democrat thing about equality for women? Yeah. Equal in being barefoot and pregnant.
But it won't bother you - not until their imported Taliban presidential candidate wins. But not for long because they don't tolerate dissent - that's why their God made knives.

Here we all thought Xiden was demented but, nay, he's just channeling America's First Peanut Farmer president.

Blinken reaches out to China and Russia on Afghanistan​

Immediately upon receipt of the communication from Secretary Blinken both Russian and the CCP recognized the Afghan Taliban regime and pledged their support. :laughing0301:
US GIs no longer make the difference on the battlefield.
Admission of Superpower decline by Biden.
right---"fight does not always mean BOOTS ON THE GROUND" Biden threw a
once glorious civilization under the bus
No excuses. No apologies. To the point. Direct. A Presidential speech.

He was right that it was up to the Afghans to fight for their future.

Great Speech.

Agreed. Sort of surprising....actually.
Neo-con heads with vested interests in war incorporated are definitely going to explode, though.

I imagine the steady stream of fear porn will start immediately. The sob stories will also likely start up, given 9/11 is around the corner.

They're gonna lay it on thick, 24/7 terrorvision, no doubt.
You nailed it here. My thoughts exactly. Get ready for foul Afghan savages being packed into our nation.

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