Prerequisite to be in Biden Administration: Don't be a White Male


May 23, 2014

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
There's no doubt that the Democratic Party is by far the most racist party historically and presently in America.. alas .. they do have armies of ridiculous, yet dedicated anti-free speech propagandists.

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
Are you saying white males are not gay or transgender, I think your wrong. There is no such thing as a Marxist-Democrat!!

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.

Your headline mentions only race and sex, making me think of Garland, Blinkin, and Buttigieg, among others.

Then you added qualifications. Compare the qualifications of appointees to cabinet-level positions and ambassadorships under the Trump and Biden administrations. Explain how DeVoss got to be the education secretary when she had absolutely no experience in the field of education.

Explain how VP Harris is an unqualified token by comparing her qualifications with those who have held this position in previous administrations. Pence? Quayle? Palin didn't get in, but did she meet your standards for the office?

While you're at it, was Trump qualified for the office of POTUS?
Prerequisite to be in Biden Administration: Don't be a White Male


If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
Biden is racist bro.....against whites that is....

But he also racist against blacks too.....

He is basically racist against's exciting

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
Biden is racist bro.....against whites that is....

But he also racist against blacks too.....

He is basically racist against's exciting
Xiden is not racist against Russians. That's why we call him Putin's Bitch.

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
Biden is racist bro.....against whites that is....

But he also racist against blacks too.....

He is basically racist against's exciting
Xiden is not racist against Russians. That's why we call him Putin's Bitch.

Trump is Putin's bitch. He always was.

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
Biden is racist bro.....against whites that is....

But he also racist against blacks too.....

He is basically racist against's exciting
Xiden is not racist against Russians. That's why we call him Putin's Bitch.

Trump is Putin's bitch. He always was.
Xiden gave Putin the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to refinance his military modernization.
WTF did Trump do for Russia besides putting sanctions on them? Nothing. Stop with the bullshit talking points.

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
If you were anything but white, you would not make the cut into Trump's administration. Trump had a bunch of inexperienced white men in his inner circle who did not give advice but did take orders. Truth to power was not in the cards as indicated by all the firings. There are many qualified black, gay, transgender or a combination of any of the three in the Biden administration since all members of our culture should be recognized, and are included. Pence is qualified? For what?

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
Biden is racist bro.....against whites that is....

But he also racist against blacks too.....

He is basically racist against's exciting
Xiden is not racist against Russians. That's why we call him Putin's Bitch.

Trump is Putin's bitch. He always was.
Xiden gave Putin the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to refinance his military modernization.
WTF did Trump do for Russia besides putting sanctions on them? Nothing. Stop with the bullshit talking points.

Everyone knows Biden works for Putin.......which is why Putin did everything he could to help him win.....including ordering Dominion to change all of the votes to Biden

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
Biden is racist bro.....against whites that is....

But he also racist against blacks too.....

He is basically racist against's exciting
Xiden is not racist against Russians. That's why we call him Putin's Bitch.
And what do you call the blob, who licked Putin's ass at every turn?

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
Biden is racist bro.....against whites that is....

But he also racist against blacks too.....

He is basically racist against's exciting
Xiden is not racist against Russians. That's why we call him Putin's Bitch.
And what do you call the blob, who licked Putin's ass at every turn?

But he didn’t. The facts don’t lie but the MSM does.

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
Biden is racist bro.....against whites that is....

But he also racist against blacks too.....

He is basically racist against's exciting
Xiden is not racist against Russians. That's why we call him Putin's Bitch.
And what do you call the blob, who licked Putin's ass at every turn?
All stories about Russian collusion were proven false. Hillary worked with the Russians in 2016. That's a fact.

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
If you were anything but white, you would not make the cut into Trump's administration. Trump had a bunch of inexperienced white men in his inner circle who did not give advice but did take orders. Truth to power was not in the cards as indicated by all the firings. There are many qualified black, gay, transgender or a combination of any of the three in the Biden administration since all members of our culture should be recognized, and are included. Pence is qualified? For what?
Pence was a great VP. Trump firings? He doesn't tolerate incompetence. Biden hired it and will tolerate it to the end.

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
Biden is racist bro.....against whites that is....

But he also racist against blacks too.....

He is basically racist against's exciting
Xiden is not racist against Russians. That's why we call him Putin's Bitch.
And what do you call the blob, who licked Putin's ass at every turn?
Link please. You keep confusing the bullshit democrat talking points with facts.
Remember the Russia Collusion hoax?
Remember who actually worked with Russia and paid for the "Steele Dossier"? (Hillary and the DNC)
Prerequisite to be in Biden Administration: Don't be a White Male

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Another example of the left wing freak show.
Ask these lying libs why don't they address the fact that Hunter Biden received emails from Russian officials promising dirt on Trump because they thought it would help his Daddy win the election....

And did Biden turn down that help?? Nope...he had multiple meetings with those Russians and lied about it....that is smoking gun evidence....but the lib media won't tell you about it...

If you are black, gay, transgender, or a combination of any of the three you are on a fast track to be on Team Biden. Forget actual qualifications. As long as you're a Marxist-Democrat and part of the fucking "woke culture" you are in at Biden administration. This administration is racist and sadly has a long list of unqualified tokens in the government beginning with Kamala Harris.
Biden is racist bro.....against whites that is....

But he also racist against blacks too.....

He is basically racist against's exciting
Xiden is not racist against Russians. That's why we call him Putin's Bitch.
And what do you call the blob, who licked Putin's ass at every turn?
All stories about Russian collusion were proven false. Hillary worked with the Russians in 2016. That's a fact.
Nothing was proven "false". It simply was not proven true or false.

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