President Barack Obama has been excellent!

It is great that people are having these discussions.

I mean, after all, we do elect a monarch....don't we.

Obama did all this under his leadership and with no help from the governemnt.

And this was all done with factors completely under his control.

Oh wait.....let's come back to reality.

Our system is set up precicely to prevent one person from screwing up the works. And even thought Obama has wiped his ass with our constitution.....things do seem to be getting better.

Acribing any of it to Obama is hysterical.

That or Sallow is calling all those Americans who voted out a huge number of democratic congressmen and Senators.....idiots.

But, Sallow knows best....

That or he is actually buying into Chris's spam.

If Obama wins, it is only because the GOP is a mess.
And they are. They are still reeling from the TEA Party folks that the people sent them in 2010...
And the TEA Party folks were precisely sent BY the people to save the GOP from themselves. The GOP Blue-Bloods won't hear of it. They have holes left by the Democrats to fill as the Democrats slide farther left.
-Bin Laden dead. good
-Lilly Ledbetter law passed. a repeat of laws in place
-Auto industry thriving. yeah, we are deeper in debt and I now can't afford old cars b/c so many are gone.
-UE going down. still behind that magic 8 ball
-Stock Market going up. and the rich get richer
-Al Qaeda on the run. fantasy.
-Gaddafi slabbed. he had jack squat to do with it.
-Pirates misted. see Gaddafi. fyi; there are still pirates, and you can thank Clinton for being a pussy, for that.
-Financial industry coming back. who?
-New forms of energy coming online. only green, and so many have gone under. coughmorewastedmoneycough
-Russian sleeper cell ousted. 00obama?
-Spook ops effectively introducing Iranian nuclear servers to the term "Virus". that was the hated Israel and it didn't even slow them down.
-Our Allies like us again. Not UK, Israel, France, Greece, Spain, etc etc. But the SA love us, cuz we still buy oil for the terrorist.
-Iraq war over. yeah, it was all him.

stick to the game plan man

big0 is all about fake war on women and fake rights to this and that.

stay off war, ue and the economy.

Yeah that's what I thought when I looked at the list.

-Auto industry thriving. No it's not, lol...Is this a joke list?

-Iraq war over. Obama wanted to stay, we were kicked out on the deadline Bush set...

-Our Allies like us again. No they don't lol.. What changed even if they do? Nothing because it's not true.

-UE going down. UE is higher than Obama said it would be, and for a lot longer. UE also only goes down because 300-400k people that fall off the ass end get counted as jobs created more or less.

-New forms of energy coming online. Name one and where it is and how much of an impact it has over all, then add in the debt created to get it and give us an idea of if it has been worth it. Then show us it will last, if you can find one.

-Financial industry coming back. At best Obama and the FED's dumped Trillions on the markets and their rich friends, that made numbers go up but the middle class is worse off today than it was when Obama took office.

Man Swallow, that's a retarded list.
What the heck:

-Bin Laden dead.
-Lilly Ledbetter law passed.
-Auto industry thriving.
-UE going down.
-Stock Market going up.
-Al Qaeda on the run.
-Gaddafi slabbed.
-Pirates misted.
-Financial industry coming back.
-New forms of energy coming online.
-Russian sleeper cell ousted.
-Spook ops effectively introducing Iranian nuclear servers to the term "Virus".
-Our Allies like us again.
-Iraq war over.

That work? Grandpa? :clap2:


With the economy finally healing however slowly I wouldn't feel too badly about a 2nd Obama term if it weren't for his propensity to do things which are likely to be clogging our judicial system for years as the courts weigh their constitutionality.

Every time I start feeling somewhat calm about the prospect of 4 more years of Obama, my mind circles back around to the constitutional issue and that's a stopper.
And what of him public admitting that he ..."Wasn't going to wait for the Congress..."?

Speaks volumes in my mind as to loathing and admitting that the Constitution is in his way, and why he loathes this Republic and will do anything and everything to damage it permanently?

He needs to GO.
What the heck:

-Bin Laden dead.
-Lilly Ledbetter law passed.
-Auto industry thriving.
-UE going down.
-Stock Market going up.
-Al Qaeda on the run.
-Gaddafi slabbed.
-Pirates misted.
-Financial industry coming back.
-New forms of energy coming online.
-Russian sleeper cell ousted.
-Spook ops effectively introducing Iranian nuclear servers to the term "Virus".
-Our Allies like us again.
-Iraq war over.

That work? Grandpa? :clap2:


Good christ in a side car. The fuck ain't worth a red piss.


What the heck:

-Bin Laden dead.
-Lilly Ledbetter law passed.
-Auto industry thriving.
-UE going down.
-Stock Market going up.
-Al Qaeda on the run.
-Gaddafi slabbed.
-Pirates misted.
-Financial industry coming back.
-New forms of energy coming online.
-Russian sleeper cell ousted.
-Spook ops effectively introducing Iranian nuclear servers to the term "Virus".
-Our Allies like us again.
-Iraq war over.

That work? Grandpa? :clap2:


now, link to a specific policy that affected each of those.

We'll wait.

What? And give GW some of that credit, no way, he only gets the blame, its in the rules.
[ame=]Bush truly not concerned about bin laden - YouTube[/ame]
President Barack Obama has been excellent!

Where the word "excellent" means "atrocious." Yeah.

Otherwise? Not so much.

And I STILL give kudos to this President for authorizing the incursion into Pakistan to GETE Osama.

It was good. And getting that prick al-Awlaki was also good. More kudos to the President.

But aside from that, most of what he has done has been wrong-headed and dangerous and stupid.

He has indeed been a horrible President.
Obama has been so excellent his approvals are at 100%..

Oh wait, 54% of the people said they don't think he deserves to be re-elected..


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